I Will Happily Disarm Myself |
Revelation 12:12
*** Many misinterpret the following verses about the thief in the night. They stop reading after verse 2 ... “The Lord so cometh as a thief in the night; for when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.” 1 Thessalonians 5:2-6; Mark 13:33, 37 * Excerpted and adapted full original message herefrom Pastor Mike Taylor |
Shooting Down Gun Control Memes
2-20-18, Daniel Greenfield -- In 2016, Muslim terrorist Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel from Tunisia killed 86 people and wounded another 458 ... with a truck. The killer had brought along a gun, but it proved largely ineffective. Mohammed, who was no genius, used his truck to kill more people than Stephen Paddock [59 dead, 10/1/17] in Las Vegas. |
Deadlier than the truck is the jet plane. Nearly 3,000 people were killed on September 11, 2001 by Islamic terrorists with a plane and some box cutters.
And then there are always the bombs.
The Boston Marathon bomber wounded 264, a suicide bomber at the Manchester Arena last year wounded 250 and the Oklahoma City Bombing (the only non-Islamic terror attack on the list) killed 168 and wounded 680.
And knives.
Japan knife attack: 19 or more deaths
7-26-2016, CNN -- Former employee of Japanese facility for disabled people turns himself in after killing 19 people with a knife.
Record Breaking Price or Value of Five Gemstones
The world’s largest emerald ever uncovered in a single shard, the Bahia Emerald weighs approximately 1.7 million carats, or 752 lbs. It was discovered in the Bahia region of eastern Brazil.
2-2-11, Human Events' readers, in an online poll, recently voted billionaire financier George Soros "the single most destructive leftist demagogue in the country."
From Cyprus to Syria: Turkey’s Continued Invasions
On January 20, 2018 the Turkish military began an invasion of the Kurdish-controlled Afrin region in northern Syria. Turkey’s government, led by caliphate wannabee, Tayyip Erdogan, has declared that its operation aims “to preserve Syria’s territorial integrity,” remove “terrorist elements,” and protect civilians.
- Showdown in Afrin Syria: Turkey’s Attack on Syria’s Kurds https://www.thenation.com/article/showdown-in-afrin-turkeys-attack...
Approximately on January 19, 2018 Turkey opened a new front in the Syrian war by using its air force against the Syrian Kurdish canton of Afrin -- who had done absolutely nothing to provoke this attack — even while the battle against ISIS continues in Deir Ezzor, where the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), led by the Kurdish YPG-YPJ, are fighting with US support. Turkey’s attack on the Syrian Kurds has opened up a new front in the war, jeopardized its already fragile relationship with the USA and given a green light to Islamic jihadis to attack the Kurds. ... Rather than soothing the Turkish dictator, Tayyip Recep Erdogan, the United States should induce him to stop persecuting the Kurds in Syria and Turkey and reopen negotiations with the PKK, as well as return Turkey to a condition approaching democracy. More here
7-21-16, Fox News - If today's Western leaders possess one general trait, it's a genius for self-deception; insisting that Islamist terror has nothing to do with Islam. Timur Dynasty here
Kids Then and Now
Divorce was extremely rare, so we all had parents. Whether it is better that unhappy couples stay together or that they divorce can be argued, but they then did stay together.
ADHD did not exist. Boys are competitive, physical animals full of wild energy and need–need–to work it off. Boredom and enforced inactivity are awful for them. Two or three hours daily of fast-break pick-up basketball did this. If you force boys to sit rigidly in school, with no recess or only physically limited play, they will be miserable. If you then force them to take Ritalin, an approximate amphetamine, they will be miserable with modified brain chemistry.
I think feminism plays a large part in the collapse of society in general and specifically in pushing boys over the edge. In my school years boys were allowed to be boys. Neither sex was denigrated. Doing so would have occurred to nobody. Then came a prejudice against boys, powerful today.
... the school was apolitical. School was where you learned algebra and geography, or at least learned at them. The teachers, both men and women, assumed this. The white kids were not endlessly told that they were reprehensible and the cause of the world’s problems.
All of this affected society in its entirety, but especially white boys. They are constantly told that being white is shameful, that any masculine interest is pathological, that they are rapists in waiting. They are subjected to torturous boredom and inactivity, and drugged when they respond poorly. They go to schools that do not like them and that stack the deck against them. Many are fatherless. All have access to psychoactive drugs.
Add it up.
* Full article here
Note: Fred doesn't cover the fact that the majority of our government, society and family units have divorced God. Clearly that's the fundamental cause of all mankind's problems.
2-18-19, USA Today has named Baltimore the most dangerous city in the country.
- Was born William "Billy" F. Graham in Charlotte, N.C., to William Franklin and Morrow Coffey Graham, who died 1962 and 1981, respectively.
- Made a decision for Christ in 1934 as a teen through the ministry of traveling evangelist Mordecai Ham
- Was ordained to ministry by a Southern Baptist Convention church in 1939
- Graduated from Florida Bible Institute (Trinity College) in 1940 and earned his B.A. degree from Wheaton College in 1943
- Married fellow Wheaton student Ruth McCue Bell in 1943, who was born to missionary parents in China
- Fathered with Ruth Graham: Virginia, Anne Morrow, Ruth Bell, William Franklin, III, Nelson Edman; and has 20 grandchildren and numerous great-grandchildren
- Served as pastor of First Baptist Church in Western Springs, Ill. from 1943-1945
- Founded the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) in Minneapolis, Minn., and began airing his "Hour of Decision" weekly radio program in 1950
- Since 1947 has published approximately three dozen works; his first published book titled Calling Youth to Christ
- Has received numerous awards and honors, with his first being bestowed in 1948 when he was counted among Gallup Poll's "Ten Most Admired Men in the World" nearly 60 times
- Last live message in 2013 at age 95 - two minute video here
God Is Making His Jewels,
and You Are One of Them!
In our physical world, when one talks of jewels, he or she refers to some very precious, beautiful, rare and expensive stones, metals or pearls. The Bible speaks of treasures, of precious stones and of incredibly beautiful jewels. The prophet Malachi wrote of such a spiritual treasure:
“Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord listened and heard them; so a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who meditate on His name. ‘They shall be mine,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘On the day that I make them My jewels’.” Malachi 3:16-17
We usually do not think of ourselves as jewels. Yet that is precisely what God thinks of us! We are His jewels in the making—we are His special treasure and when we are finished, our Savior “shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.” Philippians 3:21
Never lose track of that when you are going through trials; we are being polished and prepared. What Malachi prophesied is now happening.
* Excerpted and adapted full original message by Bernard Hongerloot here: https://www.ucg.org/united-news/god-is-making-his-jewels-and-you-are-one-of-them
[1] A carbonado weighing 3,600 carats was found in Brazil, but it was not made of gem-quality material.)
Germany: Meet Jens Spahn, Merkel's Possible Successor "What is clear at any rate: the financing [of imams] by foreign actors must stop." -- Jens Spahn, Deutsche Welle.
2-19-18, Jens Spahn, 36, has quickly risen to become a leader of the conservative wing of Angela Merkel's CDU party.
Merkel Is On the Way Out
Unfortunately for Merkel, increasing numbers of Germans see her leadership as unbending and worn out. While the 12-year chancellor has a supremely impressive economic record to her name, she has suffered public anger over her immigration and Greek debt bailout policies. The refugee concern is especially pronounced in that many conservatives believe Merkel was fundamentally wrong to allow more than 1 million refugees to settle in their country.
"It's one thing to talk to Jesus, it's another thing when Jesus talks to you," Behar said in response. "That's called mental illness ...
Meghan McCain Apologizes to Mike Pence for Joy Behar...
She referenced Tuesday's segment where Behar made the mental illness quip and complained that ...
2-14-18, Fox News -- The women of ABC News' “The View” took a shot a Vice President Mike Pence’s Christian faith, mocking the former governor of Indiana for talking to Jesus; the said:
Joy Behar: “It’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you. Hearing voices is a “mental illness.” She then uncomfortably joked, “Can he talk to Mary Magdalene without his wife in the room?”
Shepard then said that the key is “moderation” and anything that is “too much” is concerning.
“Do we want our politics served to us with a religious veneer over them?” Hostin asked. “This administration is not a values-driven administration.” More here
Over 25k Call ABC to Complain After Joy Behar Attacks ...
The comments have drawn immediate criticism from Christians, with ABC receiving approximately 25,363 calls all related to Behar's comments.
The hand-written copy of the proposed Bill of Rights, 1789, cropped to show only the text that ... A View of the Constitution of the United States of America.
27 Jun, 2016, USA Today -- The Supreme Court of the US ruled against two plaintiffs in Voisine v. United States, a case for gun ownership rights. Voisine and Armstrong argued that a federal law that barred them from owning firearms because of misdemeanor domestic violence convictions violated their constitutional rights. In a 6-2 ruling, the court upheld the opinion that domestic violence convictions can result in gun ownership restrictions. Judge Thomas grilled the government's attorney on whether any other constitutional rights could be suspended due to a misdemeanor conviction? More here
Two Hundred Twenty One Years Ago
President Washington Prophesied a Divided America
2-19-18, * -- In September 1796 America's first President, George Washington, articulated a vision for the United States in his farewell address. It did not include political parties or class warfare--two ingredients that have culminated in a divided nation just as Washington prophesied 221 years ago. Washington said,
"Citizens, by birth or choice, of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism more than any appellation derived from local discriminations. With slight shades of difference, you have the same religion, manners, habits, and political principles."
How far have "We the People" strayed from this statement? In the name of progress, we have become a nation without pride of patriotism. We have so many religions and versions of religions that we have barely no religion at all.
By Washington's standards, we have lost our bearing on what it is to be an American--that citizens assimilate the national properties of religion, manners, habits and political principles rather than becoming a melting pot of diverse beliefs and practices.
Washington warned, "You cannot shield yourselves too much against the jealousies and heart burnings which spring from these misrepresentations; they tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection...they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."
Washington believed an inoculation against the undermining of political parties was electing moral and religious leaders; he said:
"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them."
As Exodus 18:21 says regarding good government: "provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness..."
Something to contemplate as we celebrate Washington's birth. [Feb 22, 1732]
Excerpt of President Washington's Farewell Address:
* Excerpted and adapted from Bill Wilson's DAILY JOT - full original message here
Another Dog Food Company Has Recalled Food Tainted With a Euthanasia Drug
In February 2017 ...
Grain Pet Food Inc. announced its recall yesterday afternoon, while Evanger’s dog food recalled its food earlier this month after five dogs got sick, and one died eating its food.
Evanger's of Wheeling, IL is voluntarily recalling specific lots of its Hunk of Beef product because of a potential ...
NOW in February 2018 it's Smucker ... Euthanasia drug found in dog food, already blamed for one doggie death.
- Gravy Train with T-Bone Flavor Chunks, 13.2-ounce can, UPC 7910052541
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- Kibbles ‘N Bits Chef’s Choice Bistro Tender Cuts with Real Beef & Vegetables in Gravy, 13.2-ounce can, UPC 7910010375
- Kibbles ‘N Bits Chef’s Choice Bistro Tender Cuts with Real Turkey, Bacon & Vegetables in Gravy, 13.2-ounce can, UPC 7910010378
- Kibbles ‘N Bits Chef’s Choice Homestyle Tender Slices with Real Beef, Chicken & Vegetables in Gravy, 13.2-ounce can, UPC 7910010380
- Ol’ Roy Strips Turkey Bacon, 13.2-ounce can, UPC 8113117570
- Skippy Premium Chunks in Gravy Chunky Stew, 13.2-ounce can, UPC 79100502469
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- Skippy Premium Strips in Gravy with Beef, 13.2-ounce can, UPC 7910050245
Did the FBI really fall for the Fallacious Steele dossier?
Senator Lindsey Graham confirmed the Steele bogus report was used to acquire wiretap and surveillance warrants from the FISA court. The FBI had political motivations? Graham said: "…The back-story to the FISA warrant is the cornerstone of both the FBI and the DOJ [Eric Holder] scheme. Expose it, remove it and the entire 'Russia conspiracy’ collapses under the weight of sunlight…"
See 7 minute video here
2-18-18, DailyCaller -- In Oct. 2016, the FBI and Justice Dept submitted an application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court [FISA] in order to obtain a spy warrant against a Trump campaign volunteer. A dossier/report was a significant part of the application, even though the salacious document was and remains largely unverified. AG Jeff Sessions said, “Let me tell you, every FISA warrant based on facts submitted to that court have to be accurate.”
2-13-18, PJMedia -- Investigative journalist, Sara Carter, reported on Fox News that FBI Deputy Dir Andrew McCabe may have altered documents. The 302 form contains information from the notes an FBI agent takes during an interview of a subject. It is used by FBI agents to “report or summarize the interviews that they conduct.”
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe stepping down
1-29-18, NBC News -- Reportedly, FBI Deputy Dir Andrew McCabe will remain on payroll until March 2018 to enable his full retirement benefits ... McCabe had served at the FBI since 1996 under former directors Robert Mueller and Comey.
6-24-17, Poland In the Holocaust in Poland, Poland suffered terribly during the brutal German occupation, and many Poles laid down their lives in defense of their battered nation and more than 6,000 Poles helped Jews during the war. They have been honored as Righteous Gentiles by Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial and research and education center in Jerusalem. At the end of the day, however, Poles must recognize and internalize the darker side of their history. They should not resist the notion that some of their fellow citizens, for whatever reasons, gladly collaborated with the Germans...
2-12-18, Border clashes involving Syria, Iran near Israel's northern border. A dangerous aspect of the Syrian conflict is that its roster of combatants continues to broaden. Russia and Iran are helping Syria run down U.S.-backed Muslim terrorist aka "rebels." ISIS has been routed from most of its territory, but still holds pockets of the Euphrates River valley. NATO member Turkey has been attacking U.S. backed Syrian Kurdish fighters in the country’s north, who helped defeat ISIS...
Zechariah 3:1-2; John 8:44; 1 John 3:8; 1 Peter 5:8-9; James 4:7
42 minute video here
Angry Yet Not Sinning
2-18-18, * -- Born again Christians are not called to a state of pulse-less passivity, no longer in possession of a backbone, lying down as our neighbor’s doormat. We live as people, redeemed people, but humans nonetheless. We feel the entire spectrum of God-created emotions: sorrow and happiness, peace and discontent, love and disdain, fear, anger, and more. Anger is one of them.
There is a righteous anger that should exist in the heart of the redeemed. As with Jesus’ anger toward the money changers (John 2:15), and Paul’s anger toward false teachers (Galatians 5:12).
Anger is a right response to evil and injustice. There is a fine line, however, between anger and hatred; deep seated resentment leads to hatred and goes well beyond anger. So “be angry, and do not sin,” remembering that “the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God” (James 1:20).
Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:14-16; John 2:13-14
An Impolitic Slumgullion; Diverser is Worser, Now What? - Diversity is Never a Good Idea
We hate each other.
Countries are happiest when they have one national culture, or at least one dominant culture to which all must perforce conform. We see this in countries like Japan and Korea, homogeneous societies which, because homogeneous, have no race riots or religious wars. It was largely true in, for example, Sweden and France until they began admitting immigrants from incompatible cultures. Today, most of the news from such countries deals with the consequences.
Diversity, never a good idea; it is in fact the cause of most of the world’s conflicts: Shia and Sunni, Jew and Arab, Hutu and Tutsi, Tamil and Sinhalese, Hindu and Muslim and in America, black, white and brown.
Until roughly the Sixties, America was homogeneous enough, overwhelmingly white, European, Anglophone and Christian. This provided sufficient commonalty that people all regarded themselves as Americans. At the same time, there were many geographically separated subcultures which had little in common and didn’t like each other, or wouldn’t have if they had come into contact. Massachusetts, Montana, Alabama, West Virginia, and New York were different civilizations.
It worked because the different sections had little contact with each other. Life was intensely local. Roads were poor, limiting commerce. There was of course no internet. Telephone calls were expensive and there was no direct long-distance dialing. The federal government lacked the capacity to dictate to local communities. Radio meant local AM stations. Businesses were mostly owned locally with few chains run from remote corporate offices.
People consequently lived among others like themselves, who had the same values and ideas about how things should be done. In Virginia high school boys drove to school with shotguns in deer season so as to get to the woods when classes ended. It would have been unthinkable in Boston. In the Bible Belt the Ten Commandments might be on the wall in the courthouse, which everyone thought natural. Tidewater Virginia believed in gentility while West Virginia liked a wild and rough freedom. These were not compatible yet there was no friction because pretty much everyone in these regions believed what everybody else did.
Then everything changed. Diversity began, not at first of people so much as of ideas. Reasons were several. Communications improved. Interstates appeared. The federal government gained in power and reach. The Supreme Court began making sweeping decisions on manners, morals and faith–that is, on culture and values–which it had not done before. Now Washington–New York, really–could enforce these decisions.
The result was unwanted cultural diversity. The Court decided in decision after decision that increasingly explicit pornography enjoyed protection as free speech, imposing an alien ideology on small towns in Kansas. This culminated in internet porn often accessible to children; uncontrolled and uncontrollable. Obscene music poured out of New York as local stations were bought by Manhattan, from which rap came–unfit, in most regions for a toilet wall. Towns could not defend themselves because of the doctrine of free speech and the massively increased power of the northeast. Television became national with similar trampling of local values of faith, propriety and race.
Particularly invasive was the newly invented doctrine of separation of church and state. For at least a hundred and fifty years no one, neither court nor individual, had noticed that the Constitution forbade manger scenes on the town square at Christmas, or the singing of carols on public streets, or mention of the Bible in schools. It was yet more compelled cultural diversity.
Then came the compulsory mixing of disparate populations that we usually think of today as “diversity.” First came the racial integration of blacks and whites, cultures with virtually nothing in common. It worked as well as was widely expected. The two differed sharply in manners, morals, attitudes to education, dress and acquiescence to law. The result was the disaster we see daily in the news.
The Latinos came. While they resembled whites much more than did blacks, they were racially distinct and differed in culture. Hostility arose among native whites, who liked their culture as it was.
In matters cultural, you can’t have it both ways. When you mix in schools populations whose values are contradictory–say, those who believe in clean language and those three quarters of whose discourse consists of “mother---ker,” one side has to give. You cannot require half of the studentry to follow a dress code while allowing the other half to wear pants almost around their ankles. Those who did not eat pork or did eat dogs coexisted uneasily with those who had opposing dietary ideas.
The less well diversity worked, the more furiously its advocates sought to impose it. Feminists arose, hostile to men and powerful enough to impose themselves on society. They pushed women into the infantry, where they did not fit and did not belong: more ill-advised diversity. Homosexuality went from being quietly tolerated to being taught to children in grade school though their parents abominated it.
Those inhabiting the extreme reaches of political correctness imagine a world as they think it should be and then try to move into it, dragging everyone else along. I think of the Beatles insipidly crooning “All You Need is Love” in eternal adolescent sanctimony. They of course hated those who disagreed with them. Obama, who transparently liked neither whitens or America, imported many hundreds of thousands of immigrants who were almost impossible to assimilate. It was, I suspect, revenge for 1619.
And so the papers carry endless stories of Islamophobia, dislike of Jews, attacks on Christianity, of misandry, looting of malls, burning of cities, White Nationalism, Black Lives Matter, calls for The Wall, novel policies regarding [men in girls] bathrooms, anger over Spanish on federal forms, affirmative action, perennial academic gaps, the demands of the various sexual curiosities, the Knockout Game, special privilege for this and that group. Resulting in a seething anger and despair over a country that many remember, but no longer exists.
*Excerpted and adapted full original message here:
Massacre In Florida With Baseball Bats
FBI also had advance notice about: Boston Marathon, Orlando Night Club 49 dead, Charleston Church 33 shot, Fort Hood 43 shot
The Apostle Paul Before Christ Was a Brute
then throw off your old evil nature ... the old
you that was a partner in your evil ways.
Ephesians 4:20-22
2-17-18, Billy Graham Archives -- The Apostle Paul before his conversion was called 'Saul of Tarsus;' he was not meek. Proudly and brutally, he apprehended all Christians and sought to destroy them. Acts 22:20 He was bigoted, selfish, and vaunted. But after he learned the truth of Christ and was converted, he wrote his warm and affectionate letter to the churches of Galatia, he said, among other things, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness ..."
Galatians 5:22-23
His meekness was God-given, not something man-made. It is not our nature to be meek. On the contrary, it is our nature to be proud and haughty. That is why the new birth is so essential. That's why Jesus pointedly said not only to Nicodemus, but to every one of us, “Marvel not that I say you must be born again!” John 3:3,7
Meekness begins there! You must have a change of nature.
America Babylon
Apostles Martyrdom
English Bible
Islam Terror
Lord's Supper
New Jerusalem
USA Presidents
US Politics
Jeremiah 6:11
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
Matthew 15:13; Mark 13:20; Luke 20:35
John 6:37, 39, 44, 65
Hebrews 9:15
Revelation 17:14
Jeremiah 4
Annette Greco-Meisner
[email protected]
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