God Cares for the Elderly3-7-22, Matthew Henry explains how the Lord God cares for us even when we're old and feeble. "Our spiritual life is upheld by almithty God's grace, as constantly as our natural life by His providence; and God will never leave them. The Author will be the Finisher [Hebrews 12:2] of our well-being, when, by decay they need help as much as in infancy and is applicable to every aged faithful follower of Christ. When compassed about with infirmities and perhaps those around begin to grow weary of us, yet God is Who He promised to be - He that you would have Me to be. If we trust, love and obey Him [John 14:15], we need not be anxious about our remaining days or years; He will still provide for us and watch over caring for us when perhaps no one else does. I will bear you up; carry you on your way and carry you home at last." [John 11:25-26] Thank you, Lord. Isaiah 46:4; Psalm 68:19, 71:9, 18 -- Source biblehub.com/commentaries/mhc/isaiah/46.htm
Joe Biden Delivered The Worst SOTU of All Time peoplealwayswin.com›2021…joe-biden…the-worst-sotu/ 3-1-22, Biden is finally hosting his first State of the Union and needless to say, it was a dystopian, angry, un-American mess. ... And here’s a stunning comparison between this sad display and Trump’s last SOTU. Biden’s America feels so depressing and sad. [..] His closing comment: 'GO GET EM!' What??
We Are Children of the Light!3-6-22, Matthew Henry reports on 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5 - "The Lord Jesus Christ did not reveal the time of His return to the apostles. There are times and seasons for us to work in and these are our duty and interest to know and observe; but as to the time when we must give up our account, we know it not, nor is it needful that we should. The coming of Christ will be a great surprise to men [the lost men]; our Lord himself said so. [Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32] The lost unrepentant sinner's destruction will overtake them while they dream of happiness pleasing themselves with lustful & vain amusements; Christ's coming will be terrible to them. There will be no means to escape the terror or the punishment of that day. However, this day will be a happy day to the born again righteous believer [John 3:3, 7]. They are not in darkness; they are the children of the Light; it's the happy condition of all true Christians."
Jesus said believers will know when He is at the doors. Watch. Mark 13:29, 33-37 Source IS UKRAINE GUILTY OF KILLING THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS IN DONBASS? |
3-5-22, TASS – Statement by Russia President Vladimir Putin: "What I am going to say may sound harsh. Yet the situation forces me to say aloud what has just occurred to me. As you may have heard, stray dogs these days begin to attack people in various regions. Some get injured. There have even been lethal cases. At as certain point, people begin to poison and shoot these animals; even the stray dogs were a separate problem and the local authorities are obliged to address it. "Now listen to this: the Donbass people are NOT stray dogs! Yet, 13,000-14,000 of them have been killed there over past eight years. | "More than 500 children have been killed or crippled. Moreover, the authorities in Kiev began to say outright lately that they are not going to implement these Minsk-2 agreements of 2015. They have been saying so all along on TV and on the Internet - everywhere! They state in public: We don’t like it, we won’t do it. In the meantime, Russia continued to be accused of failing to implement the agreements. But that’s nonsense. It’s absurd. They argue that white is black and that black is white." *https://bit.ly/3IOH1Tk |
Faith of Vladimir Putin: He was born October 7, 1952 in Leningrad [not St Petersburg] to a devout Christian mother and atheist father. In secret his mother baptised him Christian and he still wears his baptismal cross. Since he became President, Putin has cast himself as the true defender of Christians throughout the world. His relentless bombing of the anti Christ Islamic terrorist organization, ISIS, for example, was cast as the defence of the historic homeland of Christianity. And he will typically use faith as a way to knock the West, like he did in this speech in 2013:
“We see many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually rejecting their roots, including the Christian values that constitute the basis of Western civilisation. They are denying moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and even sexual. They are implementing policies that equate large families with same-sex partnerships, belief in God with the belief in Satan.”
Putin regards his spiritual destiny as the rebuilding of Christendom, based in Moscow. His spiritual feat of adopting Orthodoxy predetermined the overall basis of the culture, civilisation and human values that unite the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. He wants to do the same again. More here: unherd.com/2022/02/putins-spiritual-destiny/
Russia Tries to Stop Aborting Children
Russia Will Pay $14,000 in Cash to Families Who Have 3 or more Children [here]
3-3-19, Russia Insider -- Family, childbirth, procreation and respect for the elderly have always served as a powerful moral framework for Russia. ...
2-26-22, NewsUN.org -- While eleven of the Council’s 15 members voted in favor of the text to denounce Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates abstained. A ‘no’ vote from any one of the five permanent members of the Council stops action on any measure put before it. The body’s permanent members are: China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States - and Russia voted 'no'. The Security Council’s latest attempt to end the Ukraine crisis... the meeting of the 193-member General Assembly which saw speaker after speaker call for de-escalation failed to achieve their goal.
3-6-22, Russia's FREEDOM song "The Sacred War" written in 1941 about the war with Hitler; video here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il3FJMf4mSE *** History: In the Summer of 1941 Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa, the huge invasion of Russia. The Nazis imprison and kill many. Leningrad in the north (now St Petersburg) was besieged, Moscow was desperately defended and Stalingrad, in the south, is reached. In the snows of December 1942 the German 6th army is surrounded and captured. The Russians head out on the long, long road to Berlin; the death toll was horrendous. | The Russians got the upper hand against the Germans & their allies. Much equipment was given to Russia by Britain & the US, but the Russians develop one of the best tanks of WW2, the T34. Slowly but surely the Germans are pushed back. The Jews were released from concentration camps by the Russian army as they took more and more German territory. In May 1945 the Russians eventually retake Eastern Europe and meet with the US on the River Elbe in Germany. More here: theconversation.com/why-doesnt-russia-make-a-big-deal-about-its-role-in-liberating-nazi-holocaust-death-camps-36538 |
In 2014 UN Questioned Ukraine's Treatment of the People - In 2022 Nothing has changed...
UN concerned by Kiev’s economic blockade of eastern Ukraine 12-15-2014, TASS -- Report released by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva said question of: “the breach of the state’s [Ukraine's] obligation under the Intl Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to respect the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to health, education, social security and work.” | Video shows Neo-Nazi Azov Ukrainian 2022 - The far-right nationalist Azov Battalion pose a big threat not only to the Russian soldiers, but also t local civilians; apparently they threaten religious Muslims participating in the Russian action in Ukraine. Members of the Azov battalion, who are now blockaded in the city of Mariupol, reportedly refuse to obey and coordinate their actions with the command of the Ukrainian Army were killed ... More here |
12-16-14, Azov battalion soldiers take an oath of allegiance to Ukraine in Kiev's Sophia Square before being sent to the Donbass region. The report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights says that Kiev's actions in eastern Ukraine to “restore order have led to arbitrary detentions, torture, and enforced disappearances of people suspected of separatism and terrorism’. Most of such human rights violations appear to have been perpetrated by certain voluntary battalions or by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). The eighth OHCHR report on the human rights situation in Ukraine says that the procedural rights of people have not always been observed, with reports of ill-treatment and reprisals upon release. --- Attempt to whitewash Kiev's actions here www.rt.com/news/159388-un-report-ukraine-criticism/
3-5-22, In Luke 15:10 we see joy in the presence of God's angels over one sinner who repents and turns to the Savior Jesus. The reason of this joy is, because there is one rescued out of the clutches of Satan and another heir is born in God's family. Luke 2:10, 15:7, Philippians 1:18; -- Gill's Bible Exposition, biblehub.com/commentaries/gill/luke/15.htm
Ron Paul: Why is US involved in Ukraine? 3-23-15, The United States is being hypocritical in its response to the armed clashes between Kiev and pro-Russian groups in eastern Ukraine, former Congressman Ron Paul says. He refuses to follow the formula and be silent as the libertarians assess the crisis in Ukraine. Some would have us believe that a true commitment to liberty entails: |
| It should be obvious that Ron Paul holds no brief for Putin and the Kremlin. Let me inform the smear-artists and their dupes what Ron Paul is trying to do with his statements and articles about Ukraine and Russia (for example, here is Dr. Paul before the coup and one year after). He is not trying to support Putin’s government. He is doing what he has always done. He is trying to prevent US intervention. He is trying to stop war. www.antiwar.com/blog/2015/03/23/why-ron-paul-is-right-about-ukraine/ |
3-26-19, As it turned out, taxpayer funds were wasted for two years - there was no evidence of collusion between US President Trump and Russia in an attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election. Moreover, in the course of the investigation, it was established that Trump did nothing that could obstruct justice. But no investigation was done about the then VP Joe Biden's corruption in Ukraine in 2014... However, the United States imposed sanctions on public debt, officials and banks of Russia...
2-24-22, GatewayPundit -- Whatever Soros was involved within Ukraine, it was big enough that Soros got himself involved in the Russia collusion sham ... The deep swamp is filled with crooked USA politicians and bureaucrats. It needs to be drained; but look what happened when Trump tried it. Nasty business. After President Trump’s election and re-election that was stolen we see how deep it truly is now as Russia reportedly is trying to cleanout the crooks in Ukraine ....
9-30-19, National Review: Hunter Biden: The Most Comprehensive Timeline - From being appointed senior MBNA vice president (two years out of law school), to a gift of a 2.8-carat diamond from a Chinese energy tycoon, to Ukraine's Burisma Holdings learn of Hunter Biden's questionable activities and his father's involvement . . . Here: www.nationalreview.com/2019/09/hunter-biden-comprehensive-timeline/
Psaki insists Hunter Biden art buyers remain secret
10-12-21, NYPost -- Press Secretary for ole Joe Biden, Jen Psaki insisted at her daily briefing that the White House doesn’t know the identity of buyers who reportedly paid $75,000 each for five prints of the first son’s art ahead of a Hollywood show this month. She said: "It still is the purview of the gallerist. We still do not know and will not know who purchases any paintings. And the president remains proud of his son."
Annette - When I searched for Hunter's 'best painting' THIS CAME UP the Covid germ musta been his model:
3-3-22, Many so called 'Christians' make a profession of faith today only tomorrow to keep on sinning like they did before. Are they truly born again as Jesus said we must be? [John 3:3, 7] He said: "If ye love Me obey My Commandments." We are to show our love by obedience. This is the only proper evidence of love to the Lord Jesus, for mere profession is no proof of love; by their fruit ye shall know them. [Matthew 7:20] That love for Him which leads us to do all His will is true attachment. The evidence which we have that a child loves its parents is when that child is willing, without hesitation, gainsaying, or complaining to do all that the parent requires him to do. So the disciples of Christ are required to show that they are attached to Him supremely by yielding to all His requirements and by patiently doing His will; even should there be ridicule and opposition. Mark 10:19; John 14:15; 1 John 5:2-3. -- More here
Devolution: The Proof is in the Putin
3-3-22, Patel [excerpt*] -- There has been endless speculation on the topic of whether or not Donald Trump and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin are working together to take down the deep state. I’ve become somewhat annoyed over the constant media lies about Putin and his invasion of Ukraine; it’s difficult to combat the mainstream narratives when we don’t have the full picture of what’s really going on. We know that a Russian incursion into Ukraine on Trump’s watch would have certainly been a political nightmare that could have derailed his 2020 landslide. However, now, with Biden in office, there is no better time to deliver a critical blow to the enemy, a massive red pill to the masses, while annihilating the deep state in the process.
I am not trying to use this article to convince you that Putin is a good guy. He has done some questionable things as a leader. What I can tell you is that he is extremely patriotic to the country he rules over. He’s not a good guy, but he’s done extraordinary things … he’s dangerous in the sense that he doesn’t care about civil liberties or free speech; but does care about stability that Russia needed and that’s why Russians adore him - just as Trump is the leader America needs. Putin and Trump may indeed have a mutual interest in working together. A December of 2018 Politico article discussed the impact of the book “From Dictatorship to Democracy” and detailed its impact on Russia. Remember, Ukraine is¬¬ at the epicenter of the deep state corruption … but Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych was pro-Russian and after he made a deal with Russia, he was overthrown in February 2014 and Putin and the Russian ¬military viewed the US and Europe as attempting to destabilize the world for their own agendas. Now Trump and Putin have had an interesting and almost playful relationship. Trump’s comments on Putin: |
So what is really happening in Ukraine? [..] |
Putin has declared war on Nazism in Ukraine, and I believe this is a common enemy he shares with Trump. If Ukraine is truly the deep state epicenter, at some point, somebody has to go in and remove the rot from within. Maybe that is exactly what Russia is doing. The timing of this effort is so important. Putin has sought to liberate the post-Soviet countries from Nazi Fascism for decades. He invaded such countries during the tenure of every President we have had going back to the year 2000, except for one - Trump. Remember, the most important aspect of the 2020 election was that Donald Trump won in a massive landslide. If it hadn’t been a landslide, the deep state wouldn’t have had to so brazenly cheat and the fraud wouldn’t be so obvious. If Trump needed a landslide, then he couldn’t afford any major political setbacks. He was already up against constant attacks and lies from the MSM, the Democrats, big tech, social media etc. He got his landslide anyway. [Even Russia says the election was stolen. Clicking this link https://t.me/patelpatriot/2824 takes you to a video of the Russian Ambassador to the UN saying, “and with the support of the United States where the legitimately elected president of the country was overthrown”.] | I’m merely making connections trying to figure out what I think is happening in Ukraine. I still don’t have all the answers, I can’t tell you definitively that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are working together. I am not privy to their private conversations. However, they have a shared goal, and they share a common enemy. This wouldn’t be the first time these two have set out to defeat a common enemy to reach such a shared goal. The deep state is the greatest enemy of the United States of America. The deep state is also the sworn enemy of Russia. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. THE BEST IS YET TO COME. God Bless you all! Patel Patriot https://patelpatriot.substack.com/p/devolution-part-18?s=w 2-12-22, Video hour video with Mike Adams here: https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2022/02/devolution-researcher-patel-patriot-interviewed-by-mike-adams-will-trump-pull-off-the-big-reveal-must-video-3618808.html |
Russia cuts all supplies to USA 3-3-22, Pravda -- The trade turnover between the United States and Russia shows that now 51 percent of all US imports account for petroleum products and minerals. ... During the recent weeks, gas prices have risen ... | Why USA Still Buying Russian oil and gas 3-3-22, CNBC -- So far Russian oil and products tankers are continuing to deliver uninterrupted to customers in the US as pressure from international sanctions on Russia ramps up in response to Moscow's action in Ukraine. |
3-3-22, Reuters -- Russia has stopped supplying rocket engines to the United States... Hysteria in USA over Russia Senator Lindsey Graham's recent statements on Fox News he said: 'Somebody in Russia should kill Putin." here
Update: Are there USA Bio Warfare Chemical Labs in Ukraine? - Yes
About News Front: It is a news agency to objectively cover events in Russia, Donbass, Ukraine and the Balkans, Syria, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova and around the world. Our editorial offices work in Bulgaria, Serbia, Germany, France, Spain, Great Britain and Hungary. Most of our correspondents are volunteers from different countries who share our principles – to enable the viewer / reader to get the information to understand the geopolitical intricacies and draw conclusions about the events by themselves. | Ukrainian troops were not willing to fight the Russians [2]; 90% are standing down. Contrary reports about Muslim terrorist mercenaries - some say they are fighting for Ukraine and this one says fighting for Russia. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/02/26/islamist-kadyrov-unleash-thousands-chechen-fighters-ukraine/ *** Worldwide the USA has Bio Warfare Chemical Plants: |
- 2018 Pentagon Bio Weapons (scroll down to Ukraine): http://dilyana.bg/the-pentagon-bio-weapons
- 2020 Data leak from the Pentagon bio-laboratory in Georgia: http://dilyana.bg/new-data-leak-from-the-pentagon-biolaboratory-in-georgia/
- Per the 2015 Congressional Research Services Report, the Evolution of Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR): Issues for Congress, appears to corroborate these bio-laboratories and gain-of-function interests.
- "The CTR program has built a secure Central Reference Laboratories (CRL) for pathogen collections in Ukraine and Kazakhstan and is constructing a CRL in Azerbaijan. Currently, the CTR program has completed upgrades at 39 “Secured Labs” in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. DOD continues to support upgrades and training at these facilities." See p. 39 here: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/nuke/R43143.pdf
UK Press Conference About Joe Biden - BYE-DEN NAMED: https://www.bitchute.com/video/B7sQCDRKpN1O/
[2] Ukrainian Soldiers Surrender: https://en.news-front.info/2022/02/27/surrendered-ukrainians-from-zmeiny-island-taken-to-sevastopol-safe-and-sound-commentaries-from-soldiers/ ------ [3] Insects bio warfare: https://bit.ly/3vD7Sy4
Corruption in Ukraine 3-3-22, The truth about the action in Ukraine [1] is being exposed; and about all the corruption in the nation. Russia's President Vladimir Putin's presence in Ukraine is a Strategic Operation and has been planned for a long time. He prides himself for Russia's success in removing the New World Order [NWO] globalists from his nation and is working to remove the corruption, globalists, poisonous bio warfare chemical labs from Ukraine. Reportedly Ukraine is the current NWO headquarters for the Khazarian Mafia’s money-laundering world operations. The Biden’s, Clinton’s and Obama’s have massive financial interests there. We have credible reports of child trafficking and the washing of drug money in the nation. Apparently all Obama’s billions of cash were sent to Iran then flown to Kiev. The western half of the nation is Nazi - traditional Germans who were the most maniacally loyal SS units in WWII. President Putin says, "We will strive to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine." [1] https://dilyana.bg/documents-expose-us-biological-experiments-on-allied-soldiers-in-ukraine-and-georgia/ | Ukrainian troops were not willing to fight the Russians; 90% are standing down [2]. Contrary reports about Muslim terrorist mercenaries - some say they are fighting for Ukraine and this one says fighting for Russia. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/02/26/islamist-kadyrov-unleash-thousands-chechen-fighters-ukraine/ === The areas being bombed are the locations of the DS/C_A-USA Financed Biology Labs [3] where more of Fauci's and Bill Gates' deadly virus pandemics are being manufactured. A deeply sourced/hyperlinked investigative journalist has pieced together this data; Bulgarian journalist/researcher Dilyana Gaytandzhieva [2] Ukrainian Soldiers Surrender: https://en.news-front.info/2022/02/27/surrendered-ukrainians-from-zmeiny-island-taken-to-sevastopol-safe-and-sound-commentaries-from-soldiers/ ------ [3] Insects bio warfare: https://bit.ly/3vD7Sy4 |
3-2-22, In Matthew 7:12-14 the Lord Jesus was asked who can be saved? He told them what we are to do; not only toward God, but toward all men in general. In this earthly life there are but two “ways:” right & wrong, good & evil; the way to heaven & the way to hell. All the children of men are lost or forgiven sinners; godly or ungodly. Concerning the "way" of sin & sinners -- the gate is wide standing open & inviting. We may go in with all our lusts unabated giving no check to appetites or passions. There’s a large company who will go with us to appease the wicked lusts of the flesh for a season as they deny Christ; and the reward is hell for eternity. The "way" to eternal life with God is narrow; few will go with us because most of our lusts & passions must be denied as we repent and turn to live for the Lord Jesus. Matthew 7:12-14, Luke 13:23
Chemical Bio Weapon Labs in Ukraine That Were Funded By the USA
Rothchild Says: "We must protect Ukraine to protect our global norms and values from Russia."
Putin says: 'The west is decadent...'
3-1-22, Telegram: SANTA SURFING — In less than one week The MSM has gone from “there are no bio weapons labs in Ukraine!” to “Well ok there ARE some bio weapons labs in Ukraine after all..b-b-but they’re NOT funded by the US Dept. of Defense!”. Here’s the next narrative that’s coming: “Well ok turns out there ARE a buncha bio weapons labs in Ukraine and it turns out ALL these bio weapons labs were being funded by the US, b-b-but the US wasn’t funding ANY GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH on any biological agents in these bio weapons labs!” It is getting so bad the heir To the Rothschilds has openly stated that without the Ukraine, the global order will not survive. … without slush funds laundered through the Ukraine, they would be almost unable to halt the rise in gold and silver prices and you are now seeing that happen. Just watch its going to be a massive rise in fits and runs because they no longer have enough money to keep up the metal suppression. Now we get folks digging about the Bio labs and look … Putin has been publicly talking about these labs for a very long time (1). Notice the countries they list all the labs in, this is Important. Taiwan, Australia, Switzerland, UK, US and Israel. Which of the countries below had the worst COVID lock downs (hmmm all of them, what an amazing coincidence!). | Charlie Kirk He has a new item up … A special Counsel in Wisconsin just found that Mark Zuckerberg's $9,000,000 of funding to 5 counties ahead of the 2020 election violated the Wisconsin State Election code on … Bribery! Zuckerberg is toast. The US was co-funding and operating 11 BSL-4 labs in Ukraine. Fauci was a big part of it. OBAMA was a big part of it. Putin has been publicly talking about the danger these labs pose for years. Gates and Fauci have continously warned the world of the "next" pandemic and that it will be worse next time. … We have evidence that Putin may be taking these labs out. (..) Virtually every Globalist scumbag hates Putin and Trump. Soros has verbally attacked both of them as well as Xi. The current operation in Ukraine is sending the Cabal into a blind rage. So I ask you once again... What if China, Russia and others are coordinating with Trump to eliminate the NWO? Doesn't seem so crazy now, does it? https://t.me/santasurfing Relentless Truth@Lebronsonroids (1) https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2005/08/3 |
Legendary banker Nathan Mayer Rothschild’s advice in the Napoleonic wars, 1803–1815 was to “buy when there’s blood in the streets.” It proved right when Russia seized Crimea in 2014; Russian stocks in ruble terms soared for nearly eight years. And his heir the current Nat Philip Rothchild proclaims the need to remove Vladimir Putin to protect their norms and values. What are those 'values?' What did Pope John Paul mean by moral crimes? The West’s capitulation to a sexual revolution of: easy divorce, rampant promiscuity, pornography, homosexuality, feminism, abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, assisted suicide — the displacement of Christian values by Hollywood values.-- Wall Street Journal
Liberal Nations Must Defend their Immoral Values
2-28-22, The Guardian -- The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin believes that the west is divided, decadent and in decline.
Vladimir Putin Against decadent West
Russia no longer considers itself part of European — much less Euro-Atlantic — civilization. Russia is a democracy, but a special country who has rejected communist and “pseudo-democratic” dogmas. More than 90 percent of Russians supported the annexation of Crimea, it meant the move had a strong backing and legitimacy based on the fundamental democratic principal of vox populi. Crimea, said Putin, “is the location of ancient Khersones, where Prince Vladimir was baptized. His spiritual feat of adopting Orthodoxy predetermined the overall basis of the culture, civilization and human values that unite the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.”
Putin is against the decadent West where “many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values." More here allrus.me/vladimir-putin-against-decadent-west/
Americans Want USA to Stop Importing Oil from Russia & Pump Our Own Again!3-2-22, All the tough talk about sanctioning Russia over the Ukrain debacle coming from feckless ole Joe Biden means nothing if the USA is still importing their oil! Americans want to drill OUR OIL again! The recent events in Ukraine are an example of why the USA should be selling energy to our friends and not buying it from our enemies, | Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) told Bloomberg he rebuked Democrat Joe Biden for refusing to cut off Russian energy imports. The White House's response is hypocritical and senseless. Instead of buying oil from Russia, the U.S. should be pumping our own as we produce energy cleaner than anybody in the world, We’re buying 650,000 barrels a day from Russia. It’s totally ridiculous." |
Just Like the Democrats Did It in 2014-16 and to Trump in 2017
Syria -- fake news coming from Ukraine in 2022
See Video: https://bit.ly/35h6kPx
3-1-22, Veterans Today -- The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation warned of the upcoming strikes with precision-guided weapons at a number of military facilities in Kiev the facilities of the 72nd main center for informational and psychological operations (CIPSO) of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) will be targeted. The civilians were asked to leave the nearby areas.
In the last few days, since the beginning of the special military operation, the number of information attacks on various state institutions of the Russian Federation have increased. Russian citizens were threatened of physical elimination by anonymous calls, there were also numerous reports on the mining of schools, kindergartens, train stations, and other social infrastructure facilities in Russia.
SouthFront has recently published an article on the leaked documents from the Ukrainian PSYOP centers, describing their structure and main activities. You can read it HERE.
The Kiev’s centers of informational warfare have significantly increased their activities. For example, civilians, including children and elderly people, are called in the groups in social media to take part in the staging of alleged attacks on civilians in the Ukrainian cities. One of the recent operations of the 72nd CIPSO which was covered by the MSM all around the world was recently revealed. The photos of a woman who allegedly was wounded in the Russian attack on civilian houses on February 24th, were spread by almost all global media worldwide. She turned out to be the employee of the 72nd CIPSO, she is safe and now continues fighting on the front lines online and offline. See photos:
John Kerry fears Russia-Ukraine war will distract from climate crisis 2-23-22, FoxNews -- Climate 'Czar' 78 yr old John Kerry recently warned that Russia's war against Ukraine is going to distract the world from the climate change crisis. | He told Arabic BBC: "The massive emissions consequences to the war. But equally importantly, you're going to lose people's focus. You're going to lose certainly big country attention because they will be diverted. I think it could have a damaging impact." |
2-24-22, InfoWars -- Evidently there are several US bio-labs in Ukraine under the auspices of the US State Dept’s Biological Threat Reduction Program, an initiative where the US partners with other countries “to counter the threat of outbreaks (deliberate, accidental, or natural) of the world’s most dangerous infectious diseases.” - Reportedly Russia military has taken them out. More here
8-30-21, TheBlaze, Glenn Beck -- Brexit Party leader of the UK Nigel Farage said: "You know, I've spent 40 years working for American companies and businesses, being allies, politically, with Donald Trump and many friends of the Republican Party. There's nobody this side of the pond [England] who is more pro-American, more pro-respectful relationship than I am, And it hurts me to say this, but for Biden to unconditionally withdraw from the military mission after 20 years in Afghanistan, without any planning or any foresight as to how we get our nationals out in the case of a Taliban [Islamic terrorists] advance, and to do it without even consulting the British prime minister and refusing to answer his phone call for almost 48 hours, sends a message to us. And the message is, we cannot trust America."
America Babylon
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Revelation 17:14
Jeremiah 4
Annette Greco-Meisner
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