Pulling Out All the Stops |
Romans 1:26-28; 2 Corinthians 13:7-8 1-31-21, Brother John Haller, Fellowship Bible Chapel in Ohio this week again reports on the tumultuous time since a "President" was inaugurated. The movers and shakers in the world have been positioning themselves to implement a great reset. They are celebrating immoral anti God behaviors like abortion and homosexuality and condemning all conservatives, Christians and supporters of President Trump. We have been labeled terrorists and ANTIFA is not up for an award and criminals are being released from prison. Yet from unexpected sources, there are those who are out to squelch the plans by disrupting the corrupted and broken systems and => | <= putting the globalists on notice that many will not go quietly into the night. The Covid debacle continues to increase in the outrageous ... In Canada only certain cities will accept flights from the USA. All passengers arriving in Canada must have the Covid PSA test and if a negative report they still have to be quarantined in certain hotels and at their own expense for three days ... it gets worse - John explains... While the world implodes, believers in Christ must stay focused on the message of salvation and the anticipation of His coming, as we stand firm and steadfast in the promises of the Word of God. One hour forty min video here |
“Our Journey is Just Beginning. The Best is Yet to Come."
-- President Trump, 1/20/21
September 12, 2018, Trump's EO 13848? Foreign Interference in Election
~ Consequences: 90 days after ! ~
Freedom Day & the Restored Republic via Global Currency Reset
1-31-21, Judy Byington* -- The US military was/is loyal only to the legal US President Donald J. Trump, who dissolved the bankrupt US Inc and announced the new US Republic Federation on November 2, 2020 – a day before the fraudulent USA 2020 Election. Our military intel contact reports that:
Australia: 'This has all the hallmarks of the world's next major military drama'
1-31-21, SkyNews, Australia -- Sky News Chris Smith reports: “Well what a week it's been for this standoff between China and Taiwan, which we cannot ignore & neither can the USA. From the week Joe Biden was inaugurated, Beijing has ratcheted up their claim to territory in the South China Sea, and of course Taiwan, beyond what we've ever seen since they split. | It is a clear challenge to the US. And if the United States does do something about it, we will be part of that conflict. With the Biden administration stating recently, that their commitment to Taiwan was rock solid, this has all the hallmarks of the world's next major military drama … and that's way too close to us, for comfort.”More here |

As US-Taiwan strengthen ties, China warns this means war [5]
01/31/21, Scott McKay -- On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 U.S. FORCES strengthen ties with Taiwan ... China warns 'Taiwan's independence' means war. This comes a week after a US aircraft carrier strike group led by the USS Theodore Roosevelt entered the So China Sea to promote 'freedom of the seas.'
Our US military intel contact said sources match info that January 31, 2021 is Freedom Day; on a global scale humanity freed from despots, the petty Lords, the Mayors, the sociopaths, all of the tyrants and traitors; from all that embrace dominion and serve Lucifer’s “death cult.”
This successful top secret operation was coordinated among multiple nation states, including US, INDIA, TAIWAN successfully ending the 70 years of brutal domination, with Systemic control of almost 1.5 billion people in every facet of life. China's CCP is no longer in control of the Free People of China. Sovereignty is now in process of being fully restored. The South China Sea is now under the control of the US MILITARY, Taiwan and Hong Kong are free.
The Chinese Communist Party is being dissolved as Trump, Putin, Taiwan, Chinese Chairman Xi and Chinese forces have been coordinating this secret long planned out operation which will place Trump back as POTUS where he belongs after his landslide election win. God knows we need a WIN! This is a good start. Now we will receive further details throughout the day. Source MSN: https://tinyurl.com/y46fha3d https://beforeitsnews.com/china/2021/01/scott-mckay-china-liberated-us-forces-to-land-on-mainland-china-ccp-dissolved-trump-returns-a-must-video-2460068.html |

[2] EO 13848, https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/09/14/2018-20203/imposing-certain-sanctions-in-the-event-of-foreign-interference-in-a-united-states-election
More here: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-11-13-2020-election-took-place-under-a-trump-declared-national-emergency.html
[3] What is GCR? https://globalcurrencyreset.net/what-is-the-global-currency-reset/
[4] Inauguration day Mar 4th: https://americanhistory.si.edu/presidency/1b2.html
[5] Taiwan & China: https://aninews.in/news/world/asia/as-us-taiwan-strengthen-ties-china-warns-taiwans-independence-means-war20210131213504/
More here 1/31/21: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/taiwan-says-chinese-fighters-u-135028552.html
Source: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/01/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_31.html
More here: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/01/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_25.html
More here: http://www.trevorwinchell.com/AmericanPatriotsForum/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=352&p=425&sid=9cba3e1199ffe3e89c932d1ac1bb9527&fbclid=IwAR2wxv7xgvjjbqN7RgN-fXtBhQswp3yI6j4VpUiJ-AbsNhyQHpALaHm2XJo#p425
* Judy Byington -- MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author
Hymn: "I'd Rather Have Jesus Than Silver or Gold"
"I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold;
I'd rather be His than have riches untold;
I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands.
I'd rather be led by His nail pierced hand
Than to be the king of a vast domain
Or be held in sin's dread sway.
I'd rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords today.
I'd rather have Jesus than men's applause;
I'd rather be faithful to His dear cause;
I'd rather have Jesus than worldwide fame.
I'd rather be true to His holy name
He's fairer than lilies of rarest bloom;
He's sweeter than honey from out the comb;
He's all that my hungering spirit needs.
I'd rather have Jesus and let Him lead
Source: Baptist Hymnal 2008 #530
Non stop Christian hymn videos here
School closures in England threaten a ‘Dark Ages’ for... 1-29-21, “Dark Ages” if they do not open soon. While remote learning had improved it was still “varied”, with hundreds of thousands of children lacking laptops at home. Also, the damage we’re doing to children’s emotional well being, educational attainment, mental health, the safeguarding hazards they are threatened with, are enormous | Lockdown school closures may have increased risk of abuse... 1-30-21, Medical Express --Closure of schools may have harmed children as child abuse was not reported, a new study examining the numbers of child protection referrals made in the first few months of 2020 has found. Many children meals are provided at the schools. The isolation is harmful to the children and the lockdown itself is abuse. | The schools lockdown over the hysteria of the claimed danger of COVID is child abuse Summary of risks to children’s safety due to the conditions created by the claimed COVID-19 pandemic. ... The risk of child abuse is higher when caregivers become overloaded by the stressors in their lives. Also, the impact on children’s social and emotional skills we know that the isolation for many children is really problematic. |
Children in Heaven
King David's son died - he said: "While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: for I said, Who can tell whether GOD will be gracious to me, that the child may live? But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.”
2 Samuel 12:22-23 1-30-21, Archives Henry Morris -- The death of a loved one is always a time of great sorrow, but the death of a beloved young child is perhaps the keenest sorrow of all. Nevertheless, for the Christian believer, we “sorrow not, even as others which have no hope” (1 Thessalonians 4:13). Our text verse [2 Samuel 12:22-23] makes it clear that when a child dies (even one born of a sinful relationship such as this child of King David and Bathsheba), that child beneath the age of accountability appx 12 years of age who doesn't fully understand sin and right from wrong - goes to be with the Lord in heaven. Jesus said: “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14 | Heaven is thus a place where there are many “little children.” Their inherited sin-nature never yet had generated acts of willful sin and their Maker is Himself “the Lamb of God, Jesus. Although there are few specific Scriptures on this subject, what we do know, both from the love of God and the Word of God, suggests that the souls of all deceased little children are with the Lord in heaven, but also those who died in early childhood (and even before birth as in aborted babies) from every time and place since the world began. There they, along with all those who were saved by personal faith in Christ and are now awaiting the resurrection, will receive new bodies when Christ returns to Earth. The old and lame will be young and strong again and the children will grow in perfect bodies to maturity, for all will become “like Him” (1 John 3:2). “God shall wipe away all tears” (Revelation 21:4), and all will say: “As for God, His way is perfect” (Psalm 18:30). Source |
Failing Democrats Blaming Their OWN Population Calling Anyone Who Didn’t Vote for Ole Joe Domestic Terrorists and Worst that Islamic Terrorists
Former CIA Director, Democrat John Brennan's Transcript Excerpt from MSNBC, Jan 15, 2021 - Brennan was asked about the Jan 6, 2021 attack at the Capitol and if there was a high level decision in Trump administration for lack of security. He opined on how he believed:
“…there had to be a conscience decision at some level not to put in place barricades, not to have personnel, not to have reinforcement available [this is a lie the mayor refused the National Guard assistance-Ed.]. As we knew there would be 1000s upon 1000s of individuals – very emotional individuals who were being riled up and excited by Donald Trump descending on the nation’s capitol. Nothing was done in advance.” [Skipping his description of his laudable work under Obama, his vast knowledge and experience about these things.]
[..]”Now the capitol is an impenetrable fortress, thank goodness! We saw the mobs - they knew they would not be confronted …” [THEN HE COMPARED TRUMP SUPPORTERS AKA DOMESTIC TERRORISTS to the Islamic terrorist group alQaeda] I quote verbatim below:
-- John Brennan. 1/15/21, MSNBC
See Fox News Tucker Carlson 15 min video here:
Solomon Son of David Made King
Solomon went to pray and offered a thousand burnt offerings to God.
God asked him: What do you want Me to do for you? The king said:
You have shown great mercy to my father, David & now made King. Let Thy promise made to David be established. Please now give me wisdom & knowledge that I may properly judge & care for this great people You have given me. God answered: Because you did not ask for riches, honor, long life for yourself or death of your enemies; but asked for wisdom & knowledge to better judge My people … I grant thee wisdom & knowledge & I also give you wealth & honor like no other king before or after you.
2 Chronicles 1:2-13; 1 Kings 3:6-9 Solomon was the third and final king of the unified nation of Israel, succeeding King Saul and King David. He was the son of David and Bathsheba, the former wife of Uriah the Hittite whom David had killed to cover his infidelity with Bathsheba while her husband was on the battlefront. When Solomon rose to the throne, he sought after God, => | <= and God gave him an opportunity to request for whatever he desired. Solomon humbly recognized his inability to rule well and nobly asked God for the wisdom he would need to govern God’s people righteously. God gave him wisdom and also wealth (1 Kings 3:4-15). In fact, "King Solomon was greater in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of the earth" (1 Kings 10:23). God also gave Solomon peace on all fronts during most of his reign (1 Kings 4:20-25). |
Biden Wants to Renew Obama's Foolish Iran Nuke Deal
Israel Says If He Does ... We will strike the Shiite Nation
Israel Will Strike Iran As Needed IF USA Deals with Iran 1-28-21, EpochTimes -- Recently Israel's Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi issued a warning , as Israel and Iran both seek to put pressure on ole Joe in the White House ahead of an expected announcement his plans for Iran’s nuclear program. In Sept 2020 the U.N.’s atomic watchdog agency said Iran is suspected to have stockpiled low-enriched uranium 10 times over the limit set in Obama's silly 2015 deal. Kohavi said: “I instructed the army to prepare a number of operational plans in addition to the existing ones. We are taking care of these plans and will develop them during the coming year. Those who decide on carrying them out, of course, are the political leaders. But these plans have to be on the table.” He added that given the nuclear threat now posed by the Iranian regime, Israel’s military needs to stand prepared to strike as needed. | Washington re-joining the 2015 Iran nuclear deal? aka Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) 1-27-21, SputnikNews -- It won't happen overnight and will require consultations with Israel and Gulf states as states by Sec of State Tony Blinken. Former US President Donald Trump withdrew from the Obama 2015 multilateral agreement in May 2018, prompting the Islamic Republic of Iran to gradually roll back its commitments on uranium enrichment since 2019. Now that Joe Biden has entered the White House, Tehran is happily calling to have ole Joe "unconditionally" lift all sanctions on Iran. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif outlined in his recent op-ed for Foreign Affairs magazine. their conditions. |
1-25-21, California has suffered terribly with the draconian Covid virus mandates businesses shut down citizens ordered to stay home and wear masks everywhere - except for the Governor Newsome and his highfalutin friends of course. The reports of Covid infections has risen lately, but NOW Newsome has lifted the lockdown ... why now? Well, the citizens have had enough and signing petitions to kick him out of office and President Trump is gone ...
1-22-21, FoxNews -- Just hours after entering the White House, ole Joe Biden signed 17 executive actions into law, one to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement and another to revoke the construction permit needed to continue work on the Keystone XL oil pipeline. Both actions will have far-reaching and tremendously harmful economic consequences for nearly all Americans, but especially those living paycheck to paycheck. Energy costs and basic consumer goods make up a greater proportion of household spending for low-income families than for those earning more. By reentering the Paris Climate Agreement, Biden has pledged that by 2030 the U.S. will reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 30% below 2005 levels — a reduction that will require shutting down numerous existing power plants, as well as oil, natural gas, and coal operations. While, other nations are not required to do so.
Pastor Steve Cioccolanti Has Message for Prophets
and Especially for Americans
Jesus was repeatedly warned and asked about His proclamation that He would raise the 'temple' in three days. He was scorned and scoffed at ... He warned us we would be also.
1-28-21, Encouragement from Australia - Pastor Steve proclaims God's truth about 'straw man' false prophets and the abuses hurled at God's messengers. He discusses the 80 million USA voters who support President Trump and those who do not. Also, the fraudulent election and Communist propaganda that is rampant in the liberal leftist "family haters" - abortion lovin' Democrat party.
Matthew 7:15; 2 Peter 2:1; 2 Corinthians 11:13
Twenty seven min video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0JX2_uf2Hs&feature=youtu.be
The New US Govt Has Issued a Warning about Terrorism - Not Antifa or BLM - TRUMP SUPPORTERS!
"Who will rise up for Me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for Me against the workers of iniquity?"
umbers 10:35; Psalm 17:13, 94:16; Isaiah 28:21 1-28-21, Bill Wilson, Daily Jot* -- January 27, 2021 President Joe Biden’s acting secretary of Homeland Security, David Pekoske issued a Natl Terrorism warning [see below] that some ideologically motivated violent extremists could mobilize to incite or commit violence that expires 4/30/21. [..] This bulletin is reminiscent of Obama's early report in April 2009 and is already being used by leftists and Democrat Party to label as domestic terrorists all 74 million people who voted for President Trump. This narrative is growing alarmingly louder each day. MSNBC political 'Deadline' analyst Jason Johnson recently said that Democrats should declare all Republicans “terrorists,” adding “you can’t negotiate, you can’t legislate and you can’t work with terrorists.” Twelve years ago Obama’s DHS radical creed was against Americans who disagreed with government’s overreaching power ... those who were interested in: end times prophecies, concerned about a possible economic collapse, opposed to illegal immigration, abortion, same sex marriage, men in girls locker rooms and restrictions on the right to bear arms [the 2nd amendment]. [..] | Currently, those who didn’t vote for Biden are now painted as domestic terrorists who need to be deprogrammed is radical forms of ideological bigots. [1] [..] Throughout world history Nazis and Communists used bigotry and prejudice to persecute Jews. Shocking to see this against Conservatives and Christians in the USA. Americans must rise up and object to prevent today’s self-righteous political intolerants from persecuting Trump supporters. We have a right to disagree, to speak freely, to worship God how we see fit [1st Amendment]; but unless we exercise those rights, they will atrophy into tyranny. People need to hear from rational, God-fearing & law abiding citizens about the unfairness of being labeled a terrorist for disagreeing on politics. My advice: Speak up in every venue you have. Stay on point about ideological bigotry. Be calm. Express yourself articulately and call on Biden to denounce these narratives. Our Lord will will rise up against the evil doers of course, but He often chooses to work through His servants, Christians. *Excerpted and adapted full original report from Bill Wilson here: https://dailyjot.com/?p=2018 [1] Deprogram Trumpians: https://www.jesus-our-blessed-hope.com/blog/comics-1-26-21-brainwash-trumpians |
O-Biden’s will grab land like Barry did 1-27-21, Obama finished off his ravaging the land taking control of more land to make sure we would be energy dependent and finish off tens of thousands of good paying jobs. O-Biden’s first day of E.O.’s and he wants to “expand the 1906 Monuments land.” What did the National Monuments Act do? Abused states taking land and once land is set aside and cannot be reversed. We ain’t see nothing yet… Let’s take a look at just how devastating has been so far. Flashback: Obama eyes taking control of the Arctic, adding to Monuments Act | President Trump Returned 35 million acres to the States President Trump reversed the land grab habits of Obama and others. Unlike every modern-day U.S. president before him President Trump pursued an agenda aimed at returning land to the states. In fact, President Trump is the only president in U.S. history to have returned more public lands than he confiscated from the states. Freedom and land rights of the people was his goal. Of course the liberal leftists sorely criticized him for it. https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/reports/2018/12/04/461705/measuring-conservation-progress-north-america/ |
1-27-21, FederalistPapers -- If Obama and his Admin did a good job for the American people, businessman Donald Trump wouldn’t have run and we wouldn’t have elected him. If Biden woulda been a good candidate the Dems wouldn't have had to cheat to force him into the oval office. He isn’t picking people who are good at their jobs or are best for America; they’re all washed up has-beens that spent their careers sucking off the teet of the American taxpayer. So far ole Joe is bringing back – John Kerry, Antony Blinken, Gina McCarthy, Samatha Power, Ron Klain, Dr. Vivek Murphy, Denis McDonough, Janet Yellen, ... among others.
Delivered by the Word: Angry in Spirit
“Consider mine affliction, and deliver me: for I do not forget Thy law. Plead my cause, and deliver me: quicken me according to Thy word.”
The Lord Jesus, 'looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts.”
Psalm 119:153-154; Mark 3:5 1-27-21, Archives Henry Morris III -- Much of the Old Testament records God’s intervention into the affairs of men, often in huge victories on the battlefield. The great military king David wrote frequently of his deliverance amid slaughter and certainly there is an overtone of physical deliverance felt in these verses. The key to this prayer, however, is in verse Ps 119:158: “I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved; because they kept not Thy word.” Although he spoke of his many “persecutors and...enemies” (Ps 119:157), his desire was fixed directly on the faithfulness of God’s promises. Note the constant reliance on the truth of what God has said: “I do not forget thy law” (v. 153). God spoke of the opposite condition through Hosea: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). | “Quicken me according to thy word” (Psalm 119:154), for the “wicked...seek not thy statutes” (Psalm 119:155). Even though there are many enemies who persecuted him “without cause” (Psalm 35:7), this godly man would not “decline from Thy testimonies” (Psalm 119:157). “I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved; because they kept not Thy word” (Psalm 119:158). Jesus felt the same righteous emotion when He “looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts” (Mark 3:5). Hearts not stirred with the Holy Spirit’s indignation at the wicked culture and flagrant violators of God’s Word should “give diligence to make your calling and election sure” (2 Peter 1:10). Those who love God’s holiness also love God’s Word. Source |
Texas Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Begin Process of Secession From USA:
“TEXIT” and it has Backers
Texas constitution Article 1, Section 2 states: “All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.” 1-27-21, * -- Anticipating what they (rightfully) believe will become the most socialist-leaning US administration since Great Britain ruled the colonies, conservatives in Texas are not planning on ‘waiting out’ Joe Biden’s term. They want out, as in all the way out and now. Constitutional experts say that states have no right to secede, but Texans aren’t asking for permission. State Rep. Kyle Biedermann (R) filed legislation this week seeking to put the question of a “Texit” — a process by which the Lone Star state would become the Lone Star nation — to voters. It’s called House Bill 1359. Aalso known as=> | <= the Texas Independence Referendum Act, the legislation called for a statewide ballot in November 2021 asking voters if they want to remain part of the United States or establish an independent republic. If voters say yes, then after a study they’ll decide the best way to break away from the USA; needing to amend the state Constitution to form the new Nation. It’s now time that the People of Texas be allowed to decide their own future. Voters of all political persuasions in Texas can agree on one thing, Washington D.C. is and has been broken. Our federal government continuously fails our working families, seniors, taxpayers, veterans, and small business owners. Hundreds of thousands of people have flocked to the state in recent years from California, New York and other liberal leftist Democrat led states. Texas is unique as it has its own potential monetary system (via its own gold reserves), its own electric grid and a robust oil-and-gas industry. Texas is also becoming a tech hub. *Excerpted and adapted full original report from Trending Politics here |
- Block deportations of illegal migrants
- Restoring odious climate regulations
- Permitting openly homosexual people in US Armed forces
- Permitting men in women's rest rooms & locker rooms
- Blocking XL Oil Pipeline
- Blocking southern security wall
- Mandating all people wear face masks
- Wants to restore USA oil dependence on foreign nations by ending fracking and oil drilling in America
World War III? Turkey & Iraq vs Shiite Nations Syria & Iran?
“And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, 14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. 15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. 16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.”
1-26-21, * -- The sixth seal of God’s judgment in Revelation 9:13-16 identifies a 200 million man army that kills one third of mankind. Is this World War III? I think that the sixth seal in Revelation 9:1 describes Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran as they fight to conquer the Muslim nations. Currently it’s estimated that 85% of Islam is Sunni [1 billion] and the Shiite population 200 million. Today the Euphrates River flows through the four nations of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. Turkey fights for dominance in the new Islamic Caliphate and its leader, Tayyip Erdogan has already declared itself as the rightful head of a revived Ottoman Empire. Daniel 11:42-43; Ezekiel 38:1-6 | The Lord Jesus said: “ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” Matthew 24:6-8 Historically, the greatest casualties was in World War II with 60-85 million killed. This Shia vs Sunni war promises a death toll of between 350-400 million. All of these nations will set their sights on the tiny Jewish nation of Israel, but the Lord Jesus Christ – KING OF KINGS [Revelation 17:14] will return in great power defeating Israel’s enemies and rule in Jerusalem forever! Revelation 19:11 *Excerpted and adapted full original report here from Craig White https://hightimetoawake.com/world-war-iii/ |
DNC Official: It's time to 'deprogram' 75 million President Trump Supporters 11-21-20, LawEnforcementToday -- David Atkins, [D-CA] thinks that supporters of President Trump need to be "deprogrammed." He said, "You can't run on a civil war footing hopped up on conspiracy theories hating everyone who lives in cities ... without people trying to figure out how to reverse the brainwashing ... conservatives are literally giving themselves COVID just to own the libs. They're dying in COVID wards insisting they don't have COVID because it must be a liberal plot. People are gonna try to figure out how to defend themselves." [What a conspiracy nut!--Ed.] | National Democratic Party official suggests re-education 'brain washing' Conservative Americans 11-19-20, TheBlaze -- This is not OK. California Dem David Atkins is calling for national re-education camps for families who voted for President Trump. He said: "...We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South." This is not your standard partisan policy disagreement. This is a conspiracy theory fueled belligerent death cult against reality & basic decency. The only actual policy debates of note are happening within the dem coalition between left and center left = haters! |
God Laughs At Foolish Scorners
Ecclesiastes 7:6
1-25-21, As the world populations flounder and scramble to do their will; they often scorn their Creator, almighty God. They also ridicule His faithful followers. There will come a day when God will judge the nations; He laughs at the scoffers and scorners ... we should also.
Psalm 1:22-27, 2:4, 24:9, 37:12-13, 59:8, 90:7
and Luke 6:21
Unite or Die: First We Must Agree On One Thing Elections Are Now Worthless
1-25-21, NC Renegade* -- The USA nation was stolen out from under us and in broad daylight. The whole world knows that the Nov 3, 2020 election was stolen in America. The question is being asked, how do we unite? How about for starters we all agree that there is no "voting" our way out of this mess. None. Elections are now worthless. What are we going to do, vote harder? It no longer matters who votes, or even IF they vote. It only matters that we are not counting the legal votes, the enemy is [has fraudulently flooded the polls with fake votes-Ed.] counting and laughing. [..] | If you plan on voting or participating in the future in this system anyway at all, I wish you luck, but don’t ever tell me again that I must get out and vote or I have no right to complain about what happens and that: 'YOUR VOTE COUNTS!' - no it does not. We have exhausted all our options I’ve played the game [1]; but when the game is rigged against one side and cheating is the accepted norm, there’s not much else left. I have fought the good fight, will continue to fight & will continue to keep the faith. But I have not yet finished my course; I am no quitter. -- Wes *Excerpted full original report here [1] The Game here |
Analysis: President Biden faces a more confident China 1-20-21, BusStandard -- China knows they again have a pal in the White House and is more confident with Joe Biden. A more confident China may push back harder on issues such as technology, territory and human rights. Analysts draw parallels to the 2008 global financial crisis, from which China emerged relatively unscathed under Obama and Biden. The country's foreign policy has grown increasingly assertive... | Biden speaks with France's Macron, agrees to coordinate on Iran 1-24-21, Israel - A president Joe Biden is expected to reconstitute Obama's Iran’s nuclear deal with the terrorist Islamic Republic of Iran that said it was producing 20% enriched uranium, far above the 3.67 percent agreed to in the nuclear deal. In Nov 2020 the IAEA said that Iran had accrued a low-enriched uranium stockpile 12 times that allowed under the 2015 agreement... | Joe Biden once joked about China helping him become president 9-5-20, NewYorkPost -- Biden's "jokes" moment was caught on video still viewable on the Obama White House YouTube page. The then-vice president said: “I’ve had the great pleasure and honor of spending a fair amount of time with China's Vice President. We ended up spending about ten days together, five in each of our countries traveling around, and you get to know someone fairly well.” See quid-pro-quo Joe with Ukraine here where he threatens and promises money ... |
"A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 3Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; 4One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 6Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil." 1 Timothy 3:2-7, Proverbs 29:2
This scripture defines requirements of Church leaders and should also be of government leaders ... sadly many of USA's [and the world's] leaders are short of these requirement including the man now sitting in the US Oval Office.
1-24-21, Brother John Haller of Bible Fellowship of Ohio - Prophecy Update titled:
One hour fifteen minute video here
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:16-17
1-24-21, Pastor JD Farag of Calvary Chapel in Hawaii - Prophecy Update titled:
DECISION TIME video here
Honorable Leaders: "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. 12Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women ..." Acts 17:11-12
In Christ Alone ...
1-24-21, Clearly scripture explains that in no other can we find salvation but in repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. John 14:6; Romans 5:2; Ephesians 2:18; Hebrews 10:20; 1 John 5:20
Beautiful traditional instrumental songs of praise and worship here
Large Percentage of Democrat Voters Would NOT have voted for Joe if they'd have known about the treasonous info on Hunter Biden's laptop. 12-10-20, PJMedia -- Hunter Biden’s laptop information has been proven 100% truth. However, because CNN and the NYT and the rest of those frauds didn’t want to hear about it before the election. They refused to cover the story, and when they finally had to, they dismissed it. The New York Post broke the story on Oct. 14, 2020 & Joe's protectors [media] knew the story was trouble so they straight-up lied about it. | John Paul Mac Isaac: Store Owner in Hunter Oct 15, 2020 — 10-15-20, Heavy -- In Delaware home of the Biden clan ... John Paul Mac Isaac is a Delaware computer repair shop owner who says he was given Hunter Biden's damaged MacBook laptop and then after 90 days when he didn't respond to efforts to deliver the repaired computer to Hunter - it was considered abandoned and Mr Isaac examined it then turned it over to the FBI who did nothing and the media blocked the story before the election ... | Hunter Biden's Laptop included 40-50 Images of Child 10-22-21, GellerReport -- Hunter Biden's Laptop included 40-50 Images of Alleged Child Endangerment with Young Family Member. By Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, October 22, 2020: Approximately one third of the explicit photos of minors in Hunter Biden's laptop were of the same 14-year-old girl — who is one of his relatives, according a shocking new report. |
1-11-21, WallStreetJournal -- Constitution doesn't say the former president. Congress has no power to impeach or try a private citizen, whether it be a private citizen named former President Donald Trump or named Barack Obama or anyone else. Ridiculous. Now that Donald Trump is a private citizen, the Senate should dismiss the article of impeachment against him for lack of jurisdiction. The Constitution is clear: “The president . . . shall be removed from office on impeachment . . . and conviction”—not by the expiration of his term before the impeachment process is complete. It also mandates that “judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal and disqualification“—not or disqualification.
Covid Vaccine Harmful: Testimonials of Victims
Indiana Woman, Shawn Skelton, Shares Video of Her Symptoms
Jan 7, 2021, Shawn Skelton: Woman Warns Others Not to Get Moderna Experimental COVID Vaccine – Posts Video of Herself Convulsing Posted By Brian-Admin On January 11, 2021 @ 5:59 pm In Medicine Watch | Shawn Skelton. From her Facebook Page On January 8th she posted this Update: Body is still moving uncontrollably. Still no answers! Contacted Moderna and their safety team was supposed to reach out to me today, but have not done so. We are now on our way to Vanderbilt in Tennessee. Prayer warriors keep praying. Today, January 11, 2021, four days later, finally admitted to the hospital per her post on Facebook UPDATE: GOD IS GOOD! Finally I’m getting admitted to the hospital under the care of a neurological team. Thank You! 1/13/21 She has received threats and angry messages from pro-vaccine people who think she is faking; so she posted this video today on Bitchute Channel as Facebook deleted it.
- At least 13 people have died in Norway due to side effects of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, the national medicines regulator has revealed. All were frail and elderly people who had unusually strong reactions to the jabs.
- Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE
- 24 Dead and 137 Infected at NY Nursing Home After Experimental COVID Injections
- “Very Healthy 56-Year-Old” Miami Obstetrician Dies after Being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer COVID Vaccine
- “Perfectly Healthy” 41-year-old Pediatric Assistant Dies Suddenly After Injected with Experimental Pfizer COVID Vaccine
- 4 People Died and 240 Got COVID19 in Israel After Being Injected with Pfizer Experimental mRNA Vaccine
- Is the Tennessee Nurse Who Passed Out on Live Camera After the COVID Vaccine Still Alive?
- 32-Year-Old Mexican Doctor Suffers Seizures and is Paralyzed After Receiving the Pfizer Experimental Vaccine
- 27-Year-Old Canadian Healthcare Worker Faints and Suffers Multiple Seizures After Pfizer Experimental COVID Vaccine
- More Casualties Reported Among Healthcare Workers from Experimental Unapproved COVID Vaccines
- Germany: 10 Dead With 51 Severe Side-Effects Among Elderly After Experimental Pfizer COVID Injections:
https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/10-dead-with-51-severe-side-effects-among-germanys-elderly-after-experimental-pfizer-covid-injections - Wisconsin Nursing Home Believed To Be First In U.S. To Fire Staff For Refusing Experimental COVID Injections:
https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/wisconsin-nursing-home-believed-to-be-first-in-u-s-to-fire-staff-for-refusing-experimental-covid- injections - Israel: End of Dec 2020 Thirteen Israelis suffer FACIAL PARALYSIS after taking Pfizer Covid vaccine
- Norway: Drug regulator says, 'We see nothing alarming,’ after 13 deaths linked to Pfizer vaccine jabs below.
- Johns Hopkins Scientist: A Medical Certainty Pfizer Vaccine Caused Death of Florida Doctor
- Home Run King Hank Aaron Dies of ˜Undisclosed Cause 18 Days After Receiving Moderna Vaccine
- Over 1,000 Experienced Adverse Events and Hundreds Sent to Emergency Room After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines
- Tip of the Iceberg? Thousands of COVID Vaccine Injuries and 13 U.S. Deaths Reported in December Alone
- 24 Dead and 137 Infected in Nursing Home After COVID-19 Vaccination – Previously, They Had ZERO Deaths from Covid
- Norway Officials Not Alarmed by Deaths of 23 Elderly People After COVID Vaccine
- 12,400 People in Israel Tested Positive for Coronavirus AFTER Being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer COVID Shot
- Covid vaccines producing HORRIFIC side effects: Convulsions, paralysis, death
- Woman Posts Video of Herself Convulsing After Getting the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
- Indian Hospital Worker Dies Just 24 Hours After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine Covishield
- Compilation of recent stories and videos covering Covid vaccine injuries, side effects and DEATHS
- Rate of adverse events caused by coronavirus vaccines 50x higher than flu shots
- Another Woman Posts Video of Uncontrolled Convulsions After Receiving the COVID-19
The Entire Time, WHO’s Own Documents Show It Knew the Covid Virus PCR Testing Was a Fraud
We need one another; causing the world's populations to 'separate' no hugging blocking facial smiles and kisses is an abomination. We should not adhere to the deception of the wicked world leaders. Jesus said, 'Be not deceived.' We should not separate one from another; Covid virus is 95%+ survivable. Matthew 24:4; Ephesians 5:21
1-22-21, Canuck Law* Canada -- The PCR tests (polymerase chain reaction) for Covid virus are publicly held as this gold standard for testing. However, the creator of the PCR test Kary Mullis [1], has publicly stated that it was never designed to test for active infection and is useless for that task. [fact checkers say Kary never said it wouldn't work on Covid - he died suddenly in 2019 at age 74.] Also, the World Health Org [WHO] was recently called out for changing the definition of "herd immunity" [2] previously it said that it meant ‘immunity from some vaccination or previous infection.’ Then changed to say it means only vaccination. However, after the public became informed, it was restored to the original version.
Canada BC Provincial Health Officer, Dr Bonnie Henry admits [3] that Covid-19 testing is highly flawed and can have a 30% false negative rate and there's no science behind her dictate that gatherings of 50 vehicles was the limit [4]. Bonnie is on record saying that she doesn't support mass testing of asymptomatic [no symptoms] people, since false positives could overwhelm hospitals. In other words, she's fully aware that it doesn't work and CBC also reports the hoax with a 30% error result. [5] More guidance is needed that gives legitimate concerns that the tests themselves are completely bogus because: |
[2] WHO’s Definition Of “Herd Immunity”
[3] Bonnie Henry https://canucklaw.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Bonnie-Henry-Happy-Dance-MIRROR_360.mp4
[4] 50 test limit https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bonnie-henry-third-covid-test-results-false-negative-1.5531288
[5] CBC error rate https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bonnie-henry-third-covid-test-results-false-negative-1.5531288
[6] Canada doctors https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bonnie-henry-third-covid-test-results-false-negative-1.5531288
*Excerpted full original report here https://canucklaw.ca/cv-37c-whos-own-documents-show-it-knew-the-entire-time-pcr-testing-was-a-fraud/
Michigan: As Expected Gov Whitmer announced reopening restaurants two days after Biden entered White House 1-22-21, Michigan's Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said on Jan 22, 2021 that restaurants in Michigan can, in fact, re-open indoor dining. Just Donald Trump leaving the White House caused Covid to leave Michigan?? Such hypocrisy and cruelty to the people. February 1, 2021 is the reopen date per the Nazi like Gretchen Whitmer. It will likely include a limited capacity, curfew and additional public health measures to have a higher capacity limit. | Without Trump to blame, Covid has disappeared from the Headlines 1-21-21, Boston Herald -- COVID-19 has gone MIA. If not quite totally vanished, the coronavirus is certainly fading from the front pages. No more apocalyptic headlines about “cases” "deaths" and “infections” which usually mean … not very much. Now that there’s a Democrat in the White House, grim milestones are verboten. The 400,000-figure was observed with such anodyne verbs as “Passes,” “Exceeds,” “Eclipses,” “Surpasses,” or, my favorite, from NBC, “Joe Biden Consoles Nation.” COVID-19? Nothing to see here, folks, move along. |
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Jeremiah 6:11
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
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John 6:37, 39, 44, 65
Hebrews 9:15
Revelation 17:14

Jeremiah 4
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