4-30-23, The Lord Jesus came to save sinners because God's plan of the Old Testament was only temporary. After the Lord shed His blood, died and rose again; the new covenant of salvation was permanent for all who faithfully repent, accept the Savior Jesus as our Lord & King obeying Him.
1 John 3:4, 9; Matthew 7:18; 1 Peter 1:23; Psalm 119:3 --Matthew Henry Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/mhc/1_john/3.htm
Because He Lives!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wins case against U.S. government for vaccine safety violations As sources explain: a clause in the The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NVICA) compels DHHS to take responsibility for improving vaccine safety and efficacy, and charges the agency with constant monitoring and improving of adverse event reporting. The Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines clause also tasks DHHS with providing a report on improvements made in these areas to Congress every two years. The federal agency has been neglecting their vaccine safety obligations for over 30 years. The lawsuit brought by RFK Jr. proved that “vaccine safety” is nothing more than a sham. Government agencies charged with protecting the public are not doing their part to ensure and improve the safety of immunizations. | As a document from Robert Kennedy, ICAN reads: ICAN WAS THEREFORE FORCED TO FILE A LAWSUIT TO FORCE HHS TO EITHER PROVIDE COPIES OF ITS BIENNIAL VACCINE SAFETY REPORTS TO CONGRESS OR ADMIT IT NEVER FILED THESE REPORTS. THE RESULT OF THE LAWSUIT IS THAT HHS HAD TO FINALLY AND SHOCKINGLY ADMIT THAT IT NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE, SUBMITTED A SINGLE BIENNIAL REPORT TO CONGRESS DETAILING THE IMPROVEMENTS IN VACCINE SAFETY. THIS SPEAKS VOLUMES TO THE SERIOUSNESS BY WHICH VACCINE SAFETY IS TREATED AT HHS AND HEIGHTENS THE CONCERN THAT HHS DOESN’T HAVE A CLUE AS TO THE ACTUAL SAFETY PROFILE OF THE NOW 29 DOSES, AND GROWING, OF VACCINES GIVEN BY ONE YEAR OF AGE. Source: bit.ly/3HreWTs |
Kennedy Family in Politics: Robert Jr's Family Democrat 35th President John F. Kennedy, was Robert Jr's uncle who in 1963 was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, while riding in a presidential motorcade. His father. Robert Kennedy was a presidential candidate and in 1968 was assassinated in Los Angeles. He was a senator from New York and a leading candidate in the 1968 Democrat Party presidential primaries. He is also the nephew of Senator Ted Kennedy who was a staunch liberal who was elected to Congress nine times - he died in 2009. History and background of Robert Francis Kennedy Jr: Born Jan 17, 1954; an American environmental lawyer and environmentalist and strong opponent of childhood vaccines. He helped found the non-profit environmental group Waterkeeper Alliance in 1999 has served as the president of its board. Kennedy has co-hosted Ring of Fire, a nationally syndicated radio program and written or edited ten books. He is currently running in the Democrat primary for the 2024 U.S. presidency. | ![]() Robert Kennedy Jr's Speech Impairment Disease Robert suffers from "spasmodic dysphonia,' a specific form of an involuntary movement disorder called dystonia that affects only the voice box. This is not a life-threatening illness, but it can certainly affect one's quality of life. In 2007 a conversation with Oprah Winfrey Robert detailed his rare disorder: "The disease didn't hit me until I was about 43. I used to have a strong voice. While it doesn't hurt, it certainly makes life a bit more complicated. In the beginning, symptoms were slight and came in the form of a "mild tremble for a couple of years. There's a treatment for it: Botox shots. They put a needle into your voice box every four months. While there are surgical options available, the results are usually temporary. Dr. Robert Bastian, a former spokesman for Dysphonia International, told ABC News that "If you do anything surgical, the dystonia tries to win. It tries to figure out a way around its obstruction." More here |
4-28-23, (Natural News) Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. criticized the censorship of speech arguing that, “there is no time in history where the people censoring speech were the good guys.”
All have sinned. Romans 3:23
All must repent or perish. Luke 13:3 🙏
-- Matthew Henry Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/mhc/1_john/2.htm
Worldwide: USA Dollar on Decline
4-28-23, The U.S. banking crisis continues to escalate as First Republic Bank's market capitalization fell below $1 billion. Recently the bank's opening was suspended five times and the decline during the day expanded to nearly 40%. It's fiscal first-quarter results showed a worse-than-expected loss of deposits in March, losing up to $100 billion (about 40%) of its deposits. Ole Joe Biden grows concerned trying to reassure depositors and investors. The U.S. government is also on high alert after Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank went bankrupt in March 2023. The debt ceiling impasse continues, and if Congress fails to reach an agreement by the end of June, the U.S. will default for the first time in history. Moody's analysts warn that if the U.S. defaults on its debt, it would accelerate the end of U.S. international hegemony and be the "financial doom" of the dollar. | The U.S. has abused its currency dominance, prompting an accelerated de-dollarization by global central banks. This has intensified expectations of debt defaults and sapped trust in the dollar and U.S. Treasuries around the globe. Global central banks are accelerating the liquidation of U.S. debt and replacing gold, and Middle Eastern oil-producing countries are using non-dollar transactions to de-dollarize. This indicates that the dollar has a shelf life and that the real gold is gold. More here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS3L2XLG9KA 💯TOP 3 Video Swiss Sells $36.4 billion U.S. Treasuries ▶ • 23 NATIONS DE-DOL... Africa Rejects US' Blank Check ▶ • AFRICA REJECTS US... China to Accelerate Dumping of Up to $800bn U.S. Debt ▶ • Yellen's SOS? Chi... |
Buttigieg wants to spend $20 million on female crash dummies 4-20-23, NYPost -- Engineers in Sweden designed the world's first female dummy just last year. The ridiculous dummy idea represents yet another equity-focused leftist Democrat WOKE initiative funded with USA taxpayer dollars. Equity, unlike equality, focuses on “fair” treatment – not equal. | In 2022 under ole Joe Biden federal agencies produced more than 300 equity initiatives – many of them costly – to develop equity action plans. While $20 million for crash dummies is but a fraction of the DOT’s $145.3 billion budget request, the ask comes as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Wednesday introduced a bill to cut federal domestic spending to 2022 levels ... |
As we wait for the Lord King Jesus, we grow in His grace.
Revelation 21:1, 4; 2 Peter 2:7, 3:13; Isaiah 65:17; 66:22
-- Ellicott's Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/ellicott/2_peter/3.htm
-- Matthew Poole's Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/poole/2_peter/3.htm
Beware the Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum
Leader of the WEF, Klaus Schwab said: “We penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF young globalist leaders."
4-27-23, * -- Every emerging power has its little army of enforcers: Brown Shirts, Black Shirts, Stalin's Secret Police. For World Economic Forum (WEF) its Young Global Leaders (YGL). They’re seemingly harmless; near invisible, attractive men and women - but dangerous. Klaus Schwab [84] born a member of the Nazi child aristocracy in 1938 founded the WEF; he’s the architect of the so called non-profit organization managed from Geneva, Switzerland and under the supervision of the Swiss government. In 1993 “Global Leaders for Tomorrow” was part of the WEF and in 2004 it was renamed Young Global Leaders. Today, YGL organization has heavy indoctrination and training in Socialist principles. Its aim is to provide suitable future leaders [1] for the emerging global society, a one world global government. | It includes politicians, business leaders, royalty, journalists, entertainers and other cultural influencers. [..] YGL members have become entrenched in every major global government; the plan is for these leaders to go back to their respective nations to spread the gospel of a global Socialist government. They’ve been instrumental in shaping policy around the world, undermining democratic principles while creating obedient and compliant servants. They’re entrenched in Washington DC, Canada, UK, France and other nations. They don't care about their borders, culture or what their citizens want or need. They only answer to their bosses at the WEF. [..] If everything I’ve described looks like the re-emergence of a World National Socialist State; you’re right – it’s a sort of new feudalism [see below]. |
Today there are appx 1,000 members from more than 120 countries; following are twenty well known graduates: Justin Trudeau (Canada), Emmanuel Macron (France), Gavin Newsom (Gov. Calif.), Bill Gates, Chelsea Clinton, Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Larry Fink (BlackRock), Peter Thiel (eBay), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), | Nikki Haley (US pres. candidate), Nathaniel Rothschild, Tony Blair (former PM UK), Angela Merkel (Germany), Jonathan Soros, (son of George), Huma Abedin (Hillary Clinton aide, Pete Buttigieg (former candidate for President), Sanna Marin (Finland PM), Alexander Stubb (former Finland PM), Vladimir Zelensky (President Ukraine) |
[1] There is currently an election with a deadline of 4/30/23 for new members of the YGL – five-year term. Info here: https://www.afterschoolafrica.com/23632/world-economic-forum-wef-young-global-leader-program/
The Age of Many in their 70s has not affected their mind - President Trump is still SHARP ... Unlike ole Joe Biden [HERE] People's health in their 70s varies a lot; some people are completely healthy while others have multiple illnesses. President Trump [w/b 77 in June 2023] has healthy lifestyle; no alcohol, no tobacco and other ... | Studies have shown that older people with high levels of carotenoids (organic compounds found in pumpkins, carrots, corn, and tomatoes) in their blood were 50% more likely to survive for five years compared to counterparts with low carotenoid levels. [Note: I'm 80 in June - I have no help with my website. -- Annette ;->] | A remarkable number of people don’t want Joe Biden [here] 9-22-23, CNN -- According to a national Marquette Law School poll almost three in four Americans (72%) said that they do not want ole Joe Biden to run again in 2024. Biden will be 81 in November 2023. |
How big tech, media and Dems killed the Hunter Biden laptop report 3-18-22, The New York Post had its Twitter account disabled for reporting on the completely accurate Hunter Biden laptop story and Ole Joe Biden lied ... In October 2022 the contents of a laptop computer allegedly owned by Joe Biden’s son Hunter was discovered and NYPost reported on it, but there was an immediate roadblock ... | Media’s suppression of Hunter Biden’s laptop was election interference 3-24-22, WashTimes -- Had Biden voters known of the scandal and contents of Hunter Biden's laptop ... most believe Biden wouldn't be occupying the White House. The authenticity of emails from Hunter Biden’s notorious laptop has been verified as authentic... --- Washington Post confirmed it here |
2 Peter 2:10-22; Hebrews 6:6, 10:26; Proverbs 26:11
-- Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/jfb/2_peter/2.htm
New Study Finds Face Masks Cause Brain Damage and Stillbirths Even When Worn for Short Period
4-26-23, EnVolve -- Researchers found just five minutes of mask wearing resulted in CO2 levels increasing to between 1.4% and 3.2 %. The researchers allude to a surge in stillbirths during the so called Covid pandemic, saying that masks could have contributed. Swedish researchers found that the stillbirth rate increased from 7 per 1000 births to 21 per 1000 births after the pandemic, while a leading UK hospital saw a four-fold increase in its stillbirth rate. German researcher reports: “Circumstantial evidence exists that a significant rise of 28 percent to 33 percent in stillbirths worldwide.” | Danger and Harm Caused From Face Masks [here] 4-23-23, DailyMail -- Experts say the build-up of CO2 in pregnant women's bodies caused by the wearing of face masks could cause complications for the unborn babies in the womb. They point out that CO2 also contributes to oxidative stress, which can affect cognition and cause testicular issues in men. More here ======== Dr Fauci is a Charlatan! [here] and here Tony Fauci again reports that mask wearing isn't more than 10% helpful in blocking germs; people have been so misled and they're still wearing them! |
Democrats plot effort to counter Tucker Carlson on Jan. 6 narrative [here] 3-2-23, Rep. Bennie Thompson, who led the committee that investigated the Capitol riot, will play a key role in the Democrats response to Tucker Carlson ... === Without Censorship the Democrats Can't Remain in Power - TUCKER CARLSON Dec 2022: Video here: Bing Videos |
They saw Jesus' power and majesty with the truth of His promises.
Matthew 3:17; Mark 1:11; John 12:28-30; Luke 3:22; 2 Peter 1:4; 2 Timothy 2:22
-- Gill's commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/gill/2_peter/1.htm
What is Unobtanium?
Green Energy as Promoted is Impossible
Lithium Mining: The Hidden Environmental Cost of Electric Vehicles [here] 2-9-21, StreetBlog -- Because lithium's concentration in ore at Thacker Pass runs as low as two-tenths of one percent, producing one ton of the stuff for use by society entails strip mining and processing as much as 500 tons of earth. | Fact Check: The Carbon Footprint of Electric Car Battery Production [here] 9-17-21, Total fuel consumption for mining Ore for construction of electric car batteries is approximately 21 billion gallons annually; it can only produce enough Ore to build 250,000 electric car batteries. The lifespan of an electric battery is 10 years and is not renewable. |
The Signs of an Emotionally Emasculated Man [here] 2-6-15, Josephmattera.org -- There is increasing pressure from secular contemporary culture for men to become effeminate [like a woman=sissified]. Resulting in celebrating “metrosexuality” (men who are not really homosexual, yet not masculine either), and other forms or expressions of manhood that do not resonate with the average American male. In spite of this, most best-selling action movies still celebrate strong male heroism and God given masculinity because moviemakers know these true natural characteristics of manhood are truly what the average person wants. Part of the new modern sanctification process of manhood involves not just learning how to be a child of God; but also how to function as a Biblical male or female. | Unfortunately, many men are afraid to act like strong masculine men because true manhood - in today's culture - is rarely celebrated except in movies, the military, and some aspects of contact sports. [..] True manhood involves meeting problems and conflicts head-on as the need arises and not running from them. Part of America's countercultural call as Christ-followers is to celebrate masculinity and femininity. Men should be celebrated as men and ladies as ladies. We don’t need men to act or look like women and vice versa. We also don’t need hybrids of both. May God give us the courage to nurture the next generation to not only be spiritually and emotionally mature and secure in their gender/sex functions and identity. | How feminism destroyed real men [here] 8-4-06, DailyMail.co.uk -- Women thought the last victory of equality was to make men more 'sensitive'. Suddenly, women wanted to drive home their newfound equality by molding men to be more like them. In the Nineties, emboldened by the successes of feminism, women sought to slay the dragon of patriarchy by turning men into ridiculous sissies who would cry with them through chick-flicks and then cook up a decent lasagna. Over a decade later, women are waking up to the fact that these men are drippy, sexless bores. The bitter irony after all is that women don't like wimps. Bring back the real men, girls. You might just remember why you loved them in the first place. |
-- Matthew Henry Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/mhc/proverbs/3.htm
-- Ellicott's Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/ellicott/proverbs/3.htm
FANNIE MAE AND FREDDIE MAC Borrowers With High Credit Scores Penalized Under New Federal [Biden] Mortgage Fee Plan
On Tucker Carlson's last show on Fox News, He and Stephanie Pomboy Break Down Biden's Punishing Good Credit [here] 4-21-23, Ole Joe Biden want's more voters in the suburbs so the Democrats put together a scheme to reduce mortgage payments for the folks with poor credit and punish those with good who will in effect be subsidizing higher-risk homebuyers. | High Credit Score Borrowers Penalized Under New Federal Mortgage Fee Plan Effective 5/1/23 [here] 4-21-23, Reason -- Former mortgage commissioner, David Stevens said: "This is a blatant and significant cut of fees for their highest-risk low credit score borrowers and a clear increase in much better credit quality buyers." | The move now is to be delinquent on your bills 12 months before purchasing a home so that you can get a discount on your loan. Why pay if you are rewarded for not paying? Under the Democrat scheme why would anyone work harder to be a responsible hard working, pay your bills citizen when your reward is to be forced to subsidize those who aren't. See 3 min video here |
Mortgage News Daily explained it [here]:
The penalty for having a credit score under 680 [low] is now smaller than it was. For instance, if you have a score of 659 and are borrowing 75% of the home's value, you'll now pay a fee equal to 1.5% of the loan balance. However, before these changes, you would have paid a whopping 2.75% fee. On a hypothetical $300k loan, that's a difference of $3750 in closing costs. New policy is unfair that borrowers with extremely good credit are being penalized while borrowers with bad credit are being rewarded.
Blocking sun rays finds support in the Senate [here] 3-2-23, EENews.net -- Alaska Republican Senator, Lisa Murkowski said more research is needed for climate interventions like efforts to block sun rays. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), a leading advocate of aggressive climate action, said “most of the geoengineering schemes that I’ve heard about create massive, massive unintended consequence risks.” | Senate apprehension over such funding. While the House has passed bills to study the method — also known as solar radiation management — those efforts have struggled to gain traction on the other side of the Capitol. === Billionaires are Obsessed With Blocking Out the Sun 2-24-23, TimeMag -- George Soros is interested in using geoengineering to address climate change. He isn't the first billionaire to give support to the idea. | GeoengineeringWatch.org and Dane Wigington has now proven that the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, so commonly visible in our skies, are not just condensation as we've been told. See 2 hr video "THE DIMMING" documentary [here] provides answers regarding climate engineering operations. |
6-5-21, Esquire.com -- District Court Judge Roger T. Benitez overturned California’s three-decade ban on assault weapons. He argued that it violates the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms; describing the 30-year ban as a “failed experiment” and compared an AR-15 to a Swiss Army knife." [That can only kill when controlled by deranged manical human murderer.]
Why China Buys U.S. Debt Treasury Bonds
Now dumping it for GOLD
10-23-22, Investopedia [here] -- China has steadily accumulated U.S. Treasury securities over the last few decades. In August 2022, the Asian nation owned $971.8 billion in Treasurys, roughly 13% of the U.S. national debt. U.S. debt to China comes mainly in the form of U.S. Treasury securities (bonds issued by the federal government). Some analysts and investors fear China could dump these Treasuries in retaliation and that this weaponization of its holdings would send interest rates higher, potentially hurting economic growth. | Who's Selling Gold to China? [here] It’s not just who was buying that matters. It is also who was selling that matters. And that seller was another country’s Central Bank. Which country, because of sanctions, has had to sell its resources (Oil, Nat Gas, and now Gold) at a discount to a smaller cadre of buyers? Russia. === CHINA AND JAPAN BUYING GOLD | GAMEOVER? China Dump More $750 Billion U.S. Debt and Purchased 2,068 Tonnes of Gold 4-20-23, AsianQuicktake -- April 20, 2023 US Treasury Sec Janet Yellen gave a speech at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced Intl Studies [1], emphasizing the importance of strengthening the economic relationship between the US and China while safeguarding US interests. Ms Yellen also urged China to cooperate with the US on issues such as global debt, which would be mutually beneficial for both nations. |

As of April 19, 2023 the US Treasury's cash reserve account (TGA) had fallen to its lowest level of $36.5 billion, indicating that the US economy is facing serious problems, and the debt crisis is quietly spreading.
See 8 min video here: www.youtube.com/@AsianQuicktake
and here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLFsny2wilA
[1] Yellen speech: home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy1425
Earth Day 2023 [here] 4-22-23, EARTHDAY.ORG (EDO), the global organizer of Earth Day and the largest recruiter of environmental movements worldwide, announced today the theme for Earth Day 2023 - "Invest in Our Planet." | Earth Week will pioneer EARTHDAY.ORG’s farthest reaching efforts to date by amplifying inspiration and action worldwide from April 14th to April 22, 2023 worldwide. We're reframing the conversation and bringing everyone together to understand that this is within our reach if we work together. |
Genesis 19:26; John 3:3, 7; 1 John 1:9; Mark 1:5; Hebrews 8:12; Romans 10:9 Luke 17:28-33
-- Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/jfb/luke/17.htm
Chinese Manufacturer of Electric Vehicle [EV] Batteries "Gotion ONE" Plant Approved in Michigan
EV Battery Makers Gotion, ONE Plan New Michigan Plants [here] 5-10-22, EuroNews.com -- Recently Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan USA announced a Chinese battery company - Gotion High Tech will open new electric-vehicle battery plant in Michigan. | Despite being aggressively confronted and opposed for considering the plans; locals condemned plans to use $175 million in taxpayer funds to build an electric vehicle battery plant in Big Rapids Township owned by Chinese tech company Gotion; the Michigan Senate's appropriations committee, approved the measure . |
Could President Biden pardon his son, Hunter? Legally, yes but only federal rather than state crimes. Hunter Biden is under investigation for federal crimes. There’s no certainty Hunter will be indicted and if he is convicted there’s a good chance it will be after President Biden has left office. However, President Biden could issue a preemptive pardon. | It’s not particularly well-tested in modern times, but the consensus around the time Trump was reportedly mooting the idea seemed to be that preemptive pardons can be issued for specific crimes that have already been committed. It would be politically unpopular so it’s unlikely he would do it until the result of the 2024 election is known. More from Quora here |
America Babylon
Apostles Martyrdom
English Bible
Islam Terror
Lord's Supper
New Jerusalem
USA Presidents
US Politics
Jeremiah 6:11
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
Matthew 15:13; Mark 13:20; Luke 20:35
John 6:37, 39, 44, 65
Hebrews 9:15
Revelation 17:14

Jeremiah 4
Annette Greco-Meisner
[email protected]
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