Covid Joke Caused Louisiana Man to be Arrested - after three trials charges dismissed
Waylon Bailey suffered 3 court trials and huge expense defending himself over the outrageous charges of terrorism because of a joke that everyone understood except woke police.
During the arrest, one deputy told Bailey, “next thing [you] put on Facebook should be not to f— with the police,” while others laughed. Bailey explained to officers that his post was intended as a joke, apologized, and deleted the post. Still, Bailey was booked and held in jail until his wife paid a bond. ... After charges were dropped, Bailey sued both Sherrif Iles and Sheriff Mark Wood for malicious prosecution and false arrest under state law and violation of his First and Fourteenth Amendment rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. [..] See full court ruling here ... panel found that in addition to the First Amendment violations, officers also violated Bailey’s Fourth Amendment rights by arresting him for “terrorism” without probable cause.
Canaanites Genesis 19:1 and Israelites in Gibeah Judges 19:22 In both events the sin of homosexuality and its judgment happened. The wicked men of both cities wish to rape male visiting guests. Israel has now stooped to the moral level of the Gentile Canaanites; wanting to “know” the young Levite man [to “know” clearly means sexual relations in this context]. In both accounts the host offers his daughter(s). Significant difference from Genesis … no angel of protection and the wife was sent out and was violently raped and killed. God sent judgment in fire & brimstone to Sodom and war to Gibeah where all the guilty died. Judges 20:25-28 — Commentary: Matthew Poole: On 8-25-23 a New Law the “Digital Services Act” Went Into Effect in the European Union |
Greece: Police arrest dozens for arson as wildfires rage out of control [here] 8-25-23, CNN -- Greek authorities have arrested dozens of people on arson-related charges as deadly wildfires - the largest ever recorded in the European Union - rage across the country. | Canada: Multiple arsonists arrested for Canada wildfires [here] 6-9-23, Amid hundreds of Canada's wildfires Canadian Police have arrested arsonists in Nova Scotia, Yukon, British Columbia and Alberta. John Cook charged with 10 counts of arson for a string of wildfires in and around Cold Lake near Edmonton... | Hawaii: Were the Maui fires arson? Many believe they were and there's evidence [here] As authorities continue their investigation to determine the cause of Maui wildfires, several believe that it's arson. Just like all the fires in Canada and Greece suspicion that Maui fires were started by eco-terrorists - climate activists. |
... None from USA FEMA [here]
8-20-23, Newsmax -- Hungarian Ambassador to the U.S. Szabolcs Takács, based in Washington, D.C. announced that his nation has provided pop-up homes for Maui Hawaii families. By the end of October 2023 250 are promised. The first shipment of 20 delivered by the Hungarian Armed Forces. See video here:
“When this happened, we knew we had to engage quickly,” said Ashley Kelly, the chief operating officer of Family Life Center. “We just know those families are coming out of major trauma and deserve to have their own living quarters.” More here
San Francisco Resident Poop Report Source here 8-24-23: "We have a lot of poop on San Francisco sidewalks. Recently the front of my office had two gallon sized freezer bags completely filled with poop [pity the person that filled those bags! Ewww]. People are pooping on scooters, bicycles, door handles, walls, elevators, stair cases, MUNI buses even in elevators! The poop situation has gotten worse beyond imagination." | Hurricane "Hilary" now Category 3 First tropical storm to hit California since 1939 [here] 8-18-23, The hurricane named "Hilary" as of 11 p.m. Thursday, 8-17-23 a Category 4 with winds of 140 mph. It will likely strengthen into a major hurricane, with the possibility of making landfall as a tropical storm. There will be a threat of flooding rains across Southern California through Tuesday, 8-22-23. | The spring 'poop rain' [here] 8-26-23 · Reports of "poop rain" — fecal-like matter showering down from the skies, possibly from an airplane. But how? [..] FAA rep said: It's up to aircraft operators to address septic tank leaks, but assured that the FAA would investigate the complaint. |
Report of Samson's life:
Judges 14:1; 15:1; 16:1-31
-- Matthew Henry,
-- Matthew Poole Commentary:
While the Maui firestorm details are still being unraveled ... while nearly 40 million acres of forest has incinerated in Canada since late spring 2023. This staggering number equates to nearly 60 thousand square miles, an area nearly the size of the state of Georgia that has gone up in flames in only a few short months. Other countries that have been and are incinerating include Greece, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Italy, France, the Canary Islands, Kazakhstan, the UK and more. Where is mainstream media coverage of these incinerations? Constant "high pressure heat domes" are baking numerous parts of the world including the US => | <= where Kansas just hit a record shattering heat index temperature of 134 degrees. Fisheries are collapsing along with crops as ocean temperatures continue to skyrocket. A major science source is now asking "can humans live underground" to survive what is coming. How long till impact? -- Dane Wigington All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.Dane Wigington Must view, THE DIMMING, the most comprehensive climate engineering documentary: |
Using data from the Aqua satellite, NASA'S team estimated the amount of sunlight blocked by clouds or smoke; their computer model predicted that both clouds and smoke would reflect enough solar energy to create a cooling effect, but that smoke's cooling power was weaker than cloud's. When smoke aerosols spread into areas that might normally be cloud-covered, and suppressed cloud formation, the net result would actually be a warming at the surface. Where there was heavy smoke, the cumulus cloud cover went from an average of about 40 percent to zero, ruling out weather as a possible cause for the absence of clouds. For more information, visit: + Clouds are Cooler than Smoke
"Let's go Brandon": Video of Maui residents screaming profanities at Joe [here] 8-22-23, SportsKeeda -- The "Let's Go Brandon" chant, a code for "F**k Joe Biden," returned in full fury ... Joe Biden's Maui Hawaii visit to the island that's reeling from the destructive trail of a ravaging fire turned sour when local residents greeted him with jeers and insults - the "Let's Go Brandon" chant, a code for "F**k Joe Biden," Joe and his wife spent appx 6 hours on the island. | According to a Newsweek report, they were greeted with signs that read: "F**k Biden", "Trump Won" and "It's too late" along with "Lahaina Strong" and "Lahaina needs relief NOW." A video [here] posted on X by a user named Matt Wallace on 8-22-23 showcased people mocking & jeering, "Wow he's finally here," [fire happened 8-8-23] and "Thanks for nothing," also yelling, "F**k You!" and holding out their middle fingers. The video has amassed over 4.6 million views at the time of writing. |
Samson was the judge of Israel for 20 years until he became bewitched by a wicked Philistine woman.
Psalm 113:9, 127:5; Isaiah 54:1; Judges 13:1-20
-- Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary:
- Cups filled with ice, but small amount of beverage - just ask for little ice or no ice.
- Printer Ink Cartridges - Printers are often sold at a loss, so companies need to make a profit from the ink cartridge. There are now printers that don’t have cartridges – you fill the ink reservoir.
- Timeshares Condo/home vacation - often seem like a great deal but according to ARDA (the American Resort Dev Assoc), timeshares cost an average of $19,000 because they have large additional fees.
- Black Friday Sales – don’t shop on Friday - wait for Cyber Monday.
- Bottled Water - a total scam; the bottles are convenient, but you can recycle your own bottles and refill them.
- Payday Loans – very high interest rates preying on desperate people, there’s often other scams associated with the loans. Go to a reputable bank for a loan.
- Insurance – car insurance is mandatory but do price comparisons. Major companies like Allstate might not always have the best deal.
- College Tuition -- Choose a trade school, don’t go to college - college education is now more expensive than ever and the cost of tuition is often $40,000 a year or more. Trades offer good high paying jobs and low cost education and training.
- Funeral Industry - shop around on price plan ahead before you need the service. [John and I did that – we even had them write out a proposal of the needed services – we found some that’s usually done aren’t required – like embalming. The burial must be done within 3 days if not embalmed. Also, you can have the religious service at gravesite. We didn’t pay in advance for the funeral; but did buy our burial cemetery plots. — Annette]
7-4-23, Jewish state of Israel's plan for a new city with a hospital and airport. The new city designated for the ultra-Orthodox sector will be built on the territory of the Bnei Shimon Regional Council in the northern NegevThe establishment of the community is expected to strengthen the geographic periphery in the Negev, increase the supply of housing as part of solutions to the housing crisis while providing a more balanced distribution of the population.
Full official record: What the mufti said to Hitler The Muslims were Germany’s natural friends, Haj Amin al-Husseini told the Nazi leader in 1941, because they had the same enemies — namely the English, the Jews and the Communists. | official German record of the meeting between Adolf Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, on November 28, 1941, at the Reich Chancellory in Berlin. (Source: Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918-1945, Series D, Vol XIII, London, 1964.) Full report here: | Netanyahu: "Hitler Didn't Want to Exterminate the Jews just expel them.' 10-21-2015, Haaretz -- Prime Minister Netanyahu sparked public uproar when on he claimed that the Islamic Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, was the one who planted the idea of the extermination of European Jewry in Adolf Hitler's mind. In a speech Bibi said: "The Nazi ruler, Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jew. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, "If you expel them, they'll all come here (to Palestine)." |
Nonstop videos here:
Joshua 23:12; Judges 11:1-19
-- Got Questions Commentary:
🔥🔥 Wildfires in Canada 🔥🔥
Citizens Not Protected
“… In the initial days after the “superfire” the locals were able to get water, gas and supplies but now there is a heavy police presence. They have the roads blocked off saying they are preventing looting. The locals are being told to return to their homes. They are not allowed to be helping at all. There are spike strips on the roads. Police blocks everywhere. There are people trying to get essential supplies in such as water, gas and food by boat. They are being turned away. Police are patrolling the roads and water. They have the gas stations blocked off. We need the real story to get out so we can get help.
We are more than equipped to help put this fire out but are being stopped.We need resources such as gas, diesel to keep us going. They’re trying to starve us out so they can let it burn.”
Update on Maui:
World Economic Forum [WEF] Insider Admits Maui Was Deliberately Destroyed To Rebuild Hawaii As 15 Minute Cities [here]
8-18-23, According to a World Economic Forum insider who warns that “Build back better” literally means destroying things first. The fires in Maui that were labeled "wildfires" were orchestrated by the globalist elite to poison our air, water, soil and redistribute property into the hands of the elite. Hawaii's Gov. Green represented Hawaii at two key events at the 2023 United Nations High-Level Political Forum - he was the only US state leader to do so. [1]
A first Responder for twenty+ years (sarcastic Dave on Tik Tok) said: "I have never seen a house burnt to the slab, but the grass stay green and untouched."
[Many experts believe the DEWs were also used in 2018 on forests and homes in Paradise, Northern California. Afterwards people thought those claiming directed energy weapons were used were conspiracy theorists, even though pictures were captured showing DEWs being used. Now those inclined to do such evil are getting bolder.]
See video here
[1] Gov Green at UN Event Hawaii's Gov. Green goes to the UN to talk about the State (
Helicopter video shows mega mansions in Maui spared the fire HERE
and here
Christopher Reeve opposes President Trump see 2015 comments here | See current meme here: |
8-26-23, Ben Garrison -- Donald Trump became the first president in American history to be booked, fingerprinted, and have a mugshot released to the public. The entire process was designed to humiliate and demoralize President Trump as well as millions in his MAGA base.
The Democrats could barely contain themselves while they gleefully awaited President Trump’s mugshot to be made public. The left had planned on proudly wearing Trump mugshot t-shirts in celebration of Trump’s arrest. That quickly backfired. The mugshot was leaked on Thursday and Trump himself marketed it to raise campaign funds.
What the Democrats wanted was a scared and defeated Trump.
Instead they got a defiant, brave man who beamed an intense gaze of anger, foretelling revenge. Trump’s base reacted with a tremendous blast of high energy. Trump gained even more supporters. President Trump made his first post on X (formally Twitter) in 19 months. He posted his mugshot himself so they couldn't fake it ...
Judges 9:1-6, 50-57; Genesis 9:6; Psalm 94:23
— Ellicott’s Commentary:
Hawaii has long been among the bluest of blue states support constant coming from Democrats. No doubt most Hawaiian citizens voted for Biden; but that may be changing. Hawaiians, particularly those on the island of Maui, are not happy with ole Joe. First, he insulted them by coldly stating ‘no comment’ after the devastating fire in Lahaina began on August 8, 2023. Now more than 1,000 are still unaccounted for and presumed dead he visited... While the fire was ravaging the island Joe was enjoying yet another vacation on a beach in Delaware. Joe’s ‘no comment’ period stretched a full week, and then another week passed before outrage forced him to travel to our 50th state. On 8-21-23 in Hawaii traffic was stopped to accommodate Joe's entourage of security. | Biden actually made lame jokes comparing the devastation to almost losing his ’67 Corvette in a small kitchen fire. He said: “I don’t want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, of what it’s like to lose a home. Years ago, now 15 years ago, I was in Washington doing ‘Meet the Press.’ It was a sunny Sunday when lighting struck at home, on a little lake that’s outside of our home. Not a lake, a big pond. It hit a wire and came up underneath our home, into the heating ducts, the air conditioning ducts. [..] “To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my ’67 Corvette,” Biden chuckled, adding, “and my cat. All kidding aside, I watched the firefighters, the way they responded.” Then Biden fell asleep during a memorial event. At one point he looked dazed apparently unaware of where he was. More here |
They are charged with saying the 2020 Election of Ole Joe Biden Was Corrupt ... so they're indicted as if the USA is a Banana Republic!
- Rudy Guiliani
- Sidney Powell
- Rudy Giuliani (13 counts)
- John Eastman (9 counts)
- Mark Meadows (2 counts)
- Kenneth Chesebro (7 counts)
- Jeffrey Clark (2 counts)
- Jenna Ellis (2 counts)
- Ray Smith III (12 counts)
'2000 MULES'
Judges 8:23; Psalm 149:2
-- Matthew Henry Commentary: Judges 8 Matthew Henry's Commentary (
In Virginia, Teen Student Quits School Rather than Remove USA Flags From His Truck
8-24-23, DailyMail -- Christopher Hartless told ABC 13 [here] he refuses to take the flags down and he doesn't comprehend how they could be perceived as distracting. He said: "I don't understand how it's distracting if they have one on the flagpole that every other student can see." | He added that his mom has his back on the issue. Mrs Kingery said: "I told my son if this is what he's believing in, then we are both going to stand behind him all the way.' After his first warning, the school repeated that the patriotic display needed to come down. | Christopher again refused and the school revoked his 2023 parking pass. Kingery told local media that she didn't want her son riding the bus for unspecified reasons. As a result of the disagreement, the family decided to resort to homeschooling. |
Many Democrats want different candidate in 2024 or are apathetic about Biden; but say it's not a deal breaker 2-9-23, ABCNews -- Although - many/most - Democrat voters say they want another nominee in 2024 that won't push them to vote for a Republican. Nearly six in 10 Democrat-aligned American voters don't want to see Biden renominated. | Biden has repeatedly pushed back on the suggestion that he's too infirm to carry out the office. The age of 80 in some people hasn't affected their abilities to a great extent - but Joe Biden is definitely infirm. It's a legitimate question to ask anybody over 70 years old, whether or not they're fit - ole Joe is not fit - and he has no discretion. He can't walk or talk like a healthy intelligent person. |
Fox 12 Million
8-24-23, Update: President Trump & Tucker Carlson Break the INTERNET! Massively [here]
The response to this unconventional approach (8-23-23, Trump-Tucker Video on Twitter) was a phenomenal success. Within the first few hours there were over 70 million views. By Thursday, 8-24-23 morning, the count rose to 170 million views. It shows no signs of slowing down, with the numbers expected to continue climbing in the coming days.
FOX Debate, 8-23-23, CNN Reports — The first Republican primary debate of the 2024 campaign season hosted by Fox News averaged 12.8 million viewers. The numbers were far short of the historic 24 million viewers who tuned into the first Republican debate in August 2015, in which businessman Donald Trump sparred with the large field of politicians. More here
Trump wrote on TRUTH teasing the interview:
Truth, Accuracy, and Election Fraud [here] 8-3-23, AmericanThinker -- The USA federal government asserts jurisdiction over an election offense to ensure that basic rights of US citizenship, and a fundamental process of representative democracy, remain uncorrupted. The appalling inaccuracy of the nation's voter rolls is not a clerical error, as election officials would have us believe. | It is an offense. First, accuracy is identified as critical in the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). [..] All the hoopla about the coming election is just a show. If the election is corrupted what good is the show? What's to prevent the next election also being a fraud? We have only a few precious months before 2024. We are calling all citizens of the United States that love liberty to let your voice be heard - hoping it will count. |
Supporters - 'LISTLESS VESSELS!'
Definition of listless vessel: Someone who is dull or lethargic and lazy.
See video at 3.25 min mark 'listless vessel' remark here
Yes, he did!
See People Magazine report here:
And 2-12-23, BusInsider -- DeSantis went even further than Paul Ryan on changing Social Security and Medicare - As a congressional candidate, DeSantis repeatedly expressed support for overhauling the retirement programs PAID FOR BY WORKERS AND THEIR EMPLOYERS THROUGH FICA TAX -- HE wants to privatize aspects of Medicare and Social Security, as CNN's Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck uncovered earlier this week.
Some report that he has 1500 hours as a pilot; I haven’t found confirmation. — Annette
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America Babylon
Apostles Martyrdom
English Bible
Islam Terror
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Jeremiah 6:11
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
Matthew 15:13; Mark 13:20; Luke 20:35
John 6:37, 39, 44, 65
Hebrews 9:15
Revelation 17:14
Jeremiah 4
Annette Greco-Meisner
[email protected]
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