6-30-24, As we see the current multitudes of Islamic terrorists war against Israel we wonder how she could possibly win. However, searching the scriptures, we see many examples of low numbers vs high numbers being victorious IF God is on their side.
Example of Hebrew Gideon - God told him to gather an army to go after enemy Midian; but 32,000 men were too many - they were narrowed down to 300 while Midian had an army of 12,000 ... they were triumphant! Numbers 31:4; Judges 7:1-25; 1 Samuel 17:47; 2 Chronicles 20:15-17 — Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/jfb/judges/7.htm 6-30-24, Lead Me to the Rock!
Sunday Worship Hymns Playlist Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmHBj_WeBmY&list=RDMM&index=1 Psalm 61:2 "From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I." -- Benson Commentary: biblehub.com/commentaries/benson/psalms/61.htm
6-30-24, NEW YORK TIMES paper calls for Joe to QUIT. IT notes that ole Joe Biden‘s handlers are already making excuses for his abysmal performance, including claiming he had a cold. His wife was gleeful praising him: “You answered all the questions!!” Gasp, really? His stumbles and brain freezes during the debate merely affirmed the concerns every sentient American who is not a partisan hack or members of his criminal family had before.
6-29-24, All the quandaries of life can be answered by reading God’s word the Holy Bible. It is a light to the feet of the Lord Jesus’ faithful followers. It directs us to the right path.
Job 29:3; Psalm 18:28, 19:8, 43:3, 119:105; Proverbs 6:23 — Benson Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/benson/psalms/18.htm USA Effort to Teach History Again: |
6-29-24, * -- Fearlessly igniting an ‘Apocalyptic’ [1] legal battles, two USA states see the importance of exposing USA children to the moral precepts of almighty God. Oklahoma’s Republican state superintendent of public instruction, Ryan Walters ordered all of his state’s public schools to teach students about the Holy Bible and the Ten Commandments. The move closely followed the similarly provocative 6-19-24 Louisiana law by Governor Jeff Landry requiring state funded public school classrooms to prominently display God’s Ten Commandments. The Bible lies at the beating heart of American history and Western Civilization itself and cannot be disputed. USA culture, traditions, politics and legal system cannot be understood without referencing the country’s Christian roots. | The USA House of Representatives has a relief posted on the wall of Moses who brought God’s Commandments to the world. [2] In anguish critics decried, ‘What’s happening in this country? Didn’t we spend the entire 1960’s getting the Bible out of public schools? Was it all for nothing? How can public schools force kids to even think about God and the Bible? Is this now Christian Totalitarianism?’ So forth, and so on. […] The Bible is the world’s best-selling book of all time; none come close! It recounts 1000s of years of ancient world history and it's been proven deadly accurate by archaeologists. [3] Biblical accounts of unlikely events and civilizations previously unknown to historians who thought the Bible’s accounts were just mythological have been proven to be truth. It’s also the most effective self-help book ever published. |
And the new Louisiana law requiring God’s Ten Commands to be posted on the walls of state schools is not solely religious, but that it has historical significance. In the law´s language, the Ten Commandments are described as 'foundational documents of the state of Louisiana and national government.' [2] [4] The controversy over Israel, the Muslims and the deep ties between America and the Jewish state all have Biblical roots. How can students understand the fiery debates over the land of Israel and Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, without understanding the religious significance of the Jewish Temple? | To secular or atheist readers, I pose one question: If, to whatever extent, Western Civilization is in fact Biblically based, what happens when you unceremoniously yank the Bible out of it? And could that yanking explain, at least partially, America’s simultaneous long, undeniable slide into social and moral depravity and confusion? Putting the Bible back into public schools, assuming it sticks, will not create a Theocratic Dictatorship. We had no theocratic dictatorship from the founding till 1962, when Separation became fashionable. By many metrics, the USA was doing well, maybe even better than now, before the great anti-Christian crusade began in the 1960’s. You’d think people would want to study the top bestselling book in history. |
States Actions: Montana first to ban homosexual "drag" performers from reading to minor children [here] 4-13-23, NBC News -- Montana’s law [taking effect 10-1-24] defines homosexual men in women's costume and makeup reading to minor children as one hosted by a drag king or drag queen. Florida and Tennessee also trying to ban drag reading events, but both require the performances to be sexual in nature, which could be up to interpretation. Of course both bills also face legal challenges. [..] Kansas and Tennessee have similar laws set to take effect on July 1, 2024 that "LGBTQ" homosexual allies argue this will deny legal recognition to nonbinary and transgender people preventing them from changing the sex on their birth certificates and driver’s licenses. |
[2] Ten Commandments: Exodus 20:3-4, 7-8, 12-17; Deuteronomy 4:13; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Exodus 20 KJV (biblehub.com)
House of Representatives Moses on the Wall: Moses (c. 1350-1250 B.C.) Hebrew prophet and God’s lawgiver to the Jewish nation of Israel; received the Ten Commandments.
[3] World’s best selling book: https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/best-selling-book-of-non-fiction
[4] Louisiana https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13548125/Louisiana-law-classrooms-display-Ten-Commandments.html
*Excerpted and adapted full original report from Florida USA Attorney Jeff Childers here https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/the-court-giveth-saturday-june-29
Shocking Rapes & Murders of 3 USA Innocents by Illegal Migrants [here] 6-21-24, FoxNews -- ILLEGALS charges with kidnapping, RAPE AND MURDER IN THE US. Rachel Morin, Laken Riley and 12 year old Jocelyn Nungaray all victims of illegal migrants in the USA. | Islamic terrorist, ISIS affiliates have flooded into the USA as asylum seekers [here] 6-26-24m DailyMail - USA federal agents are racing to round up over 400 illegal migrants who smuggled into the US through the border by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network from Central Asia. | According to NBC News the migrants, although during entry they were vetted by US Border Patrol, they weren't detained because they weren't on the terrorism watchlist. Recently, US Immigration has arrested 150 of the 400 however, the location of fifty is totally unknown to US authorities. |
4-8-24, NYPost here -- Anti-Israel activists were heard chanting “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” at a rally in a Michigan city recently dubbed the “jihad Muslim capital” of the US. Democrat politicians tripped over themselves to accuse the paper of bigotry and “Islamophobia.” Including ole Joe Biden who said the piece could lead to “anti-Arab hate.” Muslim activists who take the side of Palestinian/Muslim terrorists and then cry about Islamophobia when people notice have no one to blame but themselves and their dishonest bait-and-switch. | ![]() Michigan Muslim Democrat Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib censured 11-8-23, US Congress has censured its only Palestinian-Muslim-American member, Tlaib, over her comments ... rebuked for her defense of the chant 'from the river to the sea"... |
Islamic Terrorist Attacks Happened Long Before USA 9/11 [here] 5-10-14, AMERICAN THINKER -- The British Muslim terrorists were actually recruited in the mosques of Birmingham and London long before the USA 9-11-2001 attacks. The move from selective terrorism to the "global jihad" [war] occurring 2 decades before the 2001 intervention in Afghanistan. | History of Islamic Attack on USA [here Newsweek] On September 11, 2001 in the USA nineteen Islamic terrorists hijacked and crashed American passenger jets killing 3,000 people and injured more than 6,000 others. It was the worst attack against the homeland in our nation's history. Today in 2024, the USA ignorantly ignores the fact that many current terrorists chant 'death to USA!' Yet, they are admitted into America [here]. | Osama bin Laden's first fatwas [war declarations] were originally published in London. And, as early as the late 1980s and early 1990s, a number of radical Islamist conferences took place in Britain. Islamists from all over the world attended these conferences. They included Gaza, Israel's Hamas, Lebanon's Hizb’allah and many other Islamic terror groups. |
Philippians 4:7; Psalm 47:7-8, 93:1; Romans 8:28; Revelation 11:16, 19:11 ✝️🙏
-- Barnes Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/barnes/philippians/4.htm
-- Gill Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/gill/revelation/11.htm
New Regime Is Taking Over USA Military = Homosexuals
6-12-24, * -- The USA military, which by its nature imposes a culture of obedience and uniformity enjoying the trust and respect of the great majority of Americans, is a key target of the group quota regime. However, now the USA military that couldn’t be defeated by global nuclear powers has been conquered by a band of people dedicated to a sexual disorder. Since the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) in 2010 by Barry Obama, the Dept of Defense (DOD) capitulated to the revolutionary cause of homosexual’s = lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer [LGBTQ] June “Pride Month” [1]. In doing so, it usurped the concept of selfless service to others with the celebration of self for the sexually divergent. The Pentagon, and all branches of the military, publish internal public affairs guidance documents laying out exactly how military leaders from top to bottom are expected to celebrate LGBTQ values in speech and action. Including sending honor guards in full military dress to formally kick off “pride” parades. The American flag and military colors have long shown up in battles throughout American history. Now they wave in cultural battle with the pink/blue ‘trans’ flag. [2] | Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, a man who became a 4-star general in the straight Army, has made kicking off Pride Month part of the liturgical calendar. At this year’s Pentagon pride celebration, Rear Admiral Mike Brown shared how breaking up his family to follow homosexual desires allows him to better serve the nation. One thing is clear: the U.S. military’s advocacy for sexual revolution has weakening the force, a reality that no American can afford to accept. It’s led to increased stress and anxiety among the troops, decreased team cohesion, and an erosion of trust—outcomes that have played a predominant role in the worst military recruitment crisis since the last peacetime draft ended in 1973. Note: Overweight ‘trannies’ do not participate in training they cannot perform. [3] [4] |
- U.S. Army Col. Dan Blackmon advertised a since-closed online store selling 434th Field Artillery Brigade-branded gay pride shirts as a way of making the unit appear inclusive
- U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Will Renier, then spokesman for Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael Grinston, posting his order for 434th Field Artillery Brigade pride shirts on X.
- Maryland National Guard Colonel Brian T. Connelly posted photos of himself cavorting sexually with other military men while wearing a fetish pup mask
- In 2023 the DOD mandated the use of gender-neutral pronouns in writing awards
- Gen. Mark Milley’s retirement award was delayed because it referred to Milley as a man rather than “they.” The Pentagon reversed itself in response to a deluge of unwanted PR and congressional scrutiny.
- Both West Point and the Air Force Academy offer gender-neutral bathrooms
- The Navy has selected a drag queen to be its official digital ambassador.
[1] Pride Month: specified as homosexual lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer [aka LGBTQ] “Pride Month.” The June monthlong observance dedicated to celebrating LGBTQ pride, commemorating the contributions of culture and community. Wikipedia
[2] Trans flag: https://time.com/6985118/trans-pride-flag-what-to-know/
[3] Fat ‘Trannies’ don’t train https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-07-06-lgbt-obese-army-fat-trannies-exempt-fitness.html
[4] Low Recruitment https://www.wavy.com/news/military/u-s-military-sees-record-breaking-low-recruitment-numbers/
[5] Respect required or else! Pentagon official: Supporting LGBTQ+ people is essential to military readiness - American Thinker
*Excerpted and adapted full original report from CHASE SPEARS, U.S. Army, Retired served for 20 years in USA military public affairs, tomklingenstein.com, Declan Leary Here https://tomklingenstein.com/a-new-regime-is-taking-over-our-military/
Even some Dems call for Biden to be replaced after the 6-27-24 embarrassing CNN debate against President Trump: 82% of those polled think he should quit [here] ‘Very aggressive panic’ 6-28-24, NYPost here -- | Democrats were sent into a tailspin after Joe Biden’s floundering presidential debate performance against Donald Trump. New York politician state Sen. Alessandra Biaggi demands Joe call it quits. More here |
Proverbs 11:10, 29:2; Job 34:30; Ecclesiastes 10:5; 2 Kings 11:20; Esther 8:15-16
— Matthew Henry Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/mhc/proverbs/29.htm
First 2024 ‘Presidential Debate’
USA's true President, Donald John Trump, is walking into a viper’s pit tonight, 6-27-24. Will the ‘moderators,’ CNN’s Jake Tapper & Dana Bash prevent President Trump from giving complete answers - while Ole Joe wanders off?
6-27-24, * -- From President Trump’s well-wishers everywhere, for your safety, Mr President, take your own paper, pen and bottle of water with you! Tonight, Thursday, 6-27-24, Fox News will simulcast the debate from 9-11 pm EST. Jesse Waters will begin debate’s preview coverage at 7:00 PM with chief political anchor Bret Baier. And at 8 pm anchor Martha MacCallum will take the reins. After the 90 minute debate Sean Hannity will analyze the event coverage gauging the public’s reaction. | The Truth is that most American patriots know that MAGA [Make America Great Again] leader President Trump was and still is surrounded by a maelstrom of hatred long before tonight’s debate. However, there are more who are praying for him. *Excerpted full original report from Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press here https://canadafreepress.com/article/in-tonights-media-gang-up-president-debate-for-safetys-sake-mr-trump-bring-your-own-pen-paper-and-water-bottle-with-you |
American kids are coddled too much [here] The USA probably has 1/3 of our kids who are coddled way way too much. In 2024 USA kids have been brought up on face masks and social media. Their parents allow them to be exposed to porn through their phone, but not to a cold virus through their mouth. | Sadly while attempting to protect against cold viruses the body’s natural immune system is weakened. Left unchallenged, the body becomes unable to fight off any form of infection. Likewise, making our children’s lives too easy may be the worst choice we can make for them. | We must let children navigate obstacles on their own, with little help from us. In this way, he/she develops pride, knowledge, self reliance and confidence. We rob them of those things when we prevent them from struggling. Life is a struggle; the earlier our children learn that, the better. More here |
8-5-23, NYPost -- New York leaders want to re-emphasize teaching phonics which all research shows is the best way to help kids learn to read.
“...nation shall rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom: there shall be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.”
So it’s expected. We also see in Jeremiah 6:14 & Revelation 6:3 there’ll be no peace on earth. However, we also see that God protects His faithful; so we are at peace.
Philippians 4:7; 1 John 5:18; Matthew 24:7-8; Mark 13:7
— Ellicott Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/ellicott/1_john/5.htm
— Barnes Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/barnes/philippians/4.htm
North Korea Sends Troops to Bolster Russia in the Ukraine War
On 6-19-24, the first time in 24 years the Russian Federation President Putin made an official state visit to North Korea. Putin and his host, Kim Jong Un signed a defense pact promising military assistance to one another. | Fears grow of a critical escalation in the Ukraine conflict as North Korea, within days of signing the agreement, has announced it will be sending a unit of military engineers to join Russia's army on the ground in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. |
President Trump's Biggest 'Debate' Opponents Are the Media, Not Ole Joe Biden [here] 6-26-24, TheFederalist -- When Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election, CNN's Jake Tapper said: “for tens of millions of our Americans: their long national nightmare is over.” He also said Trump was the cause of the “worst debate” he had ever seen because he was “maliciously attacking” Hunter Biden. | Biden Needs 7 Days to Prepare to Stand Up for 90 Minutes? [here] 6-26-24, The Biden prep group of 16 people have released information of how ole Joe is doing in the seven days he's training to meet President Trump for the 90 minute debate tomorrow [9 pm ET, Thursday, CNN, 6-27-24]. Many pundits are wondering why they're releasing this information? |
A USA presidential debate June 27, 2024 is unheard of. The past earliest debate was Sept. 21 during the 1980 presidential election. Biden and Trump’s second debate will be hosted by ABC News, is scheduled for Sept. 10, 2024 which the second earliest debate in history. Some explain the reason is the early voting plan by mail this year. Virginia, So Dakota & Minnesota begins Sept 20, Illinois begins Sept 26.
Lot’s Daughters in Sodom Genesis 19:4-8
Gibeah Judges 19:22-23
— Prof. Sara Milstein is Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible Commentary: https://www.thetorah.com/.../the-story-of-the-concubine...
“Masada” in 70 AD Jewish Slaves of Rome Took a Stand
"Gaza" in 2023-2024 AD Jewish Victims of Islam Take a Stand
Current 2024 Masada Photo with Dead Sea in Background:
Why Does the World Hate Israel and Not the Islamic Terorrists Hamas? 6-14-24, One of 20th century Israel's most prominent rabbinic leaders and an esteemed authority in Jewish law, Rav Shaul Yisraeli (1909-1995) discussed why Islamic terrorists are defended and the victim Israel is besmirched. According to revisionists, an army fighting on behalf of a sovereign state [Israel] — cannot morally justify their actions and should cease fighting. Revisionists are the ultimate useful idiots for terrorist organizations and rogue states, who respect no laws and selfishly render violence while always claiming to be victims. | If a righteous nation is held to revisionist ideals, they would not just be fighting with one hand tied behind their backs, but two. Israel's ongoing conflict with Hamas, and particularly the rescue of hostages, undoubtedly represents an existential struggle for Israel’s survival that is being keenly observed by all of Israel’s adversaries. This is why the cost of kidnapping Israelis must be high to deter such atrocities in the future. The misfortune of civilian deaths, as in any just war, is the tragic consequence of such a mission, undertaken to prevent far worse outcomes. [Think about USA bombing Japan in Hiroshima!] | The hypocrisy of the media and international actors who criticize Israel is glaring. They refuse to acknowledge that the hostages were all innocent civilians now held by Hamas in Gaza's residential neighborhoods, where the likelihood of an Israeli rescue raid was, thus high making civilian casualties inevitable. Rather than hauling Israel over the coals, isn’t it time for the media and international organizations to start hounding Hamas and their lackeys for generating suffering on a scale for Palestinians not seen since 1948? Until Hamas is gone, the suffering will continue like it was at Masada with Rome! |
- 73% of Gazans and 57% of West Bank [Judaea & Samaria, Israel] Muslims aka "Palestinians" still think the Islamic terrorist's Hamas’ brutality and slaughter of Jews on October 7, 2023 was correct. More here
• Total 8,019 square miles
Widest Distance from East to West: 71 miles
Distance from North to South: 263 miles
Source Wikipedia here
[1] Israel Gaza War: Hamas raped, mutilated, killed Jewish civilians & children on 7 October [here]
BBC: On Oct 7, 2023 the Islamic group Hamas terrorists from Gaza stormed Israel's "Nova Festival" and private homes of innocent Jewish civilians in Israel. They raped, tortured, beheaded, killed and kidnapped hundreds. One video shows a Jewish woman known as Witness S mime the attackers picking up and passing the victim from one terrorist to another.
[2] Masada - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Full report of Masada here:
90 minute car ride from Jerusalem here
The Masada Siege - Biblical Archaeology Society
Masada: Where Jewish rebels took a stand against the Romans | Stars and Stripes
The fall of Masada | Princeton University Press
Around the World, Marriage Is Declining Worldwide, 4.3 percent of women get to their late forties without ever marrying. [Note: Many experts report that the main reason men don't marry is because most have no faith in God and "why should they?" Sex is now free without the hassle and threat of divorce.] | Pew Research Center estimates that by the time today’s young adults in the U.S. reach the age of 50, approximately 25 percent of them will have been single their whole lives [but are sexually active]. The emotional, social, political and economic landscape is transformed with declining families in marital wedlock in ways we cannot yet fully imagine as there are fewer children in the USA. |
The Ukrainian military has launched many US-made ATACMS long-range missiles armed with highly controversial cluster munitions using USA intelligence on Russia’s Crimea resulting in numerous civilian casualties
USA Responsible for Deadly Nazi Ukraine Missile Strike on Innocent Beach Goers in Crimea 6-23-24, Breitbart -- Russia's Defense Ministry said both Ukraine and the U.S. bore "responsibility for a deliberate missile strike on civilians." | Russia’s ministry of defense said one of 5 US-made ATACMS long-range artillery rockets fired by Ukraine at Crimean civilians. “Responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on civilians in Sevastopol lies primarily with USA who supplied these weapons [and intelligence to use them] to Ukraine... Such actions will not go unanswered.” | It was an AMERICAN drone and intelligence targeting coordinates for the attack upon the beach. Confirmation that least 5 innocent civilians murdered including children. Clearly the war is tit for tat killing Ukrainians and Russians = but the big issue is the Russians are being killed with American Weapons ... |
The Spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakarova, said the following: "The date for such a strike was not chosen by chance — it was Trinity Sunday. And we understand what lies at the core of the Kiev regime’s essence — a deep-seated hatred for everything related to Russia, and Russian culture and Christianity as a whole. These crimes coincide with major holidays." | Trinity Sunday is one of the most beloved and bright holidays of Russian people. It is one of the Twelve Great Feasts of the Russian Orthodox Christian Church calendar. [..] Apparently Washington considers Crimea to be part of Ukraine and has allowed Ukrainian commanders to strike it with US-made missiles. More here |
2020 CATO Institute Report on USA Failures in Foreign Wars [here] High‐profile failures in So Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and now Ukraine ... President Trump downgraded regime change wars while he was in office; yet those in his administration’s foreign policy continued with efforts for regime change. [..] Trump walked back every chance he had to escalate to the highest level tensions with adversaries. | President Trump wouldn't let John Bolton start wars [here] 9-10-19, Vox -- There was always going to be a conflict between Trump's “America First” and John Bolton's “America Everywhere.” Bolton passionately called on the US to bomb nations of North Korea and Iran. "Leftist Doves" worried aloud that missiles would start flying as soon as Bolton stepped foot inside the Oval Office. Thankfully, it wasn't to be! President Trump refused to start any wars! |
Ephesians 5:8; 1 John 1:7-8
--Matthew Poole Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/poole/1_john/1.htm
In Russia’s Dagestan at Least 20 Dead After Church and Synagogue Attacks – Ukraine Islamic Terrorists Suspected
6-24-24, * -- On Sunday, 6-23-24 armed assailants attacked the Orthodox Christian Church and two Jewish synagogues in Russia's majority Muslim republic of Dagestan. Fifteen law enforcement officers, five civilians and 66 year old priest Nikolai Kotelnikov were slaughtered. Magomed Omarov, the head of Dagestan's Sergokalinsky district — whose sons allegedly took part in the attacks — was detained. Dagestan's Interior Ministry said police killed four of the gunmen in Makhachkala and two in Derbent. Dagestan leader, Sergei Melikov reported that the synagogue in Makhachkala, Russia was set ablaze and burned down. "We know who is behind these terrorist attacks and what objective they are pursuing.” => | <= Without clarifying to whom he was referring, he later mentioning the war in Ukraine. Russia Federation security service in April 2024 arrested four people in Dagestan for the deadly fire and shooting at Moscow's Crocus City Hall concert venue where in March 2024, 137+ were killed [1]. The attack was claimed by Islamic State [ISIS]. [2] Russia Federation’s authorities have been locked in a simmering conflict with Islamist militants from across the North Caucasus after the defeat of Chechen insurgents. Scores of police and civilians have been killed. And the Islamic militants are known to have traveled to join the ISIS group in Syria. |
[2] Concert Hall = ISIS https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/more-than-60-killed-in-concert-attack-near-moscow-islamic-state-claims-responsibility-1.6818466
* Aljazeera https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/23/synagogue-church-attacks-in-russias-dagestan-kill-police-report
* DailyMail https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13560507/russia-terror-gunman-synagogues-police-dead.html
* https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/06/23/at-least-19-dead-after-church-and-synagogue-attacks-in-russias-dagestan-a85496
President Trump's spokesperson, Karoline Leavitt was cutoff CNN [here] 6-24-24, Gateway -- Ms Leavitt said: "Biden is hiding away while President Trump was preparing to 'go into a hostile environment on this very network with debate moderators [Jake Tapper & Dana Bash] who have made their opinions about him very well known over the past eight years.' Tapper and Bash are 'biased.' CNN moderator Ms Kasie Hunt jumped in insisting "they were 'professional'. 'Ma'am, we're going to stop right there if you're going to keep attacking my colleagues, I would like to talk about Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who you work for." CNN Compared Trump to Nazis NY Post here List: CNN Pundit Jake Tapper Lied About President Trump [here]
9. Claimed President Trump was a “rather angry defendant, saying there’s no case here.” 10. Refused to cover President Trump live due to “potentially dangerous” content. |
Be at peace. The Lord Jesus said:
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:17
'I Know Who Holds Tomorrow!'
Non stop hymns of Christ faith here:
Songwriters: Joyce Reba Rambo
Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXrL-Z44KHc
The holy hills of Heaven call me To mansions bright across the sea Where loved ones wait and crowns are given And the hills of home keep calling me This house of flesh is but a prison Bars of bone are holding my soul But the doors of clay are gonna burst wide open When the angel sets my spirit free I'll take my flight like a mighty eagle When the hills of home start calling me I'll take my flight like a mighty eagle When the hills of home start calling me I see loved ones over yonder Tears are gone and hearts are free And from the throne king Jesus beckons Oh the hills of home are calling me | This house of flesh is but a prison Bars of bone are holding my soul But the doors of clay are gonna burst wide open When the angel sets my spirit free I'll take my flight like a mighty eagle When the hills of home start calling me I'll take my flight like a mighty eagle When the hills of home start calling me When the hills of home start calling me This house of flesh is but a prison Bars of bone are holding my soul But the doors of clay are gonna burst wide open When the angel sets my spirit free I'll take my flight like a mighty eagle When the hills of home start calling me I'll take my flight like a mighty eagle When the hills of home start calling me |
God looked upon the earth and it was corrupt.” Genesis 6:12 ...
“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works.” Psalm 14:1 ...
“Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil” Exodus 23:2 ...
“Woe to the rebellious children, that take counsel, but not of Me.” Isaiah 30:1 ...
The Lord Jesus said:
“Narrow is the way, which leads to life and few there be that find it.”
Matthew 7:13-14
— Ellicott’s Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/ellicott/exodus/23.htm
— Benson Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/benson/exodus/23.htm
America Babylon
Apostles Martyrdom
English Bible
Islam Terror
Lord's Supper
New Jerusalem
USA Presidents
US Politics
Jeremiah 6:11
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
Matthew 15:13; Mark 13:20; Luke 20:35
John 6:37, 39, 44, 65
Hebrews 9:15
Revelation 17:14

Jeremiah 4
Annette Greco-Meisner
[email protected]
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