1-31-23, The miraculous disappearance of the Apostle Philip after the baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch:
After the scriptures and prophesy [Isaiah 53:7] were explained about the Savior Jesus; the man believed and wanted to be baptized. Afterward Philip was suddenly and extraordinarily taken away from his sight. This miracle caused His rejoicing & was the effect of his faith now justified and he had peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1; Acts 8:28-40 -- Matthew Poole Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/poole/acts/8.htm
1-25-23, A convoy of 60 Bradley Fighting Vehicles load onto the ARC Integrity at the Transportation Core Dock in North Charleston, South Carolina. The Bradley tanks were shipped by U.S. Transportation Command as part of the U.S. military aid package to Ukraine. USTRANSCOM is a combatant command focused on projecting and sustaining military power at a time and place of the nation's choosing, advancing American interests around the globe. Source here | ZeroHedge [here]: Ole Joe Biden announced 31 M1 Abrams main battle tanks (without secret armor) would be sent to Ukraine. Germany, Norway, Poland and other NATO countries also intend to send tanks. Morocco will send older T-72 series tanks, currently in use in the war-torn country. All of these 'donated' tanks sound great, but if they don't make it to Europe and race across the battlefield by spring, then the Ukranians might have trouble repelling the Russians. |
Banana duct-taped to a wall sold for $120K at Art Basel [here] 12-5-19, NewYorkPost -- Something's rotten in the art world — and it's probably this overpriced old fruit. A banana duct-taped to a wall has been sold for a hard-to-stomach $120,000 at Art Basel Miami. | The Art Basel Banana [here] 12-10-19, Vogue -- The $120,000 banana, Titled Comedian, by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan; he's an absurdist. In 2016 he replaced a toilet at the Guggenheim with a fully functioning gold one. He called the artwork America. |
1-30-23, The Disciple Stephen was charged with six others to care for the faithful widows. But the wicked Synagogue priests heard of his teaching of Jesus and arrested him. He proclaimed the true history of faith enraging the corrupt leaders who had him stoned to death. As he passed from this earthly life he saw the Lord Jesus and heaven open. He prayed "receive my spirit." (Luke 23:46) | Nothing is so comforting to & encouraging to suffering or dying saints, as to see or know Jesus is waiting for us. When Stephen died, the words used are, "he fell asleep." He shall awake again [as all born again believers will] at the resurrection, to be received into the presence of the Lord, where is joy forevermore. Acts 7:1-59 🙏🏻 |
-- Matthew Henry Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/mhc/acts/7.htm
Connecticut: Massive Fire Destroys Commercial Egg Farm Belonging To Bozrah Egg Farm
1-28-23, NBCNews -- After several months of a lull in mysterious fires rippling through the USA food industry, the first major one of the new year was reported on Jan 28, 2023 by NBC Connecticut [here]. More than 100 firefighters worked to put out the blaze that was in a 50 foot by 600 foot operating chicken coop killing appx 100,000 chickens at Hillandale Farms on Schwartz Road. Cause of fire unknown... | FBI Warns of Attacks on Food Plants After Rash of Mysterious Fires [ here]
U-Haul Literally Ran Out of Trucks Leaving California 1-14-22, U-Haul truck and other vehicles travel along Interstate 10 as wind turbines TRY to generate enough electricity to supply state... Meanwhile 2022 saw a booming demand for U-Haul equipment from California, Illinois, and New York as citizens chose to flee the West Coast, Northeast, and Midwest. Phenomenal growth in Texas and Florida... More ABCNews here | Figures Show Californians Continue to Flee from the State 1-2-23, KOGO -- The mass exodus from California continues. According to U.S. Census Bureau more than 340,000 people left the state of California in 2022. The population loss is happening even though California is a Sanctuary State and is openly encouraging illegal immigrants and women who want to kill their babies in all trimesters [here] to come to the Golden State? Not enough ... | The exodus from California continues from the once thriving state. California’s Carl DeMaio says high taxes, costly government mandates, surging crime, failing schools and increasing homelessness are forcing Californians to flee. While Gov Newsom advertises late term abortions that now occur commercially in Maryland, Colorado, Illinois, New Mexico, and California. |
They said: 'We obey God not man!”
The lawyer, Gamaliel counciled the priests to let them go - IF they be OF GOD you cannot win! They were flogged & released to happily daily preach Jesus everywhere! Acts 5:28-42; Matthew 10:17; Mark 13:13; John 15:18
-- Commentary Matthew Henry: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/mhc/acts/5.htm
-- Benson Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/benson/acts/5.htm
1-28-23, GreekNews -- Ukraine revealed that Zelensky had stripped thirteen Ukraine Orthodox Church [UOC] priests of their Ukrainian citizenship after imposing personal sanctions on them. Reportedly Zelensky's order deprives them of their status; the list includes some bishops previously raided by the Ukraine. The list includes Metropolitan (Bishop) Pavel of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl, the senior cleric in Ukraine’s most prominent Orthodox monastery, the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, and retired Metropolitan Yelisei of Izium and Kupiansk. It also targets several priests of the Russian Orthodox Church whose parishes are located in Crimea, as well as Ukrainian businessman Vadim Novinsky, who holds the office of a deacon in the UOC. More here:
Israel & USA Begin Massive War Games; Apparently Message to Iran [here] 1-24-23, TimesofIsrael -- Juniper Oak 2023, in the Eastern Mediterranean involving over 140 aircraft, 12 naval vessels, and artillery systems from the U.S. and Israel, is a warning to the Iranian Dicatorship. | A senior US defense official told NBC News that the drill was aimed at showing adversaries, such as Iran, that Washington is not too distracted by Ukraine and threats from China to mobilize a large military force. [Drone attacks Iran - Israel blamed day before Blinken's arrival.] [here] |
Jerusalem Shooting Raises Security Concerns Ahead of Blinken Trip 1-28-23, U.S. Sec of State Antony Blinken will travel to Jerusalem and Muslims in Ramallah in a trip that will be subject to renewed security concerns following a deadly shooting at a synagogue ... | 1-29-23, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken landed in Egypt on Sunday, 1-29-23 beginning visit to the Middle East as violence flares between Israelis and Palestinians, and with Iran as a drone bombs Iranian defense factory. [Here] |
-- Barnes Commentary -- Acts 4 Barnes' Notes (biblehub.com)
Minnesota Senate passes abortion bill that the 'most ghoulish yet' [here] 1-28-23, FoxNews -- The Minnesota Senate passed the PRO Act giving great leeway to when and how a mother can kill her child. Many say it's an "extreme" measure permitting late-term abortion. | The big picture: The PRO Act means it's legal for any baby to be aborted, for any reason and at any time up to birth. The absolutist extremism of this bill would put Minnesota in the company of just a handful of countries worldwide, among them China and North Korea. More here |
God will punish the guilty and the USA is guilty.
In America over 63,459,781 Human Babies Have Been Killed by Abortion Since Roe v. Wade in 1973. -- more here
Senate Democrats call Biden docs 'irresponsible' [here] 1-23-23, NYPost -- Senate Democrats call ole Joe Biden's handling of classified documents "unacceptable" and "irresponsible" after the White House confirmed that even more sensitive classified documents have been uncovered. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told CNN’s “State of the Union:” “To think that any of them ended up in boxes in his storage is just unacceptable,” | ... Joe Manchin asked about Biden’s comment that he has “no regrets” about not revealing that classified documents were found at the Penn Biden Center on Nov. 2, 2022 just days before the midterm elections he said: "He should have “regrets.” Democrats Prepare to Dump Demented Joe Now He's Served His purpose The truth is that establishment Dems wanted Joe because they could easily manipulate him as he has no morals and can be easily blackmailed. |
Acts 2:38-41; Acts 4:4 [5,000 believed!] Acts 13:48
-- Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/jfb/acts/2.htm
Why Kevin McCarthy booted three left-wing Democrats from committees [here] 1-14-23, FoxNews -- House Speaker McCarthy reports that Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. and Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., will not be returning to the House Intelligence Committee. Also Islamic far-left Squad member Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., will not be returning to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. |
11-16-18, WashExaminer -- Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif after conservatives criticized him for calling for the forcible confiscation of Americans weapons - he upped the ante lamenting over his "0 progress" in the gun debate and said he was only going to 'nuke' people sarcastically. Yet he seriously proposed taking away American's right to defend themselves from the government using the word 'nuke.' As a basic reminder, the explicit purpose of the Second Amendment is to allow the people to defend themselves from the government going rogue and becoming a tyranny.
The Risen Christ Was Cooking ...
'Come and Dine.'
John 21:1-7, 9-10; Mark 16:12; Acts 1:3
-- Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/jfb/john/21.htm
Former President Trump Corona Virus Adviser Dr Deborah Birx Admits to Deceiving the White House
7-17-22, Red State [here] -- Dr. Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator and adviser for President Trump, launched her book about her one-person attack on our form of government and our economy under the guise of saving us from the Wuhan virus. The book 'SILENT INVASION' has been out for a couple of months. Michael Senger says it “reads like a how-to guide in subverting a national superpower from within. It could only be told through the personal account of someone who was on the front lines doing just that.” Apparently she also fell for the bullsh** story of China's 1,000-bed hospital constructed in ten days. She said, "No sooner had we convinced President Trump to implement our version of a two-week shutdown than I was trying to figure out how to extend it. Fifteen Days to Slow the Spread was a start, but I knew it would be just that. I didn’t have the numbers in front of me yet to make the case for extending it longer, but I had two weeks to get them. However hard it had been to get the fifteen-day shutdown approved, getting another one would be more difficult by many orders of magnitude." | While we’re talking about frauds, can we remember the sordid and stupid history of the “six-foot separation” rule? She said: "The 10-person limit on gatherings was the fraud we all thought it was. I had settled on ten knowing that even that was too many, but I figured that ten would at least be palatable for most Americans—high enough to allow for most gatherings of immediate family but not enough for large dinner parties and, critically, large weddings, birthday parties, and other mass social events.… Similarly, if I pushed for zero (which was actually what I wanted and what was required), this would have been interpreted as a “lockdown”—the perception we were all working so hard to avoid." [here] [..] A final point. Anyone who still claims there is no such thing as the “Deep State,” should be laughed at. Throughout the Trump administration, we saw example after example of bureaucrats making their own rules and ignoring laws and orders they didn’t like. An FBI official attempts a coup and is allowed to retire. Former intelligence officials actively collaborated in a plot to bring down a president with no repercussions. The fact that Birx can write a book laying out her own duplicity and have it favorably greeted by much of the media shows just how deep the Deep State goes. |
GOP Mocked for Taking 15 Rounds to Vote in Speaker - While Democrats voted in lock-step [here] 1-8-23, WesternJournal, -- While Democrats voted in lock-step, Republicans were showing the true nature of our great country. If the nation continues to be represented by leftist Dems - it’s more likely to be statist, bordering on Stalinist [Communistic]. | McCarthy won the speakership on the 15th ballot, the most required to choose a House speaker since before the Civil War. (In 1860, the year before the war, it took 44 ballots to produce a speaker. In 1856, it took a record 133 ballots. The resolution of this year’s fight depended on Rep. Andy Biggs [AZ] and five fellow McCarthy opponents voting “present” rather than for a specific individual. | The opponents should have no regrets, since this was really a reminder of what type of government the United States has — a republic, made up of men and women elected by their constituents to represent them. In a nation of more than 330 million, that representation, if it’s honest, is going to be, almost by definition, messy, unruly and bordering on chaotic. |
-- Ellicott's Commentary: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/ellicott/john/19.htm
Russia has not been preparing to invade Europe; just looking at the budgets shows this is absolutely an absurd argument.
1-24-23, Martin Armstrong -- [Excerpt] The So Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham is an outright neocon who will say anything to achieve his dream – the destruction of Russia. The Russian Federation [RF] isn't even Communist anymore. There is absolutely ZERO evidence since the 1990s and the fall of the USSR that anyone - not even the RF - has sought to conquer Europe. Both Germany's Nazi dictator Hitler and France's Napoleon were seeking to re-establish the old Roman Empire and rule over all of Europe. Both attempted to take Egypt to relive the glory of Rome. Some say to fulfill the prophecy that the end will come when the Holy Roman Empire rises for that will be the time when we die. However, Russia's President Vladimir Putin does not aspire to that dream. Although I’m not so sure about the American Neocons... | Soviets Liberate Auschwitz - HISTORY On January 27, 1945, Soviet troops enter Auschwitz, Poland, freeing the survivors of the network of concentration camps—and finally revealing to the world the depth of the horrors perpetrated... More here History.com www.history.com/this-day-in-history/soviets-liberate-auschwitz Armstrong Economics full original report here: www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/war/why-do-neocons-want-war-with-russia/ | The Russian people like Europeans and Americans, do not want war. Like everyone else they just want to enjoy life and take care of their families. It is always the leaders who create all the wars. We are just the dirt beneath their feet – the great unwashed who are always expendable because there are too many of us anyway. [..] Lindsey Graham is carrying the banner of hatred for all Russians. It does not matter if Russia overthrows Putin, he dies, or retires; Graham will still hate Russia and want an all-out war to destroy it. We do not hate Germans today because of Hitler. So why do we hate Russians because of Stalin? One thing is for sure, this hatred of Russia is exhausting our own conventional military supplies so while we cheer claiming Ukraine is winning, we will not be in a position to defend even ourselves if China and North Korea, as well as Iran, decide to join the party. |
1-25-23, I'm going to be 80 this year and I do have good memories of the past as a time when people still sinned; but they were ashamed. Jeremiah 6:15 Today there's no shame. Nostalgia is recollecting old memories in a positive way. It’s a sentimental longing or wistful affection from the past. Most nostalgic moments are being sentimental about old times and moments which make you cherish old memories and I do. | We didn't have mass shootings. We didn't have a fear of almost anything. We didn't have fake and harmful medical treatments being pushed by the government. We had respect for our elders and those in authority over us because they deserved it. Our borders were secure and immigration laws were upheld. My father came through Ellis Island - his parents had jobs and sponsors. They were cleared of disease and bad intentions. Sigh. |
--Commentary, Jamieson-Fausset-Brown: John 6 Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary (biblehub.com)
AL GORE CASHES IN ON ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ 1-24-23, Garrison -- At the January 2023 World Economic Forum [WEF] conference, the climate huckster Al Gore went on a rant. He said we are using our atmosphere ‘as an open sewer’ and trapping as much heat as would happen if we detonated 600,000 Hiroshima bombs every day. He wailed about boiling oceans. He screeched about ‘rain bombs,’ and how we are ‘creating the droughts and melting the polar ice caps and glaciers. | Gore didn’t mention in his unhinged raving that he was wrong about his earlier predictions. He said the ice cap would be gone by 2015. He predicted that in 2009. Nope, ice caps still there. So are the glaciers. I’ve seen ‘em in Glacier National Park. He predicted rising oceans too, but apparently he didn’t believe it himself too strongly because he bought an ocean-front mansion. As for his ‘rain bomb,’ California seems to appreciate having their reservoirs filled. More here: grrrgraphics.com/al-gore-cashes-in-on-climate-change/ |
[Pilate inferring that the Lord had said so.]
Jesus replied:
"To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world, to bear testimony to the truth."
He didn't deny that He has a spiritual kingdom, that is truth and attested to the truth. As it was a part of His errand into the world; and everyone who is by Divine grace disposed to believe and love the truth will hear and obey His doctrine.
John 18:29-37
-- Commentary Matthew Poole: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/poole/john/18.htm
Predictions About the Demise of the U.S. Dollar Coming to Pass: Poszar Was Right... Saudis Confirm Non-Dollar Oil Trade Plans In Davos, Switzerland
Then, China’s President Xi visit with Saudi and GCC leaders marked the birth of the petroyuan and a leap in China’s growing encumbrance of OPEC+’s oil and gas reserves: that’s because with the China-GCC Summit, “China can now claim to have built a ‘special relationship’ not only with the ‘+’ sign in OPEC+ (Russia), but with Iran and all of OPEC+.”
Mohammed Al-Jadaan told Bloomberg TV on 1-17-23, Tuesday in an interview in Davos:“There are no issues with discussing how we settle our trade arrangements, whether it is in the US dollar, whether it is the euro, whether it is the Saudi riyal.” And Al-Jadaan said: “I don’t think we are waving away or ruling out any discussion that wil
More here: Gold Giant JPMorgan Move Into Precious Metals Clearing in Zurich (yahoo.com)
And here: JPMorgan may move into precious metals clearing in Zurich - MINING.COM
[1] Zoltan: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/zoltans-year-end-masterpiece-dusk-petrodollar-dawn-petroyuan-and-existential-threat
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