1-16-25, Want a beautiful NO CHARGE break from politics? Tim Janis video of 'snowy woods' wonderful collection of birds in the snow. ENJOY! Non stop instrumental here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=7xCp0KzvWAw
See short video of how they direct the creature:
https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/beetle-with-tiny-computer-backpack-is-worlds-smallest-cyborg-insect-say-ntu-researchers [Note: I tried to find a current update but failed. -- Annette]
Invasive and Illegal Dog-size Lizards in South Carolina, USA
Why the Search by 12 New York SWAT team, Seizure & Killing of Longo’s Pets Important in the USA - History of this US Government Overreach - And glimpse of future if Harris is elected11-3-24, Florida Attorney Jeff Childers* -- Follow-up to the confiscation and murder of New York couple’s pet squirrel, "Peanut" and racoon, "Fred." The New York SWAT invasion of the Mark & Christy Longo's home and subsequent murder of their pets represents a metaphor for what the Harris Administration would be like: more maximum force on innocent Americans. Mark Longo is an engineer. In his spare time, he runs an animal rescue farm in rural New York, where he and his wife Christy live with over 300 different animals rejected by the world. His animal activism began seven years ago after Mark witnessed a car run over a squirrel — Peanut’s mother. He found little baby Peanut nearby, his tail mangled so badly that he could not live on his own. For eight months, Mark tried to rehabilitate Peanut to the wild, and tried to rehome him to an animal shelter, but due to his injuries and having been domesticated, Peanut could not and did not want to leave. Over the last seven years, Mark, Christy, and Peanut have become fast friends. Peanut lived happily with Mark and Christy. The little guy ate waffles, wore tiny cowboy hats, performed for TikTok on miniature obstacle courses, ‘helped’ with the cooking and the baking, and greeted Mark every single day when the engineer got home from work. Mark, Christy, Peanut, Chloe the cat, and all the other animals have lived as one happy New York family, bothering no one, living life, making short internet videos, and generally minding their own business. Which made some wicked leftist Democrats very angry. Peanut became so beloved on social media** that he helped Mark’s TikTok channel explode. At the time of his death, Peanut enjoyed performing for 500,000+ followers. Mark used the income generated from his TikTok pet content to help support his growing animal rescue operation. However, the busybody hawks of doom were silently circling over the unwitting mammal and the Longos. Hawks in the form of liberal squirrel fanatics, who were offended that the Longos were flouting the laws of New York by keeping a pet squirrel, even if that pet squirrel couldn’t live in the wild; after all, the law is the law. In New York, citizens may not keep any wild animals unless they obtain a special government permit and pay license fees to the state. While the Longos and their furry friends blithely made TikTok videos without knowing anything was amiss, a relentless barrage of complaints by out-of-state snitches landed on the State of New York. Four State “environmental protection” and “animal protection” departments sprang into coordinated action to address the developing public health crisis. They took their paperwork to a leftist Democrat judge and got a legal break-and-search warrant for Mark and Christy’s home. Apparently dozens of state officials and bureaucrats were involved in this tragic miscarriage of justice and singular example of government overreach. On Halloween, 10-31-24 the New York environmental SWAT team of a dozen heavily armed officers descended on the Longo’s home, taking the small farm’s human and animal residents completely by surprise. The crack team of highly motivated climate agents forced Mark and Christy outside at gunpoint. For five hours, state agents turned the Longo’s home inside out. They didn’t say what they were searching for. According to Mr. Longo, the climate cops even took his toilet apart. Agents sneeringly interrogated Christy Longo over her legal immigration status. When they finally departed, the state’s literally brown-shirted, jack-booted “environmental police” hauled away two illegally housed rescue animals: Peanut the Squirrel and Fred the Raccoon. The Longos explain that they have a legal license to operate the animal shelter and they were near the end of a years-long process of getting a special state permit for Peanut as an educational animal. To get Peanut & Fred out of ‘climate jail’ - Mark and Christy immediately took to social media to get help. They quickly organized a petition drive (28,000 names) and a GoFundMe for legal expenses. Sadly, two days later, before Operation Save Peanut could begin, New York State officiously announced that, allegedly, because the completely domesticated Peanut bit an unidentified state official trained in wildlife management, both animals were killed, so that their brains could be harvested for rabies testing. (In other words, Peanut and Fred were dirty, unvaccinated animals. And you know what happens to the unvaccinated.) The news set social media ablaze with Elon Musk repeatedly posting about Peanut’s murder, more than he’s done for any other single news story in recent cycles. Conservative media is up in arms. Social media influencers of all stripes are weighing in against this official squirrel-cide – even liberal Democrats are outraged. What is it about this particular news development that’s engaged the public’s rapt attention? In what way is the legal confiscation of illegal wildlife worse than vaccine mandates, quarantine camps, courts ordering kids to receive trans hormones, and many other important issues you could mention? The answer is surprising. I can think of at least three reasons why this story is so explosive: 1. Peanut’s execution at the hands of wildlife officials is a story of the inhumanity and inherent irrationality of liberal government. The Longos loved their pet squirrel. They were trying to navigate the bureaucracy to get the required permit and pay the state for the privilege. Peanut was also a significant financial resource to the family and the other rescued animals. 2. The Peanut saga exposes the complete absence of compassion from Democrat governance. It might have been legal, but the officials, bureaucrats and at least one sitting judge all ignored the elements of compassion, prosecutorial discretion, and the use of least necessary force. They could have simply: a. fined the Longos b. helped accelerate approval of Peanut’s educational permit c. they claimed it was for Peanut’s own good – to kill him 3. This is a straightforward cautionary tale about government overreach and a metaphor for the inherent dangers of big government. Practically nobody except partisan Democrats think the government should be SWATting citizens’ houses to confiscate and execute domesticated squirrels when there are bigger problems that need attention. So at least 65% of us can agree on that. Had the Longos completed obtaining a permit for Peanut, the State would have been fine with it; so it was never about any legitimate threat to public health. Peanut has become a squirrel-sized symbol of liberal Democrat’s government insanely misplaced priorities and a dire warning of what a Harris Administration would look like. What nobody expects when they rescue a baby squirrel is for a remorseless, Spanish Inquisition-style machine to kick into gear, resulting in twelve armed agents tearing our homes apart looking for evidence of even more crimes just because our six-year-old adopted an injured hedgehog. New York’s Democrats’ priorities are dangerously misplaced. Peanut and Fred aside, Mark and Christy could have been badly injured or even killed had things gone sideways. Consider the political impacts, starting with a news coverage survey: Peanut was news on most local media platforms, but was conspicuously absent from: the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal. Exposing the fact that the deep state knows it’s politically dangerous to the Democrats. However, the squirrel story was media catnip everywhere else. This story was directly relatable to regular folks in an unforeseeable way. While most people can’t relate emotionally to excessive force complaints when it’s applied to drug dealers, they can relate to excessive force applied just because somebody adopted an injured squirrel and didn’t complete their paperwork. *Excerpted full report here: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/requiem-for-a-squirrel-sunday-november
**More from USA today: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/11/01/peanut-the-squirrel-seized/75986462007/
Oklahoma Rodeo: 70 Dead Horses |
8-23-24, WesternJournal [here] -- The Oklahoma Dept of Agriculture, Food and Forestry [ODAFF] was alerted by a veterinarian to the mass deaths on Aug. 23, 2024. Many of the horses are world champions that are now dead. | After analyzing the grain feed fed to the animals; ODAFF determined that contamination of the chemical Monensin may have been introduced at the feed mill. The additive is harmless to cattle; but fatal to horses. | The chemical additive Monensin, is an ionophore which targets gram-positive bacteria in the rumen. By reducing the gram-positive bacteria, which is efficiently used for cattle. More here |
Cat Companionship: A Guide to Bonding with Your Cat [here] 8-7-24, PetPlace.com -- People tend to misunderstand cats as they're often perceived as the polar opposite to the warmth and affection from dogs pegging them as aloof and unloving. | Cats raised by people from an early age think they're almost human. They frequently demonstrate love towards their owners. Cats have a multitude of flattering methods for exuding affection toward their humans different than dogs... |
Why Dogs Sniff Each Other's Butts [here] In the canine world, the sense of smell far surpasses all of their other senses, and dogs rely on smell to explore their world as much as we rely on our sight. Dogs sniff each other's butts upon meeting in order to learn more about the other dog. Butt-sniffing is a healthy, normal behavior. More here: www.caninejournal.com/why-dogs-sniff-butts/ | Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Other's Butts? [here] Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Other's Butts? When one dog greets another with a nose in the derriere, (they're) basically getting a brief biography of (their) new friend, written in scent molecules and pheromones. Dogs have a superior sense of smell; they have up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their snouts, compared to humans measly six million. |
DOGS ARE OUR BEST FRIEND 7-1-24, Dogs are awesome. Whether they’re begging for your food, barking at their leash to convince you to take them on a walk, or simply greeting you when you get home, dogs do all of the little things that put smiles on faces around the world. | Dogs prefer being active, causing their owners to be active also! They force us to move. Walk, feed, water, groom as we care for them. Or, if you are super ambitious, run, frisbee, balls! They’ll be tuckered out and you’ll be on track to becoming a healthier person! More here |
Was So Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Cruel Killing Vicious Dog? Did She Break the Law? [here] 5-3-24, Poynter.org -- Republican So Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem's killing her dog, Cricket. It has ignited a heated debate among people of all political persuasions. | Noem described that while visiting a neighbor, Cricket escaped from her truck and killed several of the family’s chickens. And when Noem grabbed her she bit her too. I decided “I had to put her down and did." No So Dakota law was broken. |
They’re a species of locusts… CHICADAS … they’re coming to 16 USA states and the worst in centuries. When the soil - 8 inches underground - reaches 64 degrees; they’ll be triggered by a warm rain. They’ll likely emerge beginning in mid-May 2024 lasting through late June. More here:
Cicada [Locusts] Bugs Coming to USA [here] 1-23-24, VOX -- For 13 or 17 years [depending on variety], cicada bugs do very little. They are born and live in the ground, sucking sugar out of tree roots. Then, following this absurdly long hibernation, they emerge, sprout wings, make a ton of noise & have sex. The good news for humans who are plagued by them; they die within a few weeks. | In spring of 2024, in a rare event, the two different broods of cicadas will emerge at the same time in a synchronized event that last occurred in the USA when Jefferson was president. Billions of the winged insects will make an appearance across the USA in late April, for a raucous loud mating ritual. More here www.trvst.world/biodiversity/cicada-facts/ |
Ole Joe Biden's dog "Commander" bit Secret Service agents at least 24 times [here] 2-23-24, Biden's dog "Commander" bit US Secret Service agents on at least 24 occasions. Records show the incidence occurred between October 2022 and July 2023 the agents were bitten on the wrist, forearm, elbow, waist, chest, thigh and shoulder. | "Commander" bit Secret Service Agent who needed stitches - blood on floor [here] 2-23-24, BBC -- One of the 24 times ole Joe's German Shepherd dog, Commander bit agents was in June 2023; it was a deep bite on a Secret Service Agent's forearm - he needed stitches. There was blood on the floor in an area of the White House that caused tours of the East Wing to be halted while it was cleaned up. |
Pet Ownership is Now Under Attack by Unhinged Climate Extremists
Saying Dogs and Cats are Part of the Climate Problem
2017, LegalInsurrection.com -- Those who strive to make the American life as miserable as possible now want to remove our beloved pets claiming they contribute to the phony global climate problem. They already are taxing farmers per cow because their expelled gas causes Global Warming. A geography professor at UCLA calculated that the meat-based food Americans' dogs and cats eat - and the waste they produce - generate gases that affect our climate like cows apparently.
COLORADO PET REGISTRATION TAX WAS KILLED AND DID NOT PASS! 2-10-24, Kiowa [here] – On 1-10-24 Colorado Bill 24-1163 introduced called: “Pet Animal Registration Act,” proposed by Democrat Regina English - if passed, there would be mandatory registration with the State with a fee from $8.50 to $25 per animal, depending on whether the pet is spayed or neutered, or lacks a designated caregiver. It includes dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, rats, gerbils, ferrets, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. An aquarium with 100 fish could be paying $850 annually, and failure to designate a caregiver could escalate the cost to $2,500... DenverPost here | Keep your 'Paws' off our pets! 2-22-24, CanadaFreePress [here] -- Tossing out belief in God is a Mission Impossible for the godless World Economic Forum (WEF). Most of those caught and punished for praying will only pray harder. Having successfully removed children from homes whose parents refuse to call school-transgendered kids by their chosen pronouns, giddy-with-power, globalists are now coming after peoples’ pets. [..] ‘Globalist Agenda Unleashed: Klaus Schwab is coming for your pets. He wants to decarbonise them.’(Jim Ferguson[here], Feb. 21, 2024) |

2-22-24, I suspect THIS [if true] will be the straw that broke the camel's back. Even old grannies will fight to keep their beloved companions - how lonely they would be without them!
Not gonna happen! In Colorado, even the Democrats realized the folly in their effort to tax pets.
124 pages
They claim they did not want to kill our pets ... hmm.
Media and Democrats Lie About Drowned Migrants Not Being Helped by Border Patrol
1-17-24, Three drowned crossing the river into the USA; reportedly it was a woman with two children. The White House released a statement claiming: “Texas officials blocked U.S. Border Patrol from helping them." [..] Fox News National Correspondent Bill Melugin noted - the DOJ now confirms, those migrants had been deceased for an hour before Texas was even alerted about it. This is not the first time the Biden administration tried to make the boots on the ground at the border the scapegoat for a crisis its open border policies caused. Nearly one year after corporate media and Democrat conspiracy theorists spread lies that Border Patrol agents whipped migrants in 2021, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection investigation in 2022 found no evidence that the horseback unit used their reins to strike the influx of Haitians illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. -- The Federalist [here]
Democrat Mayors Call for Halt to Wind Turbines that Kill Birds and Whales
Natterjack Toad Appeared
on the 13th Hole - Play Halted!
7-22-23, MSN.com [here] -Per NationalClubGolfer.com, the Natterjack toad is a rare species that breeds in a few select locations in the UK [England] with Hoylake, the home of this year's Open, being one of those places. [..] Cameron Smith, unfazed by the toad—or perhaps inspired by it—recorded his first birdie of the day following the temporary delay. | The United Kingdom's official government website says they are protected under The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017, which makes it illegal to "deliberately kill, injure, disturb, or capture them." So, officials let the toad live its best life on the 13th fairway. Live long and prosper, Natterjack toad. You deserve it. |
USA BLM Currently Rounding Up Wild
Horses in Nevada
“Having spent years documenting wild horse roundups, which are at their very core cruel and antiquated practices, the idea of forcing terrified wild horses to run in extreme heat is the definition of animal cruelty,” said Ashley Avis, president and founder of The Wild Beauty Foundation.
7-9-23, The BLM is currently targeting more than 3,000 wild horses of the vast Antelope Complex in Nevada in a roundup operation that began July 9 and involves two separate helicopters. According to the BLM’s daily gather reports from the operation, two horses have already lost their lives in the operation; a foal died of colic after arriving at the holding facility, while a 4-year-old mare broke her neck while being stampeded into the agency’s traps. | Scott Beckstead, director of campaigns for Animal Wellness Action and an equine welfare specialist said: “If the BLM is serious about adhering to its own animal welfare rules, it will immediately suspend its operations in the Antelope Complex until the weather turns and temperatures drop. Chasing these animals, including foals, heavily pregnant mares, and elderly animals, through extreme heat will inevitably lead to their suffering and deaths. We call on the BLM to do the right thing and ground the helicopters until conditions improve.” |
Humane Society Reports that the CDC Used Beagle Dogs For Chemical Experiments [here] 9-6-22, It's estimated that more than 50 million dogs, cats, monkeys, rabbits, rats and other animals are forced to endure painful experiments in the U.S. These animals are deliberately sickened with toxic chemicals. [like humans with Covid vaccines] or infected with diseases and are typically killed when the experiment ends. But humans and animals are very different, so outdated animal experiments often don’t accurately mimic how the human body will respond to drugs, chemicals or treatments. | Covid vaccines are medical experiments on Humanity [here] 1-3-21, The COVID vaccines are mRNavaccines, which are completely new. These have never been licensed for human use. The spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the reproduction placenta. It has not been ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1. Such an immune reaction would cause infertility of indefinite duration in vaccinated women. The trials are too short to assess this outcome and not designed to assess this outcome. |
Sweden Shocks Green Energy Guru's!
6-26-23, RedState [here] -- Wait— it wasn’t supposed to be this way; according to Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, John Kerry and ole Joe “Existential Threat to Mankind” Biden, et al. “It,” of course, being the utopian green energy of the Shangra-La of tomorrow — Sweden is abandoning and returning to nuclear power. That’s right, climate loons => | Sweden just dealt a severe blow to the globalist climate agenda by scraping its green energy targets. The Swedish Parliament Finance Minister Svantesson reports that the Scandinavian nation needs “a stable energy system. Only a nuclear pathway is viable to remain industrialized and competitive.” |
Wind and Solar Power Kill Birds [here]
1-29-23, TheAtlantic -- Research shows that the birds are colliding with the turbines’ rotating blades, leading to hundreds of deaths among red-tailed hawks, kestrels, and golden eagles.
Miles from Crash Site in Palestine, Ohio - Many species of animals have died
Pets die following Ohio train derailment, worrying residents 2-14-23, The Ohio Dept of Natural Resources has estimated 3,500 dead fish across 7.5 miles of streams in the first five days after the railcar chemical intentional burn and the local humane society is fielding non-stop calls of reports of dead animals miles away. Ohio fox owner Taylor Holzer has reported several of his pet foxes have died. NYPost here === The toxic train derailment ... Animals are dropping dead, are humans safe? 2-14-23, The freight train that went off tracks near the Ohio-Pennsylvania border in the US on Feb 3, 2023 was carrying several toxic chemicals including vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate and isobutylene. | Animals Are Dying After Ohio Train Derailment Caused a Chemical Burn 2-14-23, Smoke rises from a derailed cargo train in East Palestine, Ohio. The train derailment and subsequent intention fire and evacuation orders. People across the Mahoning Valley and Trumbull counties report smelling chlorine and report nausea and headaches. === Chickens Dead 10 Miles from East Palestine Following Mushroom Cloud of Toxic Chemicals Released into Air Even though North Lima is about 10 miles from East Palestine, Amanda Breshears said the smell caused her eyes to water when she went to let her dog out. She believes it could be the reason why her birds are now dead. GatewayPundit here |
Responsibility for the derailment environmental catastrophe lies with Norfolk Southern Railroad. The biggest shareholders: Vanguard Group, JP Morgan and Blackrock Fund Advisors. [..] Charlie Kirk, co-founder of Turning Point USA, tweeted on February 13, 2021
“The use of phosgene gas is a war crime under the Geneva Protocol. Our government [the USA] just released a trainload of it into the air in Ohio and is telling people that it’s safe to return home.”
More here: theamericanreport.org/2023/02/16/trains-toxins-and-government-lies-norfolk-southerns-32-nasty-and-pothole-pete-buttigieg/
Macquarie Island Reborn:
From 300,000 Rodents & Rabbits to None
Penguins Return and Thrive
Thanks to Dogs!
8-10-22, Guardian -- Macquarie Island [21 miles x 3 miles] is a unique place in Tasmania halfway between New Zealand and Antarctica. A $25 million dollar project was engineered to clear the land of cats, rabbits and rats allowing the populations of penguins (including the endemic royal penguin), albatrosses, petrels and prions to survive once more. They used -- DOGS. Just like every other island on Earth, sailors during the 1800s brought cats, rats, mice and rabbits [for fresh meat] ashore which ultimately decimated the vegetation and insect populations turning the island into a barren rock. | New Zealand trainers delivered Labradors, Springer Spaniels and Terriers to chase down the pests. The dogs were trained not to harm the natural wildlife; walking through a colony of 5,000 penguins - with dogs off leash - with no harm to the penguins. It's estimated that approximately 300,000 cats, rabbits & rodents were eliminated! The island pest eradication has been seen as one of the best-performing conservation strategies employed worldwide by humans. Many islands from Macquarie to the Galapagos are now free from introduced European pests. Indeed, Macquarie is just one of 181 islands [here] that have - since 2000 - eradicated over 800 invasive species. |
- https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/10/rats-and-rabbits-invasive-species-macquarie-island-southern-ocean-aoe
- https://www.dcceew.gov.au/sites/default/files/env/pages/f47bc054-b46d-40f2-85a5-7825525bfb48/files/fs-macquarie-island.pdf
- https://nationalpurebreddogday.com/the-dogs-that-saved-macquarie-island/
- https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/macquarie-island-looking-like-a-unesco-listed-wonderland-again-after-eradicating-300000-rabbits/?utm_campaign=newsletters&utm_medium=weekly_mailout&utm_source=19-08-2022
- https://www.australiandoglover.com/2016/06/detector-dogs-saved-macquarie-island.html
EU Targets Environmental Enemy =
Cows and their excrement = 'urine'
6-30-22, Under the the guise of reducing “pollutants” the E.U. is targeting Farmers. The EU government says emissions of nitrogen oxide and ammonia [urine], which livestock produce, must be drastically reduced. | The EU government published a map with reduction targets across the 27 nation bloc based on proximity to areas designated as part of the EU's Natura 2000 network of vulnerable and endangered plant and animal habitats. | The EU ruling coalition wants to cut emissions of pollutants, predominantly nitrogen oxide and ammonia [animal urine]. The proposal is an “unavoidable transition” aiming to improve air, land & water quality. They warn that farmers will have to adapt or face the prospect of shuttering their businesses. More here |
America Babylon
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Jeremiah 6:11
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
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Revelation 17:14

Jeremiah 4
Annette Greco-Meisner
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