Jewish Land of Israel Never |
Lyrics Nightly Prayer: All praise to thee, my God, this night, for all the blessings of the Light: keep me, O keep me, King of kings, beneath thine own almighty wings. Forgive me, Lord, for thy dear Son, the ill that I this day have done; that with the world, myself, and thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. Teach me to live that I may dread The grave as little as my bed; Teach me to die so that I may Rise glorious at the Judgment Day | O may my soul on thee repose, and with sweet sleep mine eyelids close; sleep that shall me more vigorous make to serve my God when I awake. When in the night I sleepless lie, My soul with heavenly thoughts supply; Let no ill dreams disturb my rest, No powers of darkness me molest. And when shall I, in endless day, Forever chase dark sleep away; And hymns divine with angels sing, All praise to thee eternal king? Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host: praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. |
6-8-16, CNBC -- People have stopped looking for work ... the unemployment numbers are even worse than reported... more here at Forbes
The woman was guilty, but the accusers all walked away when Jesus stooped and wrote something on the ground.
Finally, the Lord in essence said, “Go ahead and stone her because that is what the Law requires; but the Law also requires that the first stone be thrown by a person who is sinless.” (John 8:7)
The common message about this event is for mankind not to judge others as we’re all guilty of sin. However, I see a very important point; Jesus forgave the woman with a warning to go sin no more and there was another instance of this admonition; after Jesus healed the crippled man at the pool of Bethesda. Jesus told him:
"Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more,
lest a worse thing come unto thee." John 5:14
We must not take sin lightly.
Rush Limbaugh Takes the Steam Out of the Hysteria
Private Citizen Donald Trump in 2006 behaved badly?
Attorney Paid Off Paramour?
RUSH: In the past couple of days, CNN and the Drive-By Media have been making some ridiculous statements. And it’s once again time to interject a little common sense here. CNN has been breathlessly reporting that Michael Cohen has secretly recorded tapes with candidate Donald Trump. They claim Trump said incriminating things and then that Michael Cohen said that Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting that his son took with the Russian honey pot and all of that and that Trump has denied knowing anything. By the way, Cohen doesn’t have any evidence for this. He has literally no evidence, and even CNN’s been forced to admit this.
The tape is of little value and inclusive at best. Robert Mueller is relying so little on Cohen that he gave that case to the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.
From the surreptitiously recorded audio tape: In September 2016 the business mogul Donald Trump and Attorney Cohen appeared to be discussing buying the rights to Ms Karen McDougal’s story from the Enquirer’s parent company. When Cohen began to discuss financing, Trump interrupted him and asked, “What financing?”
“We’ll have to pay,” Cohen responded. Though the audio was muddled, Mr Trump was heard what sounded like “pay with cash.” The president’s current attorney and former New York City Mayor, Rudy Giuliani said he got the recording enhanced by an expert and what Trump said was “don’t pay with cash.” Giuliani said: “It clearly indicates that then candidate Trump did not want to pay with cash. Suggesting otherwise is ridiculous and is inconsistent with the rest of the conversation, during which it was discussed doing it through a corporation.”
“Cohen says I have to pay him. Trump brings up cash and says don’t pay with cash and says ‘check,’ He wants it memorialized [a record]. Cohen then says ‘No, no, no, no’ and he cuts off the tape. He obviously cuts it off in mid-sentence and that in itself is suspicious,” he added.
Who Is Karen McDougal? - Claim to fame by Ex Playboy Model
2006 Affair with Private Citizen Donald Trump
Mar 20, 2018, -- The 1998 Playmate of the Year claims she had an affair with businessman Donald Trump in 2006 ...
You without sin cast first stone ... where'd everybody go?!!
John 8:7-10
Holy Bible: History or Psychology?
Naysayers try to refute the Bible; the Apostle Paul explained:
“They that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.”
7-26-18,* -- Hebrew scholar James Barr [1] said, “Probably, so far as I know, there is no professor of Hebrew or Old Testament at any world-class university who does not believe that the writers of Genesis 1:1 through Genesis 8:22 intended to convey to their readers the ideas that:
- creation took place in a series of six days which were the same as the days of 24 hours we now experience
- Noah’s flood was understood to be world-wide and extinguished all human and animal life except for those in the ark.”
Christians should show sufficient discernment (Philippians 1:9) recognizing the errors in many of the current liberal churches that are in opposition to God’s commandments. Bible History is about exploring the eyewitness accounts recorded in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible (2 Timothy 2:15) comparing them with the proven history of ancient people and civilizations revealed by the spade of the archaeologist. It is not just a psychological belief of man.
Archaeology Proves Bible History Accurate
The Bible is the only ancient, well-organized and authentic framework in which to fit all the facts of history. The Bible does not record all history; there are huge gaps contained in the Bible. Yet, without the Bible and what it reveals from prehistory, ancient history and prophecy—which is history written in advance—you cannot truly understand any history. No worldly source can help us as the Bible does! Scholars have unearthed spectacular discoveries that cast a bright light on the truth of the biblical record. Even prior to the mid-20th century, the new science of archeology — the digging-up and study of the remains of man’s bygone years—caused an earthquake within the anti-God scholarship of the critics. The facts are amazing the Holy Bible is the only true source for genuine reporting of HISTORY!
Apostle Paul's First Missionary Journey Through modern day Lebanon into Turkey Acts 13:4 through Acts 14:28 |
*Excerpted & adapted full original report by Lita Cosner and Paul Price
'We Stand With Israel:'
US Ambassador, Nikki Haley Cites Her Faith in Jesus
as Reason for Support of Israel
"I am not Jewish, even though that surprises some people. I was not raised as a Christian either. Twenty years ago, my faith journey brought me to Christianity, where I have found strength in my faith and trust in my heart. But I am also a person who is humble in her faith. I don't claim to have the wisdom of what God has in store for me or for other people. What I do know is that God has blessed America with greatness and with goodness and I know that in the dangerous world we live in, it is absolutely critical for America to stand up and have the backs of our friends."Haley is known as a loud defender of Israel at the United Nations – a place she refers to as the "global epicenter of anti-Semitism." She said: "The United Nations is an interesting place. There are times when it can be a force for good. The UN can also be an enormously frustrating and bizarre place. Nowhere is that more pronounced than in the truly awful way that the UN has treated Israel for decades"
Despite the United Nation's repeated attempts to condemn and undermine the Jewish State, Haley says the US is changing that behavior. "Change comes with leadership and clarity from the United States. That leadership and clarity was on full display when President Trump made the bold and right decision to move the United States embassy to Jerusalem. Jerusalem has historically been, is now, and will always be the capital of Israel... The Human Rights Council is a farce. What we've said is you've got serious human rights abuses, whether it's in Venezuela, whether it's in Iran where they are protesting their regime, whether it's in Nicaragua, and they're doing nothing about it. America will always be the world's leader in advocating for human rights, but we will not do that in a place that makes a mockery of the very human rights ideals it is supposed to uphold," she added. "It's very important to me that we represent truth and reality at the UN, even if it makes other countries uncomfortable." More here
200 Galah's Dead Found Around Burra Courthouse
of more than 200 Cockatoos
7-23-18, DailyMail -- More than 200 galahs have dropped dead in a tourist town Burra ...
'We don't know at this stage what's going on or why they died'...
7-23-18, Sott -- The Galah Cockatoo birds looked healthy... speculation of inadvertent poisoning; yet dogs who came in contact were not affected. There will be lab testing done. They were all found in a small area around the old courthouse and police house lockup, on Sancreed Street, in North Burra — an area where galahs tend to congregate. More here
Turkey Releases Prisoner American Pastor Brunson
7-25-18, NBC News -- ISTANBUL, Turkey — North Carolina USA Christian pastor Andrew Brunson
was released from a prison in Turkey. He was incarcerated for nearly two years under the ridiculous charge of terrorism. In April 2018, President Trump demanded Turkey release him - hooray for this president! Thank YOU, God. Brunson is now under house arrest while the charges remain the same; he faces up to 35 years in prison and now under house arrest. More here
Speed with God
King David said, “Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counselors. My soul cleaveth unto the dust: quicken [speed] Thou me according to Thy word. I have declared my ways, and Thou heardest me: teach me Thy statutes.”
7-25-18, * -- Dealing with sin and repenting of it is successfully done only after having sincere faith in almighty God; life is for His glory [1]. Living for the glory of God simplifies all of life; living in the light of eternity solemnizes all of life enabling us to increasingly give weight to every thought, word and deed. (Matthew 12:36)
Life is lived best by those who guard the heart. If a person wishes so to live in a holy manner, he/she must be resolved, to examine carefully and constantly our behaviors and devotion to obey the Lord God almighty repenting when we stumble.
In Psalm 119:26 we recognize that to ‘quicken’ or to have “speed” according to God's word is a matter of the heart. That's why all of us should aspire and resolve to learn more about Him by studying His word. (2 Timothy 2:15; 1 John 1:6)
God said, "For My name's sake will I defer Mine anger, and for My praise will I refrain for thee, that I cut thee not off. Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. For mine own sake will I do it: for how should My name be polluted? and I will not give My glory unto another. 12 Hearken unto Me, O Jacob and Israel, My called; I am He; I am the first, I also am the last." Isaiah 48:9-12
Daniel honored and obeyed God; he would not defile himself
with the king's food or drink that he might not defile himself
and God made him a great prophet. Daniel 1:8
Isaiah 43:5-7, 20-21; Isaiah 44:23; Matthew 5:16; 1 Corinthians 10:31
*Excerpted and adapted full original message from Sinclair Ferguson here
Medical Prescription Drugs May
Cause You To Be More Sick
Did your medical doctor inform you about all the injuries patients are incurring from your medication? Who’s really reading about retracted papers in medical journals besides doctors who keep on pushing beta-blocker pills for lucrative
commissions [1]?
Pharmaceutical companies don’t pull medicines from the “shelf” just because people are dying from them, they wait until the lawsuit payouts outweigh the profits.
For example, the entire vaccine industry is equipped with their own secretive court [2] and hush money that comes from a multi-billion-dollar slush fund. That slush fund is just a tiny fraction of the profits made from marketing bunk vaccines, like flu shots. More here
Alternatives to toxic prescription drugs here [Note: I had been taking Allegra 180 for five years because of my chronic hay fever allergies [it used to be a prescription drug]. Thanks to essential oils [I made my own formula: Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lavender and coconut oil] ...
I've been off the medicine for two years. -- Annette]
10-25-10, ABCNews -- Pharmaceutical companies paid out more than $250 million to some 17,000 doctors and nurses across the country in 2009 and 2010, according to a new database compiled and published by ProPublica, a non-profit investigative journalism group. The data from seven drug makers -- who manufacture about 35 percent of the medications sold in America -- showed that nearly 400 of those doctors received payments of $100,000 or more to promote drugs.
[2] Health Scams Exposed | The Truth about Secret
Vaccine Courts
1-26-18, No matter what side of the debate you fall on when it comes to the safety of vaccines ... you probably never heard of the secret vaccine court. ... Victims who are aware of the court often have to fight for years to receive any compensation. They are resisted ferociously at every turn, are pressured to keep quiet about their story and many times cannot afford to complete the legal process. The Vaccine Compensation Fund is currently over $4 billion dollars. That money is taken from the public to pay for harm done to the public and is itself a crime of epic proportions.
As the country spoils for a fight in the Middle East,
she has lost her biggest protector = Obama
7-25-18, Frontpage -- In recent weeks, Hamas launched incendiary kites across the Gaza border that scorched with wildfires 8,000 acres of farms and nature reserves causing an "ecological disaster" in Israel. In addition, over 200 rockets have been fired by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorists into southern Israel in order to kill Israelis. Both Hamas and PIJ are offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood.
In July 2018 the Islamic terror groups of Hamas and PIJ agreed to an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire with Israel. However, they continued to hammer away at Israeli civilians with more death-kites and rockets. [..snip]
Soon after President Trump’s announcement recognizing Jerusalem as the Jewish state of Israel's capitol, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani and Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani called leaders of Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups to pledge Iran’s “all-out support” for their struggle against Israel.
Israel is rightfully concerned about Iran and its proxies Hezbollah [in Lebanon] and Hamas [in Gaza], simultaneously creating a two-front attack against it - or possibly even three - with Hamas and PIJ in the south or the Gaza Strip, Iran, Hezbollah and Shiite militias at the Golan Heights, and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. [..snip]
Hamas and PIJ share Iran's goal
of replacing Israel with an Islamic state
In response to President Trump's abandoning the Iran nuclear deal and tightening of sanctions against the Islamic Republic, Iran launched 32 rockets from Syria toward the “little Satan” Israel.
And in July 2018 Hamas has launched 200 rockets into Israel. -- Frontpage
Israel has the will and the means to fight back, but this time the U.S. administration might not hold Israel back. More here
Iran's friend, Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli jets
3-1-15, IsraelNatlNews -- Bethlehem-based news agency Ma’an has cited a Kuwaiti newspaper report, that Obama thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran. The Jewish state of Israel discovered that the U.S. and Iran were involved in secret talks over Iran's nuclear program and were about to sign an agreement in that regard behind Israel's back. More here
America Babylon
Apostles Martyrdom
English Bible
Islam Terror
Lord's Supper
New Jerusalem
USA Presidents
US Politics
Jeremiah 6:11
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
Matthew 15:13; Mark 13:20; Luke 20:35
John 6:37, 39, 44, 65
Hebrews 9:15
Revelation 17:14
Jeremiah 4
Annette Greco-Meisner
[email protected]
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