6-30-21, Long ago God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they're wise and to shame those who are powerful. He chose things despised & counted as nothing at all & used them to bring to nothing what the world considers "something." 1 Corinthians 1:20, 26-29
The Lord Jesus warned about hell and eternal punishment more than any other speaker or writer in the Bible. Love is why He warned [John 3:16]. “So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 13:49-50 “If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire: where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched.” Mark 9:47-48 California: According to the US Drought Monitor, all of the Golden State is in some level of drought and at increased risk of wildfires. About 33 percent of the state is in “exceptional drought.”
Canada: Twenty degrees higher June 2021 temperatures than normal. New all-time high temperature record has been set for a third day in a row. Tuesday, reaching 121 degrees Fahrenheit in Lytton, about 155 miles east of Vancouver. The Vancouver Police Dept said it alone had responded to more than 98 sudden deaths since Friday, with the vast majority "related to the heat." More here
Hell |
Matthew 18:8, 25:46; Mark 9:45 6-29-21, Many ask ‘How can it be that the Lord Jesus Christ, Who so strongly taught the importance of love and forgiveness, could speak such words about the realities of an everlasting Hell?’ Well, He actually had more to say warning about hell and eternal punishment than any other speaker or writer in the Bible. Love is why He warned [John 3:16]. We are also told of the coming Judge [Colossians 1:16] and these prophecies: | “So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 13:49-50 “If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire: where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched.” Mark 9:47-48 |
Independence Day Holiday:
USA Gas Stations Low On Fuel Because Shortage of Truck Drivers to Deliver it
6-29-21, DailyMail -- Gas stations across the USA are running out of gasoline as 43 million Americans are preparing to hit the road for Independence Day, July 4th holiday weekend. The gas that's available is the highest prices in almost seven years, since Obama sat in the White House in 2014. It's now averaging $3.10 a gallon. Now a shortage because lack of transporting it to the gas stations. The shortage of tank drivers is a problem throughout the trucking industry because special qualifications are needed to drive a gas tank and finding new drivers is no easy task. | Current gas prices at a Chevron station in Los Angeles, California: $4.85 for regular. It was about $2 in Nov 2020 during the election ousting Pres Trump. The Covid fiasco saw a number of gas tank truck drivers retiring or changing jobs when suddenly the demand in gasoline dropped. National Tank Truck Carriers estimates 20% to 25% of tank trucks across the country are currently parked. For July there is increased demand works out to about 2,500 to 3,000 more deliveries needed every day and there just aren't the drivers to fill the orders. More here |
Companies and Employees are using COVID as an excuse for sub standard service and performance 7-28-20, COVID-19 is an excuse for a lot of inconveniences: prices, shipping times and employee performance. However, if these kinds of actions persist once effects of COVID slow down, they’ll be substantially less excusable. We saw something similar happen with Hurricane Katrina; after the initial spike in goods required for Katrina responses – while inconvenient -- is completely understandable that the price on goods never really went back down; that, in simple terms, is atrocious. | Using any kind of emergency as an excuse to offer subpar service, overpriced items and other inconvenient aspects of life -- may be necessary under the conditions of whatever the emergency is – a meat shortage, a hurricane, a global pandemic – but using those conditions to establish a new norm once operating under them is no longer pertinent isn’t appropriate. The only real excuse for “subpar service” is a shortage of employees – something that is completely reasonable to expect under current circumstances. When these circumstances no longer apply, neither does the excuse. |
12-21-20, Reuters -- - U.S. Attorney General William Barr has no plans to appoint special counsels to investigate President-elect Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, or to investigate President Donald Trump’s unfounded claims of election fraud...
Poland & Hungary At Odds With EU Over Homosexual Laws
Hungary Told To Repeal Law Banning LGBT Promotion To Children "Or Else Leave EU" 6-26-21, Zero Hedge * -- EU is trying to force Hungary's defiant Prime Minister Viktor Orban bend the knee to homosexual teaching to children or else "must leave" the European Union. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte is pushing back against a new Hungarian law preventing the public promotion of homosexuality in front of children and minors under 18. The EU is demanding Hungary repeal the law, which bans TV shows and other content seen as championing the homosexual lifestyles to children. Defenders of the Hungarian law stand on the fact that decision-making on presenting these issues to children should be in the hands of parents and family members. Orban said, “the law is fundamentally about defending the rights of the kids and the parents not about discrimination.” Rutte threatened to boot Hungary saying: "My goal is to bring Hungary to its knees on this issue." *Excerpted and adapted full original report from Tyler Durden here https://www.zerohedge.com/political/hungary-told-repeal-law-banning-lgbt-promotion-children-or-else-leave-eu | Poland Prevents Homosexual Couples from Adopting Children 3-11-21, Reuters – Under a new law in Poland, same sex couples are banned from adopting children. The announcement is likely to intensify a clash between Poland and the European Union [EU] over homosexual's right. The EU says LGBTQ rights must be respected in all member states, but which Poland calls a threat to its Roman Catholic culture and a purely domestic issue. Poland's curbs on the promotion of homosexuality are being mimicked in nearby Hungary. They are among several issues that have created friction between the EU and "right wing" [conservative traditional family] governments. Brussels also complains that Warsaw and Budapest have curtailed the independence of media, courts, NGOs and academics. Poland's ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) says homosexual teachings and lifestyle are a threat to the traditional lifestyle in one of the most Catholic countries in Europe. More here: https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2021-03-11/poland-to-ban-gays-from-adopting-even-as-single-parents |
With trans weightlifter set to make history at the Olympics, elite female athletes feel cheated 5-7-21, New Zealand's Laurel Hubbard is set to compete in Tokyo after the ... the Olympics, elite women athletes are right to feel cheated and insulted. Biden’s executive order that prioritises transgender people is a DISASTER for ordinary women and girls across America | Of Course Men Want to Race Women -- easy win lotsa money! Winners of Olympic Games in Tokyo to be rewarded with cash prizes ...https://www.uzdaily.uz › post · Translate this page 6-26-21, UzDaily -- Cash prizes for winners of Olympic Games in Tokyo. |
There has been an attempt to level the playing field by the Olympics’ governing body, there are scientific papers that suggest having gone through puberty and development as a male has a physical advantage to an athlete in terms of bone, lung capacity and muscle density. A commentator on the Samoan Observer pointed out, “Given Hubbard’s genes, think of how hard Stowers had to work to try and keep up. And she did. It’s an amazing achievement, still she lost the gold medal by seven kilos to a competitor who is technically a man.”
More here: www.jesus-our-blessed-hope.com/blog/men-women-are-not-the-same-men-are-stronger
I got the King of Kings and the Holy Ghost!
"Resist the devil he will flee!"
When Foundations Fail
God met Abraham by the oaks of Mamre:
"Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him. Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also? And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old? Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son." [Isaac was born]
6-27-21, Brother John Haller reports on the week's world events and of the oaks of Mamre ... artifacts of Herod's temple remain to this day. [1]
One hour thirty-eight min video here
[1] Historical site at Hebron here
What is a US filibuster? Talking in the US Senate to delay a vote ... In 1953 Democrat Strom Thurmond holds the record for the longest filibuster attempting to block a civil rights act [it was passed and signed by Republican Pres Eisenhower]. He talked for 24 hours & 18 minutes with one break. Democrat Thurmond claimed to have taken daily steam baths leading up to the filibuster in order to draw fluids out of his body, thus dehydrating himself and allowing himself to absorb fluids for a longer period of time. | It's been rumored that Thurmond was "fitted with a contraption devised for long motoring trips" that allowed him to relieve himself while still talking. Thurmond was allowed to relieve himself only once, approximately three hours into his filibuster. Thurmond yielded the floor to Goldwater for a few minutes, and Thurmond was able to use the restroom. A bucket was placed in Senate cloakroom for Thurmond to relieve himself if the need arose... Yes, another Democrat who wanted to block the rights of black Americans! |
President Trump "SAVE AMERICA"
Rally Wellington, OH
** Live at 11 am ET **
President Trump’s first of many appearances in support of candidates and causes that further the MAGA agenda and accomplishments of his administration. The rally is to support Max Miller, who President Trump has endorsed for election in Ohio’s 16th Congressional District. The doors opened at 11 am with thousands of patriots in line to wait the 8 hours - fun and enjoyable to hear the interviews while we wait for the Prez.
Saturday, June 26, 2021
President Trump Appearance: 7:00 PM EDT
See it at: Right Side Broadcasting Network
Lorain County Fairgrounds
23000 Fairgrounds Rd.
Wellington, Ohio
He is the WAY ... John 14:6; Luke 13:3; Matthew 12:30; John 10:8-10
Woman is the Weaker Vessel
Husband & Wife Are Instructed to Multiply
God explained that man was to love his wife and protect her as she's the weaker vessel. 1 Peter 3:7
The Lord Jesus said man would leave his parents and join with his wife and be 'one flesh.' God specially designed man and woman for this feat to take place in the mating process. [Matthew 19:6; Mark 10:8] In so doing; they were instructed to multiply. [Genesis 1:28]
[Homosexuals cannot 'multiply.']
What a wonderful blessing for man and woman.
Thank you, Lord.
Why the Masses Unquestioningly Obey Depraved Authority
The psychology behind the fact that human beings are able to commit unspeakable acts of terror against their fellow humans when they are given orders by depraved leaders. Opinion leaders are able to condition society to commit unspeakable acts of terror against their fellow citizens [doctors] through division, fear, ridicule and indoctrination. = Today and Covid …
Research* -- In 1963 Stanley Milgram conducted a psychological experiment referred to the Milgram Experiment [1] that was truly mind-numbing in terms of revealing the depths of evil people are able to commit in order to comply with authority. The experiment involved one authority figure who donned a lab coat, participants who were instructed with appalling and unconscionable acts; to electrocute someone each time that person got an answer wrong and an actor who pretended to writhe in pain and scream each time he or she received shocks. The unethical treatment that Milgram subjected participants to in his study is nothing compared to the criminal ways that, in past 18 months, today’s ruling class have conducted a psychological operation against the global population over the hugely survivable Covid virus. In Milgram’s study, once the participants were manipulated to believe that the shocks they were about to give to the recipient were authentic, they were separated by a partition to ensure that the participants could only hear the agonizing pleas for mercy not see the whole thing was staged. Each time the actor who was supposedly sitting in an electric chair answered a question incorrectly, the authority figure instructed participants to press a button that supposedly delivered a shock to the person. Astonishingly, every participant administered at least 300-volts — a level so high that it has the potential of inducing severe harm or even death. And 65% of participants complied delivering a lethal 450-volts. Each time participants resisted wanting to stop upon hearing the person cry out in pain; the authority figure leveraged his status and ordered them to keep torturing - and they obeyed. | Milgram conducted these experiments because he wanted to see if the sheer number of Germans who complied and followed orders during the era of the Nazi Hitler. Was it an outlier or a universal human trait. What was discovered that most regular people have an innate ability to commit mass-atrocities not out of wonton desire, but because they are being compelled to do so by people in position of power. Milgram’s research results are very germane to our current world over the Covid horrors. Authority figures — from heads of state like Biden to unelected technocrats like Fauci and beyond have weaponized their status and clout to condition the world’s billions of people to be paralyzed by fear, give up their freedoms and eventually turn themselves into lab animals. They willingly harm their own children with the foolish face masks and by receiving experimental “vaccines.” Instrumental in this malicious biotech driven scheme were ignorant politicians like President Trump and medical professionals who were convinced to take part either out of greed, ridicule or out of fear of repercussion. [..] Realizing that society has lost trust in politicians and mainstream media, biotech corporations along with Bill and Melinda Gates funded and paraded a litany of doctors to compel us to socially isolate, mask up and ultimately get jabbed. They made sure that the authority figures who were leading this “vaccine” crusade were doctors with white coats and then tormented us with media’s 24/7 “breaking news” of blow by blow death tally. This is a type of social conditioning that Nazis perfected and now has been incorporated by the USA government. | We stood no chance! The same way participants in Milgram’s studies submitted to the demands of authority figures even as they resisted, we too buckled when the pressure was applied. If you see people driving in their cars with masks on, don’t judge them too harshly, they are victims of a psychological war that has been conducted on us for a year and a half. [..] Having a PhD doesn’t make anyone infallible, especially when these doctors have secret conflicts of interests. The ruling class is already setting up fear for the next virus called the "Delta variant." They will let us enjoy summer and get a taste of freedom before lowering the hammer. A potential first wave of “vaccine” deaths will be attributed to the Delta variant; the “unvaccinated” will get blamed even though people who are “vaccinated” continue to contract and transmit Covid [2]. Winter is coming; the only question is will people defy and rise up or will they do like the Germans did follow orders. *Excerpted and adapted full original report here https://www.globalresearch.ca/big-pharma-white-coats-psychology-unquestioningly-obeying-depraved-authority/5748138 [1] Milgram Experiment https://www.simplypsychology.org/milgram.html [2] Israel Outbreak of Vaccinated: https://www.wsj.com/articles/vaccinated-people-account-for-half-of-new-covid-19-delta-cases-in-israeli-outbreak-11624624326 |
How To Fix Poverty: Why Not Just Give People Money?
The Subtle Problems of Cash Charity In modern society too often the man has lost his place in the family and the woman is the new bread winner. He is able bodied but lazy and willing to accept government welfare ... there's an old saying: “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” | Practically all aid today is given as "in-kind" donations — whether that's food, an asset like a cow, job training or schoolbooks. And this means that, in effect, it's the providers of aid — governments, donor organizations, even private individuals donating to a charity — who decide what poor people need most. But what if you just gave poor people cash with no strings attached? Let them decide how best to use it? Very often they spend it on luxuries like cigarettes or alchohol... |
6-18-21, Atlanta Journal-Constitution -- Georgia election officials released lists of 102,000 obsolete voter registrations that will be canceled this summer. Raffensperger said. “I fought and beat Stacey Abrams in court in 2019 to remove nearly 300,000 obsolete voter files before the November 2020 election and will do so again this year. Bottom line, there is no legitimate reason to keep ineligible voters on the rolls.”
Why Is the Name “Jesus Christ” Used as “Blasphemous Profanity?”
“Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain.”
Exodus 20:7; Leviticus 19:12; Deuteronomy 5:11, 6:13, 10:20; Proverbs 30:9 6-24-21, I wonder why it is that the Lord Jesus Christ’s name is the only one used in profanity. Historically Jesus is THE most important person worldwide. More books written about Him than anyone else and His Holy Bible has been published in more languages than any other book. [1] The Christian religion has been influential to the entire world as well as our calendar: Year 1 - at Christ's birth. | Why are so many Christians seemingly okay with the name of Jesus Christ - their Savior - being used as a casual profanity? Seems they should say something – ‘Hey, don’t use the Lord’s name in vain!’ The followers of Mohammad become very upset if someone denigrates the name of their god, Allah. People have been killed for profaning the prophet of Islam. I'm not suggesting Christians should start condemning to death everyone who blasphemes the name of Christ; I just find it odd that so many seem okay with it. Why not Satan or Buddha? Well, clearly they hold no power like Jesus does. [1] The Holy Bible the most translated books of all time. It has been translated into 3384 languages. |
The ‘Defund the Police’ Movement Has a Broader Agenda and It’s Not to Stop the Killing of Black People -- Brandon Tatum, Ex Policeman, Conservative Commentator
6-23-21, Epoch Times -- According to former Arizona black police officer Brandon Tatum, author of the upcoming book, “Beaten Black and Blue: Being a Black Cop in an America Under Siege,” there is a broader agenda behind the “Defund the Police” movement. The former police officer and cofounder of the BLEXIT movement said: “I believe it’s an agenda to completely destroy and dismantle local police departments so that the government [federal] can have control of law enforcement in this country and push a nationwide agenda.” According to the National Fraternal Order of Police, murder rates over the past year have skyrocketed in cities where police departments have been defunded. As of May 25, the murder rates in New York City and Chicago year on year were up 22 percent, in Los Angeles 27 percent, in Washington D.C. 35 percent, in Philadelphia 40 percent, in Minneapolis 56 percent, and in Portland a staggering 800 percent. | The real issue for the black community is the homicide rates in the inner cities, where black people are primarily being killed by other black people. “You know, police brutality is a small fraction of the drama, chaos, and confusion that goes on in the inner city. So, if they are pushing this as is as if it’s a pandemic or epidemic, then they are already being deceptive from the beginning.” Statistics show that twice as many unarmed whites are shot by the police each year than unarmed blacks. The problem in the black community is the absent father. Tatum said: “You need a dad. I don’t care what anyone or psychologists say makin up a myth -- you need your father. And the reason why I’m here today is because I had a strong Father.” The Heritage Foundation cited a major 1988 study finding that “the percentage of single-parent households with children between the ages of 12 and 20 is significantly associated with rates of violent crime and burglary.” It noted that race was not a factor, only that the family was not intact. | Brookings Institute, in 1965, less than a quarter of black infants and just over 3 percent of white infants were born to single mothers. By 1990, the rate of infants born to single unmarried mothers had risen to 64 percent for blacks and 18 percent for whites, with the percentage remaining similar today. Tatum said Black Lives Matter—a quasi-Marxist organization that has become a household name, is endorsed by major corporations, and has raised millions of dollars--has done nothing to uplift the black community, because that is not truly its goal. “It's very bizarre that the founding of Black Lives Matter said their goal was to do the very thing that has damaged the black community the most. And that’s to believe in the absence of the father, they want to destroy the nuclear family. I’m just here to be a messenger of things that I know and I have experienced and researched. But I think it’s invaluable for us to empower ourselves with knowledge. And everybody should do their own research to prove that whatever you hear from me, from anybody else, is true and it’s factual.” Source |
Lori Lightfoot Worst Mayor in Chicago History 6-2-21, Chicago Trib -- Lori Lightfoot is Chicago's worst mayor and the proof is the unbelievable increase in crime. I also think she's the first blatant racist as she banned white journalist interviews. She also banned the police from chasing criminals, even in the case of some very serious offensives. And her D.A. refuses to prosecute many crimes. The results? Nearly 200 more people have been murdered this year than last. | Lori Lightfoot Refuses Interviews with White Journalists 5-20-21, USAToday -- Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot will grant one-on-one interviews with people of color. Lori Lightfoot becomes first black lesbian Chicago Mayor 5-19-19, USAToday -- Chicago former prosecutor will be its first black female and first openly gay mayor. |
Are We "Sheeple" Overdosing on "Hopium?"
“Wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?” ... “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, & be wise:” ...
"Be not deceived!"
James 2:20, Proverbs 6:6; Colossians 2:3-4 6-23-21, [Excerpt] -- Many people are currently saying ‘no’ to the Covid jab; but we’re hearing employment, commerce & travel will be halted for those who do not succumb to the dictates of ‘Big Brother.’ Many will see no alternative as it’ll be too late for counter-economic solutions like “prepping.” I believe COVID-19 was a test run and now the Reset button has been pushed, hell on earth has been unleashed & no one can un-push the button except the Lord Jesus Christ. If we’re steadfast resisting the jab & globalist reset, we’ll face two choices: be forced off-grid as we’ll be required to accept the jab to work, bank & shop. | Or we unplug from the technocratic slave matrix on our terms. Are you becoming self reliant before there’s no way out? Overdosing on “hopium” without taking action to prepare is foolhardy – the Lord expects us to work; He has provided the Way – it’s our responsibility to learn it. See Strong Delusion: 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 *Excerpted & adapted original message from Organic Prepper, Kratos Full original report here https://tinyurl.com/2hdt5k2a https://www.theorganicprepper.com/are-we-overdosing-on-hopium/ |
Drought 2021 USA PBS: 2021 could be one of the driest years in a millennium, and there's no relief in sight as it's expected to get worse throughout the summer. Reservoirs that store water are below normal; historic lows expected. California's expanded drought state of emergencies to 41 of 58 counties, affecting one-third of the state. | Nearly half of the nation — from the Pacific coast to the Great Plains and upper Midwest — is experiencing moderate to exceptional drought conditions. That's expected to get worse throughout the summer. As William Brangham reports, it's the western states in particular that are taking the hardest hit, and the possibilities for devastating wildfires are at an all-time high. |
Responding to Disappointments
'Seek ye first the kingdom of God!'
6-22-21, Truly when we are in the depths of disappointments it's hard to think straight! Practicing to immediately turn to the Lord for help will come easy as time goes by - just like it did for Joseph. Matthew 1:18-25, 6:33
Killing Human Babies in Abortion is an Abomination
The Catholic Church May Withhold Communion from Catholic Politicians Who Support Killing Babies
Democrats Threaten to Withhold Tax Exempt Status from the Church if they Do!
6-22-21, Christian Post - An overwhelming majority of the bishops (168) voted in favor a controversial document on whether priests can deny communion to politicians who support abortion. [All Democrats: Biden, Pelosi, Cortez, Kaine and Gillibrand to name a few.] House Democrat Rep. Jared Huffman of Calif. has implied that the Catholic Church should lose its tax-exempt status if churches institute such a ban. | Supporters of withholding communion from pro-abortion Catholic politicians, both inside and outside the Church hierarchy, point to the Church’s Code of Canon Law as the justification for their position. The Code of Canon Law, Article 2, Canon 916 states that those who are “obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.” Killing human babies is murder thus a grossly grave sin! More here |
The Brewing Political Battle Over Critical Race Theory [CRT] 6-2-21, NPR -- Recently Republican lawmakers decried critical race theory, an ... It was challenged in court with ole Joe rescinding [canceling] the order. Activist Christopher Rufo fuels GOP's critical race theory fight 6-19-21, WashPost -- USA government public schools have plans to instruct our children on homosexuality, sex and now that they are inherently racist people... causing distrust and hate. | The school's program was supposed to ask 3rd grade [8-9 yr old] students to choose “social identities,” including race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic class, family structure, religion and level of ability or disability. It then identified certain attributes as being part of the “dominant culture” that was considered “normal.” Students were to then identify which of their personal attributes hold power and privilege and which do not. Rufo published the seven-page slide deck sent to parents. He said the lesson was delivered as laid out in the slides, alleging that students “were forced to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities.” | Tennessee lawmakers banned critical race theory 6-2-21, Tennessean -- Sixty-eight House Republicans voted for House Bill 580 because we see critical race theory [CRT] in schools teaching our children that each of them is inherently racist; we also see CRT as Marxist, divisive and discriminatory. TN Gov Bill Lee Lee signed a requirement that school districts alert parents 30 days in advance of any instruction on sexuality & homosexuality allowing kids to avoid teaching; also allowing parents to view information about contraception and opt their children out of those lessons as well. |
The Lord Jesus Told Us Many Things in Advance
Jesus said, I have told you this, so that when their time comes you will remember that I warned you.
Matthew 24:25; Mark 13:23; John 16:4; Ephesians 2:10; Romans 8:11; Revelation 17:15-17 9-27-19, * -- One of the Lord Jesus’ most motivating prophecy’s is in Mark 13:23 right in the middle of Jesus’ message about the future He proclaimed that He’s told us everything in advance. The Lord is speaking to His disciples and to us too. All born again believers in the Lord Jesus [John 3:3, 7] need to know and believe what Jesus is telling us about the future taking heed of prophecies about these years leading up to the end of this age and His return. He told us quite a bit about the future; things we need to know. He said He told us “everything” [Matthew 24:25, Mark 13:1, Luke 21:1, 1 Thessalonians 4:1, 17, 5:1-2] In detail He described many events to expect that will be taking place before and on His return. | In Mark 13:1-45 we read about false Christs, false prophets, wars, earthquakes, famines, persecution, the Jews, abomination of desolation Mark 13:14, tribulation, betrayal, preaching the gospel, signs in the heavens, Christ’s coming and the gathering of the saints. In Mark 13:30 Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”, confirming that “everything” Jesus predicted will come to pass. While we serve Him on earth we are also praying, watching [Mark 13:33, 37] and longing for when He will meet us in the clouds to take us to be with Him in our eternal heavenly home. Even so, please come Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20, Acts 1:9-11 *Excerpted and adapted full original report from Steve J. Hogan here |
America Babylon
Apostles Martyrdom
English Bible
Islam Terror
Lord's Supper
New Jerusalem
USA Presidents
US Politics
Jeremiah 6:11
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
Matthew 15:13; Mark 13:20; Luke 20:35
John 6:37, 39, 44, 65
Hebrews 9:15
Revelation 17:14

Jeremiah 4
Annette Greco-Meisner
[email protected]
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