What's Happening in Heaven Right Now? |
Cuban and Venezuelan Floridians come out swinging against Bernie Sanders after his Castro defense 1-28-20, WashExam -- Dem Socialist Bernie Sanders sparked anger among the Hispanic community in Florida with his Cuba remarks. Florida is home to at least 1.3 million Cuban Americans and at least 60,000 Venezuelans. They said defending dictator Fidel Castro is outrageous. Sanders recently said, “It’s unfair to simply say everything is bad” about the late dictator and his regime in Cuba. People in Miami’s Little Havana explained how they feel about a socialist potentially becoming president one said: “He has turned off all of the Cuban population in Miami, the Venezuelan & Nicaraguan population, because of those comments that he has made.”It’s “very insulting” ... | ... to the people who escaped communist dictatorships to come to America only to grapple with a Democrat front-runner who is a “known communist sympathizer.” Flashback: When Bernie Sanders praised Fidel Castro 1-17-20, WND.com -- In 1985 Bernie Sanders praised Cuban communist dictator Fidel Castro during a televised town meeting in Vermont calling President Reagan a liar. Recently Martin Weissgerber, a Sanders field organizer in South Carolina, in an undercover video in Project Veritas claimed that Bernie is a 'legit socialist' of the Fidel Castro variety. Kyle Jurek advocates Soviet-style gulags to "de-Nazify" Pres Trump supporters and acknowledging he's among four organizers in his office who could be described as a Marxist or a communist. |
Two Lions in New Testament
The Apostle John's vision: “One of the elders saith unto me, 'Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof."

2-28-20, * -- Animals have 'communities' ... elephants have a parade, geese have a gaggle, cows have a herd, fish have a school and lions have social units called prides. Some of the oldest paintings in history are in the Chauvet Cave in France containing artwork called the “Gallery of Lions.” [Smithsonian Museum report here]
In the New Testament we find lions—two of them. One is worthy of eternal worship; one is worthy of eternal condemnation.
1. THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH - Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah; His great power is shown and felt in His devotion to creating and sustaining life for the world. Today’s verse is about Him and is part of a greater story in Revelation 5:5; there is a scroll no one in the universe can open and read making the apostle John weep! However, a mighty angel tells him, “Do not weep! The Lion of the Tribe of Judah . . . is able to open the scroll and its seals.” We learn that THIS Lion is worthy because He became a lamb shedding His blood for the salvation of people from every “tribe and language and people and nation.” (Matthew 26:28; Revelation 5:9)
2. THE LION OF DESTRUCTION - The apostle Peter writes about the wicked lion in 1 Peter 5:8, warning: "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." This lion is Satan himself and his powers are persecution, pain, confusion, delusion fear, destruction, devouring, consuming and death. [2 Thessalonians 2:9-12; 2 Timothy 4:3]
While Jesus is the Author of Life, Satan is the bringer of death.
One of Life or One of death?
Much like the artwork in those ancient caves, these two lions paint profound pictures about what it means to be human. As men and women, we will devote ourselves to one “pride” or the other: the pride of Jesus or the pride of Satan.
To follow Jesus is obey His commands, share His truth attempting to snatch lost family, friends and acquaintances from the jaws of Hell. Finding strength in selflessness, to be quick to do what’s right, to have a steel backbone against evil and to never run from God’s purpose on our lives.
To follow Satan is to take life, to find strength in selfishness, to have feet quick to do evil, to give in to sin and to flee from God’s call on our lives. Follow the Lord Jesus and live!
*Excerpted and adapted full original message from Jordan Loftis here
China: Water Fowl Army of 100,000 Ducks Headed to Pakistan to Battle Incoming Plague of Locusts
2-27-20, Telegraph.uk -- Chinese officials are on standby to deploy an army of voracious ducks to Pakistan to help their neighbor fight locusts threatening to devour crops. At least 100,000 of the specially raised waterfowl are expected to be sent to Pakistan later this year to combat a desert locust outbreak. Chinese researchers have described the ducks as “biological weapons” and claimed... | ... they can be more effective than pesticide. “One duck is able to eat more than 200 locusts a day,” said Lu Lizhi, a senior researcher with the Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences who is in charge of the project. A trial to gauge the ducks' locust-eating prowess would begin in Xinjiang later this year. More here |
Muslims in Israel aka "Palestinians" 1000 times NO! 1-29-20, Hotair.com -- Palestinian Muslim leader in Israel Mahmoud Abbas said “a thousand no” insisting that his people were committed to establishing a Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem. Um… that’s exactly what Israel just offered you. He also ... | ... said they want the entire West Bank, plus full control of areas the Jews recovered during the 1967 war. And that would leave Israel virtually unable to defend itself from the Muslim terrorist attacks that would obviously continue regardless of any signed agreement. Money to Islamic terrorists in Gaza here |
Iran threatens to destroy tomb of Persia's Jewish Queen Esther and Cousin Mordechai 2-22-20, ChristianPost -- The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom is raising concerns over reports that authorities in the Islamic Republic of Iran are threatening the destruction of the tomb of the Jewish Queen Esther and Mordechai in response to President Trump’s Middle-East peace plan. Esther 7:10 | Bernie Sanders Declares his desire to Move US Embassy Out of Jerusalem 2-26-20, FrontPage -- Bernie isn't really calling the shots on policy. Certainly not on anything that touches the nerves of the Islamists dominating his campaign. Bernie's line about considering moving the US embassy out of Israel's capitol, Jerusalem is the equivalent of the 50s housewife stalling for a time so she can ask her husband. |
The Positive Power of Consequences
"For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: 'The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.'"
2015, "Boundaries," by John Townsend and Henry Cloud* -- Trespassing on other people’s property carries consequences. “No Trespassing” signs usually carry warning of prosecution if someone steps over the boundaries. God's word the Holy Bible teaches this principle over and over, saying that if we walk one way, this will happen and if we walk another way, something else will happen. God loves us so He warns us.
- Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.
- Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die.
- Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far from him.
- The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.
- Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. If you strike him with the rod, you will save his soul from Sheol.
- Fear not for his crying for he will not die.
- Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 13:24-25, 22:6, 15, 23:5, 13-14, 29:15
The Apostle Paul is not kidding in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 when he says that if anyone will not work, don’t let him or her eat. God doesn't enable irresponsible behavior. Consequences give some good “barbs” to fences; letting people know the seriousness of the trespass and the seriousness of our respect for ourselves as we honor and obey our Savior Jesus Christ Who said: 'If you love me obey my commandments." John 14:15-17, 23
*Excerpted and adapted full original message fromThe Boundaries series is written by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. Copyright 2015 by Zondervan here
Philadelphia is Playing by a Dangerous Set of Rules 2-5-20, ImigrationReform.com -- Do they really want done to them what they are doing to the law-abiding citizens of Philly? Would Mayor Jim Kenney, who infamously danced around his office following a pro-sanctuary court ruling, really be so welcoming to a recidivist violent criminal alien moved in next door to him? Because of his policies that's what's happening. Philly is home to an estimated 50,000 illegal migrants, more than any metropolitan area in the northeast outside of New York City... | ... Sanctuary supporting politicians rarely feel the real-world impact of gambling with public safety by releasing violent criminal aliens from custody. They don't invade THEIR neighborhoods after all. Sanctuary policy defenders talk a lot about the fears illegal aliens have about deportation if they cooperate. They talk little about provisions in U.S. law that afford several protections for legal and illegal immigrants who have been victims of a crime. And they talk even less about the victims of those criminal aliens who they are responsible for putting back into the community. |
Dem Ruled San Fracisco CA demand harsh punishment for Roger Stone; but not violent criminals and illegal immigrants 2-15-20, FoxNews -- The US Political Party of Democrats pass laws refusing to deport criminal illegal migrants who's crimes are stalking, assault and manslaughter. They're released without bail. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., says Attorney General William Barr should be investigated for rejecting prosecutors' harsh sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone. | ... who is first-time offender convicted of nonviolent crimes -- obstruction of justice, witness tampering and making false statements to Congress. Four career Justice Dept prosecutors are screaming bloody murder because higher-ups rejected their recommendation to throw the book at Roger Stone, a political gadfly and one-time adviser to candidate Trump caught up in the Mueller dragnet. These attorneys asked for a seven- to nine-year sentence. AG Barr rejected it and Stone's judge gave 4 yrs. Case ongoing as jury in question new trial may be coming. |
Weaponizing the Coronavirus:
Why US Politicians & Media Suddenly Caring
[Hint: It’s about getting Trump!]
2-26-20, * -- After weeks of denouncing “conspiracy theories” about the spread of coronavirus, US media and Democrats are suddenly concerned, accusing President Donald Trump of not doing enough to stop it. While over 2,000 people have died from the COVID-19 novel coronavirus – almost all in China so far – and the contagion has spread to Europe and the Middle East in recent days, there has been no spike in the number of US cases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a total of 59 Americans have tested positive for the bug – most of them among those repatriated from the Diamond Princess cruise ship, and the rest with some connection to the contagion’s epicenter in Wuhan. Yet the newest talking points, pushed by Democrats and media NeverTrumpers alike, would have Americans believe that the virus is not contained, that Trump has gutted the government’s ability to respond to it and his administration doesn’t know what it’s doing. | This is a sudden and remarkable change of heart, for over the past several weeks the Democrats have been largely silent about the coronavirus, while the mainstream media was busily dismissing speculation about the virus as “conspiracy theories… debunked by experts” and denounced as “unjust” Trump’s decision to restrict travel to and from China. [Virus reported in Sept 2019] Even as the Dept of Health and Human Services was arguing the exact opposite Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the CDC official overseeing the coronavirus response, announced on Tuesday, 2/25/20 that Americans should prepare for “severe” disruption of everyday life, adding that the spread of coronavirus is not a question of whether but when. “We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad.” Between Dr. Messonier’s warning, amplified by nearly every media outlet, and the economic slowdown as the result of quarantines in China, on Feb 24, 2020 US stock markets went into a nosedive, wiping out all the gains since the beginning of the year. |
Rogue CDC Official Pushing Coronavirus [Coincidence?] 2-25-20, ConservativeTreeHouse -- Earlier today, Tuesday, 2/25/20 Dr. Nancy Messonnier, an official in the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), held a conference call with media and pushed a panic narrative around the Coronvirus that ran counter to the Trump administration.. What makes the statements by Dr. Messonnier even more interesting is the fact she is the only sister of former DOJ Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. *** Dr. Messonnier is the sister of former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the official who oversaw the ‘Russiagate’ probe by special counsel Robert Mueller and signed one of the FISA warrant applications for spying on the Trump campaign – clearly insinuating there might have been a political motivation behind her alarmist remarks on Tuesday. Ya think?? Whatever the truth about the coronavirus might be, what is abundantly clear from all of this is that America has a serious case of political contagion, in which nothing – not even a legitimate public health emergency – can avoid being weaponized for political purposes by people lusting for power. It would be laughable, if it weren’t so life-threatening. *Excerpted and adapted full original report from Nebojsa Malic who is a Serbian-American journalist, blogger, translator and senior writer at RT. Follow him on Twitter @NebojsaMalic here |
Angry? Yes, but not sinning
"Be angry, and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:"
4-7-17, -- We are not called to a state of pulse-less passivity, no longer in possession of a backbone, lying down as our neighbor’s doormat. We live as people, redeemed people, but humans nonetheless. We feel the entire spectrum of God-created emotions: sorrow and happiness, peace and discontent, love and disdain, fear, anger, and even more. We see the Lord Jesus righteous anger in the temple. [Matthew 21:12-13; John 2:15]
A man who lived well after David penned this fourth Psalm 4:4 and felt these many emotions. Nehemiah, after dedicating the rebuilt wall of Jerusalem and completing an almost insurmountable task, left the city on business with King Artaxerxes. Upon his return, he found the leadership had forsaken the Lord and was permitting unbelievers to live “in the courts of the house of God” (Nehemiah 13:7). Nehemiah’s response: “I was very angry.” (Nehemiah 13:8) He even went on to threaten that if these people continued sinning he would “lay hands” on them (Nehemiah 13:21), and not in prayer! There is then a righteous anger that should exist in the heart of the redeemed. Also Paul’s anger toward false teachers (Galatians 5:12).
Anger is a right response to evil and injustice. There is a fine line, however, between anger and hatred; deep seated resentment leads to hatred and goes well beyond anger. So “be angry, and do not sin,” remembering that “the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God” (Proverbs 29:11; James 1:20). Source
World's Health Scares 12-4-09, In a world of 7.7 billion people in recent decades there have been novel viruses that threatened to kill us all; also toxins in our children's toys, the junk they were eating, mosquitoes would bite us and people would cough on us. Some of these threats turned out to be almost nonexistent and some were arguably overblown. What threats have been robbing us of sleep lately? |
Coronavirus Update: In World of 7.7 Billion People Latest Death Toll Hits 2,699 2-24-20, In a nation of 1.5 billion people, China reported 409 new cases of COVID-19 [CoronaVirus] infection and 150 more deaths, Pharmaceutical companies are working to develop yet another vaccine. As of early Tuesday afternoon, Hong Kong time, there are 80,147 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 2,699 deaths - recovery rate is high. [Wonder how many died of regular flu??] | U.S. Stock Market Appears Most Vulnerable to Coronavirus 2-26-20, Bloomberg -- The scary reports of the new 'corona virus' seems to have affected the US Stock Market. The U.S. Global markets sold off on Monday and Tuesday Feb 24-25, 2020, on reports that authorities are struggling to contain the disease. Treasury yields rebound from record lows as stocks trade 2-26-20, U.S. Treasury yields jumped off from their recent lows as a tentative recovery in stock-market ... |
We Will Serve the Lord
Joshua said, “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

2-25-20, John D. Morris, PhD -- As Joshua’s death approached, he gathered the people around him for a final address and challenge. “Fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served” (Joshua 24:14), he exhorted as he reviewed the history of God’s provision for Israel. Indeed, God was worthy of their service in light of all He had done for them. Speaking on behalf of the Lord, Joshua used the divine pronoun “I” no less than 17 times in the previous 11 verses, in a majestic listing of His work on their behalf. Joshua 24:1-15
There seems to be a twist of irony in Joshua’s words. Even though the people adamantly maintained, “Therefore will we also serve the LORD; for he is our God” (Joshua 24:18), Joshua evidently knew they had already decided not to follow God. He did not offer them a choice between the true God and false gods, he offered them a choice between sets of false gods—those “on the other side of the flood” (i.e., the Euphrates River), or those “in Egypt” (Joshua 24:14), or “the gods of the Amorites.” Obviously, none can compare, to the one true and only God.
Joshua’s point is still applicable today.
Man must worship; he must have a god. One may recognize his god as an actual “god”—an idol to be openly worshiped. Often in today's world however, the false "god" may be: nature, health, wealth, human reason, science, evolution or humanism and worship is performed unwittingly. Our Christian duty in sharing the Lord Jesus' truths while witnessing includes helping the lost make an informed and knowledgeable choice, pointing out the consequences of their choice of "gods." Such a comparison should drive one to the same decision as Joshua’s:
“As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15
"The world has never quite seen an event like the one unfolding now off the coast of eastern Japan, in which thousands of tons of radioactively contaminated water from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant are pouring directly into the ocean. And though the vastness of the ocean has the capacity to dilute nuclear contamination, signs of spreading radioactive material are being found off Japan, including the discovery of elevated concentrations of radioactive cesium and iodine in small fish several dozen miles south of Fukushima, and high levels of radioactivity in seawater 25 miles offshore." More here: https://e360.yale.edu/features/radioactivity_in_the_ocean_diluted_but_far_from_harmless
Japan: Disabled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant's Radioactive Waste Plan of Disposal into Pacific Ocean Approved

The Japanese fishing industry is strongly against releasing the contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean as it will affect area fisheries. Greenpeace Japan also criticized the panel’s recommendation since the ocean dump will certainly threaten the environment. Shaun Burnie, a nuclear specialist at Greenpeace Germany, explained that the suggestion to dump the radioactive water into the Pacific makes no sense. “There is no justification for additional, deliberate radioactive pollution of the marine environment or atmosphere.”
A closer look at METI’s proposal reveals that the first step of the ocean dumping is to lower the concentrations of nuclear material in the radioactive water via a multi-nuclide removal system. The next step is to purify the remaining radioactivity with water annually, after which the waste will be discharged and dumped into the Pacific. There's a lack of verified scientific data proving that the concentrations of the 200 or so varieties of nuclear material leaked by theFDNPP disaster are within permissible thresholds. There are even reports that both the Japanese government and TEPCO acknowledge their failure to control some of the radioactive material, such as tritium. More here
Sources include: UPI.com and English.Hani.co.kr
Snopes.com says the reports of the FDNPP reactor meltdown is false - why is it false? Because not 'in process' of melting down - HAS ALREADY MELTED DOWN. Snopes said: "Since the end of 2013, a hoax has been going around on the Internet saying that Reactor #3 is experiencing a meltdown. (In fact, it had already melted down some time earlier.) From my observation, this mess started with an article on Enenews saying that Reactor #3 had been observed still steaming multiple times in December, which is correct. However, “steam” has been observed issuing from that reactor beginning in July 2013, and since then it has been observed almost every day. From the frequency of the “steam,” I assume it is evaporated coolant water leaking out of primary containment vessel, and we’re seeing it now because TEPCO has removed the major debris from the top of the reactor. Probably the steam has been coming up since just after [the earthquake of] March 2011. Sure it’s extremely radioactive, nobody can stand on the top of reactor #3, and it’s harmful for the west coast. However, it’s been that way for 3 [9] years now." -- 2/25/20
Bernie Sanders defends 'not all that bad' Fidel Castro 2-24-20, DailyMail.com -- During recent '60 Minutes' interview with Anderson Cooper, 78 yr old Democrat Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders leading with about 46 percent. He said: 'The ideas that seemed radical four years ago are now kind of mainstream." He added - regarding Communist Cuba's 1985 dictator Fidel Castro: 'He educated their kids, gave them health care, totally transformed the society, you know?' Castro ruled Cuba for nearly half a century. A Cold War foe of the U.S., Castro's government imprisoned dissidents and imposed one-party rule; in 2016 died at the age of 90. | Bernie Sanders defends Fidel Castro's socialist Cuba A 1986 video of a speech given by Bernie Sanders has resurfaced speech given at the Univ of Vermont. Sanders praised the socialist policies of Fidel Castro in Cuba criticizing the US bipartisan efforts to tamp down on Castro's spread of communism. Sanders said: "I almost had to "puke" when he saw former President John F. Kennedy push his opponent at the time, former President Richard Nixon, to be tougher on Cuba. I was a kid ... and it just seemed right and appropriate that poor people were rising up against rather ugly rich people." |
Turkey President Tayyip Erdogan Gives "Final Warning" Before Launching Gog-Magog War Against "Edom" Russia
Apostle John's vision: "The sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east [Shiite Muslims from Iran] might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast [Coalition of Islamic nations], and out of the mouth of the false prophet [Mohammad]. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth... And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue 'Armageddon'."

2-19-20, PressTV -- Turkey has threatened to launch an “imminent” operation in Syria’s Idlib Province if Damascus fails to withdraw behind Ankara’s military positions, sparking a warning from Russia. Turkey in bible prophecy Magog is a man who settled in the land of Turkey. Ezekiel 38:2 More here
- 2-20-20, Breaking Israel News -- After failed talks with Russian officials over the intensifying military conflict in Syria, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyib Erdogan issued his “final warnings” to Moscow. Turkish troops with heavy weapons entered northern Idlib Syria while Turkish artillery shelled Syrian army positions. The Russian air force came to the aid of the Syrian army, bombing Turkish positions. Fifty Syrian soldiers and members of Iranian-backed Shiite [Iran?] militias were killed in the battle and Turkey lost two soldiers. The Turkish military and their Islamist rebel allies also destroyed five tanks and four armored vehicles belonging to the pro-Assad troops. Sixteen Turkish military casualties and 50+ Syrian soldiers were killed in retaliation.
- Turkey Cutting Euphrates River Flow to Syria: Crime against Humanity and should be removed from NATO -- Turkey has left the Tishrin dam and its hydro-power plant non-operational in Eastern Aleppo Syria. According to Hawar news “People in North of Syria particularly in Kobanî canton and Manbij are suffering from cutting off the electricity as the Turkish government cut off Euphrates water."
- Turkey Edges Towards Direct Conflict With Russian-Backed Syrian Leader Assad
"The waters of the river will dry up, and the riverbed will be parched and dry. The canals will stink; the streams of Egypt will dwindle and dry up. The reeds and rushes will wither, also the plants along the Nile, at the mouth of the river. Every sown field along the Nile will become parched, will blow away and be no more." Isaiah 11:15-16, 19:5-7
Prophecy Fulfilled: The Nile And The Euphrates Are Drying Up
Both Rivers Are In The News And Both Rivers Are In The Bible
Mideast Water Wars: In Iraq, A Battle for Control of Water
From the Tabqa Dam, the water of the Euphrates & the Tigris Rivers has brought Iraq, Syria and Turkey close to war.
More here
How to decide if high-priced college education is worth it 7-1-19, CNBC.com -- A survey of 2800 respondents showed that only about 1 in 5 believe that college is worth the price, especially when heavy debt is required. As many as 18% said that college is not worth the money. According to The College Board, over the past three decades, tuition and fees at private four-year institutions have more than doubled, to $35,830, for the 2018–19 academic year after adjusting for inflation ($48,510 including room and board), and they’ve tripled at state schools, to $10,370. At the Ivy league schools the costs are exorbitant; at Harvard the total annual cost of attendance is now $67,580; in 2020 at Princeton it will be $73,450. | Trade School vs. College: Which Should I Choose? Where college prepares a young adult for a largely cerebral career, a trade school [TS] provides excellent earnings from careers as plumbers, auto mechanics, carpenters, computer techs, etc. Services we all depend on. TS students usually complete their entire education in half the time college students with a much smaller tuition cost: as little as $1,902 or as much as $40,000. TS students graduate with a two-year head start on earnings and career advancement. The College Affordability and Transparency Center (CATC) shows that even the most expensive trade school’s program is much cheaper while promising a hefty income and usually with no debt. |
World Woes: Virus, Locusts, Earthquakes, Volcanoes & More
The Apostle Paul said about end times: "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
2-23-20, John Haller's weekly updates are especially pertinent when discussing legal matters as he's an active attorney. This week he's covering many topics especially the good news about America's court system and the fact that Pres Trump has appointed more conservative leaning life time judges to the federal bench in 3 years than Obama did liberal judges in eight. The "Ninth Circuit' has been a fanatical liberal court for decades but now - because of Donald Trump - may become conservative. Who thought THAT could EVER happen?
Brother John also reported on China's world terror of the 'COVAD-19' Corona virus. Reportedly it's a biologically engineered weapon? A dry run for population control? A lab experiment that got out of control?
Also covered are the plague of locusts, great majority of America's antibiotics come from China, the murder of US Natl Sec Adviser & Christian friend PHIL HANEY and more. This time, it's personal and waaay too close for comfort. Stand strong, pray without ceasing and keep looking up. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
One hour twenty-four minute video here
2-23-20, Heavy.com -- Reports of Natl Sec Adviser Phil Haney’s death first appeared on the morning of February 22, 2020. Fox News’ contributor Sara A. Carter tweeted regarding Haney’s death [he was shot in the chest] saying, “Somebody I deeply respected and considered a friend Phil Haney – a DHS whistleblower during the Obama Admin was apparently killed yesterday in Southern California. Pray for his family and pray they find the person who murdered him. Still trying to get confirmation on details.”
The coronavirus is a hoax
1-2-20, There are a number of indicators that the coronavirus is, essentially, a global "live exercise" in managing a pandemic, but perhaps another example of the fear-mongering instigated by the global power elite ...
The Corona Virus Hysteria: 8 Things to Consider
1-27-20, The institutions, including the CDC, vaccine companies, and media who benefit from corona virus hype, are incredibly incompetent and dangerous. One might even go so far as to call them diabolical...much of the evidence we’re getting from the media is sketchy at best. Earlier, the Daily Star ran a photograph of two men in lab coats, one of which was lying on the ground. The photo is extremely grainy and out of focus. Meanwhile, what are we supposed to make of it? There’s no context here or proof that the photo is really what they say it is. Yet, it was featured in all caps on the drudge report. “DOCTORS COLLAPSE”, it says along with a plethora of other headlines.
More here:
“Experts fear too late for China”
“Everyone will get infected”
“Simulation Predicts 65 Million Could Die”
When We Cry, the Lord Keeps Our Tears in a Bottle
David said, "Mine enemies would daily swallow me up: for they be many that fight against me, O Thou most High. What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee. In God I will praise His word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me. Everyday they wrest my words: all their thoughts are against me for evil. They gather themselves together, they hide themselves, they mark my steps, when they wait for my soul. Shall they escape by iniquity? in Thine anger cast down the people, O God. Thou tellest my wanderings: put Thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in Thy book? When I cry unto Thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me. In God will I praise His word: in the LORD will I praise His word. In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. Thy vows are upon me, O God: I will render praises unto Thee."
Playlist here
Bernie Sanders' success in the 2020 primary 2-27-20, USAToday -- WASHINGTON – Bernie Sanders won New Hampshire’s Democrat primary with just over one-quarter of the vote. He has fewer delegates than Pete Buttigieg. | Bernie Sanders hits the jackpot in Las Vegas 2-23-20, Telegraph.co.uk -- Bernie Sanders wins Nevada caucuses cementing his place as the front runner for the Democrat presidential nomination [Blomberg wasn't on the ballot. [People want free stuff!] |
"The Vigilant Refiner"
The crucible is for silver, the furnace is for gold and the LORD tests hearts.

2-18-20, * -- My friend Jacob dons goggles and fireproof gloves. Then he sparks his blowtorch to life touching the stream of fire to a bar of silver in a melting 'crucible,' [a receptacle or pot] and explains what’s happening over the hiss of the torch: “Different metals purify at different temperatures; and you need to be careful to get the temperature just right, so that you don’t lose any of the precious metal you’re refining. Otherwise, you’ll burn it too much and it all turns to dust.”
God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear; but when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. The testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 1 Corinthians 10:13; James 1:2-4, 12
As Jacob melts the silver bar I can see the dross [waste] curling to the surface, forming an ugly crust. Dross is the concentration of the impurities that were once within the metal—but now they are being separated by the perfect application of heat. The vigilance required is impressive, watching the refiner dance with molten metal and flame, carefully applying the fire and then pulling it away. Applying the fire, pulling it away; purifying and cleansing the silver that holds the real value.
This is the same refinement process the LORD uses on our hearts.
With just the right amount of heat and trial, the Vigilant Refiner [the Lord Jesus Christ] burns away the dross that's buried within us. [Romans 3:23] God purifies our hearts of corruption and sin making us new; when we repent and turn to the Lord we are cleansed and are born again. The Lord Jesus said, "Marvel not that I said you must be born again!" [Mark 3:3, 7]
With loving concern, the Lord skillfully applies streams of flame purifying us without burning us to dust. The pain of separation from sin is a good pain; looking to the Torch celebrating that the dross we’ve lived with for so long is now being swept away. Hallelujah!
*Excerpted and adapted full original message from Jordan Loftis here
Free speech being destroyed by gender Nazis wearing black robes as court rules AGAINST professor who refused to address student with trans pronouns

Now, not hurting someone’s feelings more important than First Amendment
As reported by The New American, Ohio Judge Susan Dlott has ruled that Christian Prof. Nicholas Meriwether can be fired by his employer, Shawnee State University [SSU], over his failure to use homosexual aka "trans" pronouns, as per the school’s ‘nondiscrimination policy.’
The Fourteenth Amendment is being utilized to override the First Amendment’s protection of speech and religious freedom.
Prof. Meriwether filed suit against SSU after its administrators sided with a student who got hostile with the him after he refused to refer to the student by his preferred pronouns. According to the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which represents Meriwether and filed the suit on his behalf, the student — Alena Bruening, referred to only as “Doe,” “became belligerent, circling around him, getting in his face in a threatening fashion, while telling him, ‘Then I guess this means I can call you a c**t.’” School administration sided with the Bruening after he/she?? filed a formal complaint over the incident in which he actually accused Meriwether of creating a “hostile” environment, in violation of school policy. The complaint led SSU officials to issue the professor a warning in June 2018.
ADF stated in the lawsuit that the school’s actions violated Prof Meriwether's First Amendment rights, but that charge was dismissed by the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of Ohio. His primary complaint is that by forcing him to refer to a student’s self-identified gender, that “would require him to violate his conscience and sincerely held religious beliefs” — principles that no longer matter to an increasing number of federal judges.
The New American noted: He charged that his rights were violated because he was threatened and punished “for refusing to communicate a University-mandated ideological message regarding gender identity both in and out of the classroom” and that he was compelled to communicate in regard to gender identity in a way that conflicts with his religious beliefs.
However, U.S. District Judge Susan Dlott, a Clinton appointee ruled: “Plaintiff’s refusal to address a student in class in accordance with the student’s gender identity does not implicate broader societal concerns and the free speech clause of the First Amendment under the circumstances of this case.” The court further claimed that all Meriwether had to do was to simply remove any and all references to pronouns in his classroom, and that doing so would not have been an infringement on his speech rights.
Prof Meriwether explained that his practice is to refer to students using proper etiquette prefixes “Mr.” and “Ms.” followed by their surnames and that in order to accommodate this student he offered to refer to him just using his last name. But that wasn’t good enough; Judge Dlott said that still amounted to discrimination because Meriwether didn’t then call all students simply by their last names.
Yes, it’s come to this: Left-wing activist judges picking gnat droppings out of salt in order to justify their attacks on Christianity and traditional American culture.
(Related: The radical Left is so insane that even BOY GEORGE has had enough of the stupid pronouns.)
Sources: TheNewAmerican.com
Should every kid get a trophy? Trophies for everyone means kids think there are low expectations. If not everyone got a trophy kids would learn the life lesson that wins and losses are part of life. | Reject the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations It's true only 9 percent of low income students graduate in six years is a crime and a tragedy. However, 9 percent is neither an expectation nor a standard. |
8-7-19, RacialEquityInst -- The 'NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT' [NCLB] Act passed in 2001 under Pres GW Bush is federal legislation with broad, bipartisan support and heralded high-stakes accountability in education. NCLB, is a great movement of education reform [that] built on clear principles: to raise the bar of standards, expect every child to learn; giving schools the flexibility to meet those standards; to measure progress and insist upon results; to blow the whistle on failure; to provide parents with options to increase their option, like charters and choice; and also remember the role of education is to leave no child behind.
One Habit That Will Change Everything
Dear Lord, "Please deal bountifully with Thy servant, that I may live, and keep Thy word. Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law. I am a stranger in the earth: hide not Thy commandments from me."
2-21-20, * -- When we open up the Bible, what do we expect to find? Like King David in the Bible's Old Testament, we expect “wondrous things.” And David only had a small portion of the Bible compared to what God’s given us today! The reality is this…
- There is no wasted moment reading God's Word.
- Even if you only read a single verse, you are hearing from God Himself having the chance to “behold wondrous things.”
Pray for open eyes to behold wondrous things from God’s word. 1 Chronicles 16:12; Job 37:5
*Excerpted and adapted full original message from Jordan Loftis here
Russia is helping him!! Collusion!!
2-21-20, WashingtonTimes -- Russia collusion, ridiculous as it was the first time around, is not necessarily dead to Democrats. A newspaper reported: “Lawmakers Are Warned That Russia Is Meddling to Re-Elect Trump.”
Seriously?? If Russia wanted anyone to win the White House, it sure as heck wouldn’t be the strong America lovin' Donald Trump. It'd be the America hater Vermont Democrat Sen. Bernie Sanders who is about as communist as they come. However, any of the current basket of Democrats would serve Russia well. None of the Democrats put America first. President Trump is no push over .. IF the Russians tried to interfere with the Nov 2020 election - it would lean toward a weak adversary like Obama and his gang of misfits.
New York Times Tries to Jump Start Another Russia Hoax
2-20-20, RedState -- Unbelievable. It is only February and already the New York Times is trying to gin up yet another 'the-Russians-helped-elect-Trump hoax.' In the leak from the Democrats, there's a great deal of evidence that this Shelby Pierson person didn’t have any specifics:"Both Republicans and Democrats asked the intelligence agencies to hand over the underlying material that prompted their conclusion that Russia again is favoring Mr. Trump’s election." In fact Washington Post described it:
"Other people familiar with the briefing described it as a contentious re-litigating of a previous intelligence assessment that Russia interfered in 2016 to help Trump. Republican members asked why the Russians would want to help Trump when he has levied punishing sanctions on their country, and they challenged Pierson to back up her claim with evidence." It's unclear how she responded.
2-20-20, Keyt.com -- The Boy Scouts of America’s recent bankruptcy filing puts it into similar company as almost two dozen US Catholic dioceses and USA Gymnastics. The Boy Scouts of America, who celebrated its 110th anniversary February 8, 2020 filed for bankruptcy in Delaware bankruptcy court. The organization listed liabilities of between $100 million and $500 million and estimated assets of $1 billion to $10 billion. The bankruptcy filing comes at a time when the organization faces hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits, thousands of alleged abuse victims and dwindling membership numbers. As a result of the filing, all civil litigation against the organization is suspended.
2-20-20, Federalist.com -- Rod Blagojevich is an American politician who served as the 40th Governor of Illinois from 2003 until his impeachment, conviction, and removal from office in 2009. Crime? soliciting bribes for the political appointment of Barack Obama’s vacant U.S. Senate seat after Obama was elected president in 2008. In 2011 Blago said,“They’re pointing that statement at the wrong place. It shouldn’t be pointed at me, it oughta be pointed at those uncontrolled, unaccountable, lawless prosecutors who did this to me. I broke no laws, I crossed no lines.” On 2-20-20 he was released from prison when President Trump commuted his 14 yr sentence to the seven served ...
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