6-30-22, Scripture for Today -- We see in Psalm 144 King David's praise of God as his all-sufficient help enhanced by a recognition of the intrinsic worthlessness of man. Confidently imploring God's interposition against his enemies, protecting and nurturing our children. He breaks forth into praise and joyful anticipations of the prosperity of his kingdom, when freed from vain and wicked men. Psalm 144:4-15
-- Jamieson Faussett Brown Commentary, https://biblehub.com/commentaries/jfb/psalms/144.htm
NATO: Alliance Created for Defense Now It's Become Aggressor Promoting 'Rules' Dictated by the USA
6-29-22, Scripture tells us Jesus had four little half brothers: James, Joseph, Simon and Judas (Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3). The apostles Matthew and Mark mention His sisters, but their names or number not given. In Matthew 12:46 & Luke 8:19 we see that Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see Him. In John 7:1-10, His brothers go to a festival while Jesus stayed behind. In Acts 1:14 His brothers and mother are described as praying with the disciples. Galatians 1:19 mentions that James was Jesus’ brother. This is clear and unambiguous teaching from God’s Word; Mary was not a perpetual virgin as the Roman Catholics teach; after Jesus ... she and Joseph had a traditional marriage with children; they were the Lord Jesus’ half blood siblings.
6-28-22, The Lord Jesus gives us encouragement to 'not be afraid.' [Matthew 10:28; John 14:25-27] We must depend on the teaching of the Holy Ghost; thus the words of Jesus will be brought to our remembrance and the many difficulties we may experience and endure; we have faith in God that they will be cleared up for our good in the here and now or in eternity. Our peace may not be plain to others. To all the saints, the Spirit of grace is given to help us remember by our faith and prayer we should commit the keeping of what know. Christ has left us all that is really and truly good; His peace. The peace of God passes all understanding [Philippians 4:7] and widely differs from that of the world. [Luke 12:5] -- Matthew Henry, https://biblehub.com/commentaries/mhc/john/14.htm
Russia Mocks NATO |
6-28-22, RT.com -- The Russian space agency, Roscosmos, marked the start of a key summit of NATO leaders in Madrid today by releasing satellite images and coordinates of Western seats of power. While the leaders of the 30 members of the US-led bloc are busy with their deliberations in the Spanish capital, Roscosmos published satellite images of the proverbial ‘decision making centers’ that support Ukrainian nationalists. | “We are providing coordinates of the sites. Just in case.” The coordinates were the not-so-secret locations of the White House and Pentagon in the US, No. 10 Downing Street in London, the Élysée Palace in Paris, the German Chancellery in Berlin and NATO’s own headquarters in Brussels. More here: www.rt.com/russia/557988-roscosmos-posts-nato-coordinates/ |
Russia Accused of Bombing Civilians in Shopping Center
6-27-22, InfoWars -- Zelensky sayd Ukrainian Shopping Mall Shelled By Russian Missiles. ... Strange and questionable reports for example, Ukraine accused Russia of bombing a theater in Mariupol in March, which they initially claimed killed 1,000 civilians. This shopping mall report is iffy considering the report says 'mall was packed!' - but video has only 4 or 5 cars...
- Moscow explains missile strike on Kiev mall — RT Russia...
The Russian military spokesman added that Ukrainian troops had been using the Vinogradar neighborhood as a base for their operations, showing surveillance footage to that effect. The video ends with what looks like a single missile striking the site - that had zero civilians ... - Russia Bombed a Packed Shopping Centre in Ukraine
A Russian missile strike hit a crowded shopping centre in the Ukrainian city of Kremenchuk on Monday, raising fears of a devastating death toll.
DailyMail -- The more you tell/explain the sex act to teenagers, the more sex they will have. When it's a mystery and taboo, young boys and girls are less likely to try it. However, when schools and teachers explain how great it is and the 'process' ... more unwanted pregnancies will result.
6-27-22, The first time the Apostle Paul encountered the risen Lord Jesus was on the Damascus Road to Syria. Jesus’ appearance to Paul was not merely subjective vision, as both Jesus’ voice (Acts 9:7) & bright light (Acts 22:9) were perceived by his traveling companions. The Lord chose Paul to proclaim His name to both Gentiles & Israel (Acts 9:15). Two other times the Lord Jesus appeared to him: Acts 22:21, 23:11. There is speculation that ‘Saul’ while persecuting the followers of Christ; actually did meet Jesus before His crucifixion. | Ultimately, the born again [John 3;3, 7] “Paul” – for three years - was tutored by the risen Lord in a desert place: 1 Corinthians 11:26; Hebrews 11:35; Galatians 1:11-20. He later underwent intense persecution for preaching Christ's gospel (Acts 14:19; 2 Corinthians 11:25–26). Partly because of Paul's tireless efforts; the Gospel of salvation through God's grace spread throughout the world. More here: https://www.gotquestions.org/Paul-in-Arabia.html |
6-26-22, RT.com -- In February 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine for agression against Donbass and for not honoring the 2014 treaty. The actions taken by the EU and NATO essentially amount to the formation of a “new coalition” targeting Russia. Russia's Foreign Minister Lavrov compared the steps taken by Brussels to the actions of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler before attacking the Soviet Union. He said: Moscow has “no illusions” about the prospect of “Russophobic sentiments” within the EU dissipating any time soon. Russia will closely follow all the “real steps” taken by the bloc and its candidate states. “Hitler rallied a significant part, if not most, of the European nations under his banner for a war against the Soviet Union, now, the EU together with NATO are forming another – modern – coalition for a standoff and, ultimately, war with the Russian Federation…”
6-27-22, Armstrong* -- In 2007 Russia’s President Vladimir Putin pointed out that the West lied and cheated following the fall of communism. Instead of embracing Russia and a new democratic state, even the Guardian wrote on December 20, 1999, under the headline that the “Kremlin hails ‘peaceful Russian revolution” that power in Russia changed at the ballot box. They reported: “Hailing a “peaceful revolution” in Russian politics for the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kremlin officials and Putin supporters relished a relatively harmonious relationship between the legislature and the executive.” Still, our politicians expanded NATO and rejected peace. If peace was sought, then there was no longer a need for NATO. That would have led to the unemployment of millions. So NATO was not just retained but expanded. [..] Russians know well that the West [USA] lies, can't be trusted are obsessed with war as their existing strategy from an economic system that is collapsing because they have done nothing but borrow endlessly with no intention of paying anything back...
______ NATO is set to create a new 200,000 strong force to “wipe Russia off the earth” if Putin invades an ally country, it has been reported. The new Allied Reaction Force (ARF) will be a six times larger than the current formation that stands ready to repel Russian aggression, the NATO Response Force (NRF) ** _____ Worse still, reportedly there are people inside NATO who actually promote war and are using the phrase they intend to “wipe Russia off the Earth,” and this is starting to make the press in the UK and also in Russia. There is not a single rational person in any position of authority willing to take a breath and say "wait just one minute. " We fought every war against some evil foe from Hitler to communism. My father was with US General Patton; he always said that Patton said that Germany was NOT our enemy – it was Stalin of the Soviet Union. He wanted to go from Berlin straight into Moscow, but they said no. The only two major leaders to invade Russia were Hitler and Napoleon. We seem to be headed for a third try. | They can threaten China to stand aside, but Xi is not stupid. He knows this thirst for world domination that's been cheered by Soros and Schwab. If he does not unite with Putin, then China will be next. Just listen to the insane words of George Soros who seems to refuse to die and leave the world alone. So while Soros is lining the pockets of everyone who would overthrow everything that created world peace since 1945, the very threat to civilization is Soros and Schwab. Unfortunately ... these people are pushing for World War III because the economy is collapsing and governments can no longer keep borrowing endlessly. We have reached the end of the road and they cannot kick the can any further. *Excerpted and adapted full original report from Martin Armstrong here: https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/war/the-wests-refusal-to-seek-world-peace/ ** Or here www.thesun.co.uk/news/18981237/nato-new-force-russia-putin-invades/ |
6-26-22, Bishop Ronald Gainer of Harrisburg, PA written reaction to the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court overturning the Roe V Wade abortion law: "The [Christian] Church has long taught that all life is a precious gift from God, This life is to be protected and respected from the moment of conception to that of natural death. Today’s ruling from the Supreme Court in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is an important step in furthering the protection of the most vulnerable, infants in the womb.” 83 Bible verses 'God knows us in the womb...." Here: www.openbible.info/topics/knowing_us_in_the_womb
Joe Biden called on a conglomerate of 23 oil-producing countries, led largely by Russia and Saudi Arabia, to increase oil production to combat rising fuel prices. Ultimately begging the Middle Eastern and OPEC to boost oil production because the USA no longer can provide for itself. Biden's overture to the oil cartel comes after he cracked down on oil and gas infrastructure projects in America that could have boosted oil supply and fuel production in the United States. Instead, he's attempting to push the USA to adopt more green energy technologies, such as unreliable and expensive electric cars.
Truth About Democrats Plans - and Diesel 6-26-22, Joe Biden’s bleeding eye at the Democrats’ marathon “climate crisis” town hall on CNN was as good an omen as any of the political curse of eco-catastrophism. From banning cheeseburgers and plastic straws to aborting babies in poor countries, the swivel-eyed climate zealotry of the liberal leftists who now are destroying the USA have outdone themselves. America’s prosperity was built on the cheap abundant fossil fuel under our feet and offshore - yet green zealots are forcing an energy crisis by forcing the monstrous prices of gasoline by banning coal, fracking and offshore gas exploration. | Like the "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" (IPCC) the Democrats have given up the pretense that climate alarmism has anything to do with the actual “environment,” as most Americans would understand that word: clean air and water. That should be warning enough about one of their real motives... force Americans out of their big gasoline cars into sardine cans. Next is diesel ... already in Australia there is a shortage because of the lack of an additive. There's a looming shortage of an important chemical used to remove pollution from the exhaust of diesel trucks. Without it, the trucks can't run. In most of the modern diesels, there's a chemical added to the system called AdBlue... More here: |
... and I knew I was guilty and would be left behind when Jesus came for His own. Hear the song: www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=aROIMMdKOwU
And here is the ultimate image of how we are NOW facing the
Acts 2:1-17, 10:44-48, 19:1-7, John 14:15-26, 16:5-16; Joel 2:28
Depravity is the Reason Women Kill Millions of Their Babies *** Mostly Unwed Women and Men Practicing Unprotected Lustful Sex Resulting in a Baby | 6-25-22, The outrage over the cessation of legalized murder of children across America is obscene. Attacks on Churches and Pro Life Groups is outrageous. The lustful quest for sex with no responsibility being quenched is what they’re complaining about. Too lazy to take a pill ladies? Too lazy to wear a condom gentlemen? You have no care that abortion of YOUR child may result in your sex? Shame on you! |
5-26-2020, CenterForMedicalProgressOrg [CMP] -- Planned Parenthood lied to the public and to Congress. The Small Business Admin demanded 37 "PP" affiliates return $80 million in federal relief loans they fraudulently certified they were eligible for. Twenty-seven Senators called on Attorney Gen Barr to broaden the DOJ investigation of the PP affiliates’ activities. CMP project lead David Daleiden notes: “The time has come for federal consequences for Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood lied to the public and to Congress, but now there is no longer any reasonable doubt that Planned Parenthood sold fetal body parts, commodifying living children in the womb and treating pregnant women like a cash crop. The U.S. Dept of Justice must escalate the enforcement of laws against fetal trafficking to the highest level of priority.”
Wedding Anniversary: Today John & I's 62nd 6-25-22, John and I were married today in 1960. We were together 53 years when he passed to Jesus. He is German/Irish I'm 100% Italian. We had our 'battles' and never considered divorce. We saw our friends marry, divorce marry again and be as miserable with the new one as the old. | And they were struggling financially supporting two households as the kids were shuffled back and forth. Divorce is not the answer! Just wait and don't ever say the 'd' word. Just be quiet for a couple days and whatever the skirmish was ... will be forgotten. That's how John and I did it. -- Annette |
Homeland Security [DHS] has Warned Churches and Pro Life Pregnancy Centers to be Prepared for “Night of Rage” by Pro-Abortion Terrorist Groups 6-23-22, GatewayPundit -- Christian churches and pro-life pregnancy centers have been warned by DHS to be prepared for a “night of rage” by pro-abortion terrorist groups. Targets could include public gatherings, faith-based institutions, schools, racial, ethnic. religious minorities, government facilities and personnel, U.S. critical infrastructure, the media, and perceived ideological opponents of killing unborn human babies in legalized abortion. | Recently the far-left terrorist organization “Jane’s Revenge” firebombed a pro-life pregnancy center in Buffalo, NY. Fire officials said the firebombing caused at least $150,000 in damage [reported here]. The group also took responsibility for vandalizing a DC crisis pregnancy center and last week issued a terroristic threat against pro-life pregnancy centers. The terror group proclaimed: "Future measures may not come in the form of something so easily cleaned up as fire and graffiti; it’s “open season” on pro-life centers." More here |
Police Departments Brace for Attacks on Pregnancy Centers as Tensions Rise after Dobbs Ruling 6-24-22, NatlReview [here] -- Dozens of pro-life pregnancy centers and churches have been targeted after a draft of the Dobbs ruling was leaked. The nonprofit Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America recently released a report detailing more than 40 “incidents of violence, vandalism and intimidation” since the ruling. Most of the attacks consisted of vandalism and graffiti, often with threatening messages, including, “If Abortions aren’t SAFE then neither are you.” But they also included firebombs and attempted break-ins. | 6-24-22, RT.com -- US SUPREME COURT OVERTURNS LEGALIZATION TO MURDER UNBORN CHILDREN: Now the ghoulish fanatics will go berserk. It's taken 49+ years but finally the USA Court has reversed the monstrous law to legally kill children. In 1973 seven justices cast aside laws of every state and passed Roe v. Wade, seven justices cast aside the laws of every state protecting unborn children even though nothing in the text, original understanding, or history of the Constitution authorized them to do so. It was an act of “raw judicial power,” as a Democrat justice wrote in dissent. Even some law professors assailed the decision for lacking ANY constitutional base. |
In Hebrew: "Ha Yehudi m vMelech HaNazarei Yeshua." The English translation acrostic made up of the first letter of each word spells out "Yahweh"
No vowels in Hebrew = YHWH) GOD!
Did Pilate know he was labeling the Lord Jesus ‘GOD?’
[In John 18:6, 8 Jesus said, "I AM HE" and the soldiers fell to the ground just from His spoken word.] Or did he begin to suspect that Jesus actually was Who said He was? John 19:19-22; Matthew 27:37; Mark 15:26; Luke 23:38 -- Herbert F. Stevenson,
More here: http://www.xwalk.ca/yhwh.html
6-23-22, WashExaminer -- According to AAA Club of California currently the average price of gas in California was $6.35 a gallon, nearly $2 above the national average of $4.94 a gallon. Gov Newsom promised "immediate action" in March 2022, proposing doling out rebates to car owners, state lawmakers have yet to come to an agreement on how to put money into the pocketbooks of Californians. [..] While California Senate President Pro Tempore Toni Atkins and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon have argued that limiting relief to car owners excludes non-car-owners that are also struggling from inflated prices due to the price of gas.
Jun 14, 2022 -- The PILOT episode of the Democrats Congressional January 6 hearings doomed the entire season.. The ratings don't lie: America is not interested. Despite unprecedented coordination on behalf of the mainstream media to synchronize coverage of the Democrats' mockumentary, the left-wing smokescreen failed to capture the hearts and minds of the nation. More here
6-22-22, * - Recently Pakistani Judge Bosal sentenced Christian brothers Qaiser & Amoon Ayub to death for claimed blasphemous material posted on the Internet. This is a common occurrence in Pakistan who is the world’s most pernicious persecutor of Christians. Worldwide no other nation tortures, rapes or burns alive more Christians than Pakistan. [It's unknown exactly what was posted on the internet ... that’s forbidden to publish.] Pakistanis [96% Muslims] regard Christians as second-class citizens: they are discriminated against in every aspect of society. The Pakistan government files dozens of cases of blasphemy against Christians and uses the legal system to murder them. Pakistan is (and has always been) a client state of Saudi Arabia. Pakistan not only gave aid and comfort to Osama Bin-Laden, but it also provided tens of thousands of unemployed unemployable Pakistani and Arabian fighters to Taliban and Al Qaeda forces operating in Afghanistan. Why the does the United States treat so many Islamic nation as friends rather than enemies?
*Excerpted and adapted full original report from Mustang at Bunkerville here https://bunkerville.wordpress.com/
Pakistani Christians Burned Alive 11-7-14, NBCNews -- ISLAMABAD, Pakistan --ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A mob burned alive a Christian couple in an industrial kiln in Pakistan allegedly wrapped a pregnant mother in cotton so she would catch fire more easily, according to family members who witnessed the attack.Sajjad Maseeh, 27, and his wife Shama Bibi, 24, were set upon by at least 1,200 people after rumors circulated that they had burned verses from the book Koran. | Deadliest attack on Christians in Pakistan kills at least 78 5-31-22, NatlNews -- Pakistan’s attack and killing of 78 Christians ... Islamist militants have carried out hundreds of bombings targeting security forces and minority groups they regard as heretical, but attacks on Christians have previously largely been confined to grenade attacks... |
America Babylon
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Jeremiah 6:11
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
Matthew 15:13; Mark 13:20; Luke 20:35
John 6:37, 39, 44, 65
Hebrews 9:15
Revelation 17:14
Jeremiah 4
Annette Greco-Meisner
[email protected]
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