SENATOR RAND PAUL Refers Fauci for Prosecution |
7-30-23, Fox News — In 2020 Senator Paul said he initially gave Dr Tony Fauci the benefit of the doubt deeming Fauci a “disinterested public health figure.” However, he’s now concluded the former White House medical adviser was dishonest and determined to cover up his initial response to the coronavirus pandemic. “That’s why this week we ended up referring him to the Department of Justice, for prosecution for lying to Congress. There's probably never been a government official caught more red-handed in a lie than this because now he has proved the lie in his own words. So at first he kind of acted like, 'oh, we don't have anything to do with the research over there. We don't fund the research in Wuhan.' So we found the actual scientific papers, we found the grant number proving that it came from his agency. And then he said, 'oh, well, yeah, we're funding it, but it's not gain-of-function. My experts up and down have looked at this and it's not gain-of-function.' => | <= "But now we have contemporaneous documents from February 2020, in the height of the beginning of the pandemic, where he's saying privately, 'well, yes, we're suspicious that this virus could have come from the lab because they're doing gain-of-function research.' And he describes the project that I had described to him a year later, which he said, 'oh, there's nothing to see here. This is not gain-of- function.' But now we have, in his own words, admitting that it was gain-of-function, admitting they funded it and admitting that it gave them suspicion to the possibility that this pandemic actually came from the lab. So now we have him dead to rights.” More here: |
Six minute video here where Senator Rand Paul Accuses Fauci of lying at Senate hearing in 2021 - Fauci tells him:
[looks like he did!]
U.S. ban on popular lightbulb goes into effect Aug. 1, 2023 [more here] 8-1-23, Americans will now only be able to purchase LED light bulbs due to ole Joe Biden's Dept of Energy requirements. Now manufacturers are permitted to only make and sell LED - while they are more expensive - reportedly they last 25-50 times longer and use less electricity. | This was one of Barry Obama's pet projects as he too banned the common cheap light bulb. More here: And here: | However Trump to the rescue! In 2019 President Donald Trump canceled a pending phaseout of incandescent bulbs because "what's saved is not worth it." |
In the book of Numbers and elsewhere we see God proclaim blessing on His obedient faithful …
“The LORD bless thee, keep thee:"
Numbers 6:23-27; Deuteronomy 28:1-14 ...
"But..." God said: "... it shall come to pass IF you disobey Me..."
[great list of punishments for disobedience]
Deuteronomy 28:15-68; Leviticus 20:1-9, 26:14-39; 1 Samuel 15:1-9; 1 Kings 13:11-34
-- Gregg Nydegger Commentary:
-- Matthew Henry Commentary:
From Bill Wilson: “The United States formed its government using many of the same precepts found in Deuteronomy, but it still falls short because God’s will is not being done. Founding Fathers like John Adams emphasized that the US Constitution was “made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Likewise, James Madison wrote that the Constitution requires “sufficient virtue among men for self-government” or “nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another.” They are saying essentially the same thing found in the teachings of Deuteronomy. The human element of sticking with God is essential. The bright light of God’s precepts grows dim over the generations as parents become lax in teaching the statutes and commandments of God to their children. We see this in the example of both Israel and the United States. Notwithstanding, God brought us into his holy nation through the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are grafted in and as Peter says we are a holy nation, a peculiar priesthood to “show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” — (Excerpt 7-31-23, Bill Wilson, )
Those born in and around 1930 and still among the breathing in the USA HAVE MEMORY OF HOW IT WAS; you:
- are the last generation, climbing out of the depression who can remember war and the impact on the world.
- are the last to remember ration books from gas to sugar to shoes to stoves.
- saved tin foil and poured fried meat fat into tin cans.
- were disciplined; spanking was common and you respected your parents and teachers.
- became a law-abiding hard-working citizen.
- had many children and none had autism.
- are the last generation who spent childhood without television; instead, you "imagined" what you heard on the radio.
- had no electronic gadgets or TV so you played outside in the sunshine; there was no Little League you played in the street.
- had a telephone; one in the kitchen that hung on the wall.
- had a calculator that was hand cranked; you never heard of Computers, 'INTERNET' or 'GOOGLE' - they were words that did not exist.
- you learned how to spell, do arithmetic times tables, cursive handwriting and memorized the capitols of the states in the USA
- had a "Typewriter" that was driven by pounding fingers, throwing the carriage and changing the ribbon.
- had parents that read Newspapers and magazines; the evening news was broadcast on the radio - your dad gave you the comic pages when he read the news - and you could read.
- walked to school.
- know how to repair things; you had very little trash.
- honored God; no one took the Lord’s name in vain.
- entered a world of overflowing plenty and opportunity; a world where you were welcomed and enjoyed yourself.
- felt secure in your future, although the depression and poverty were remembered - you thanked God World War 2 was over.
- grew up when sex outside of marriage was sinful; and embarrassing if “caught.”
- should feel privileged to have "lived in the best of times." Although because of knowledge and wisdom - you probably have great sadness seeing the wonderful world of the past ... gone.
- weren't bombarded by media harping about racism, the climate, Russia, terrorism, homosexual children and perpetual economic insecurity. [Note: we also didn't daily drink gallons of water! -- My Mom passed to Jesus at 90 and she only drank about 16 ounces of water a day. I drink 24, I'm 80. -- It’s possible to drink too much water … info here. — Annette]
Proverbs 13:24, 19:18, 23:13 "He that spares spanking hates his son: but he that loves him chastens him betimes."
President Ronald Reagan said: “Most terrifying words: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”
[1] Free Kindle "1984" here:
Bible here:
God's Wrath on Depraved, Blaspheming Mankind
Romans 1:18-25, 26-32
Protest Organization Blacks Out Front Page of Major Israeli Newspapers After Crucial Vote [here] 7-25-23, IsraelNews,Haaretz -- Some of Israel’s most widely read newspapers ran fully black front pages on Tuesday, [7/25/23] morning, after Knesset lawmakers passed a key judicial overhaul law. The law revokes the Supreme Court’s authority to overturn government decisions it deems unreasonable. | Across Israel thousands of protesters took to the streets 7-25-23 after the government passed into law an amendment to the Basic Law on the Judiciary eliminating what is known as the “reasonableness standard.” “Reasonableness” refers to a balance between political and public interests in decision-making. An “unreasonable” decision is one that “disproportionately focuses on political interests without sufficient consideration for public trust and its protection.” |
The 9th day of the month of the Hebrew calendar Av (July. 29-30, 2020) is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, when Jews fast, deprive ourselves and pray. It is the culmination of the Three Weeks, a period of time during which we mark the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
Proverbs 1:7' Job 28:28; Psalm 111:10
Jesus said we should fear Him who can send us to Hell. Matthew 10:28
-- Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary:
Watch Video: Moment e-bike explodes into fireball in block of flats Owner says he is 'shaken up' by the incident and will not have another e-bike in his home again.
What’s so dangerous about electric bicycles? It’s about the batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are a Nobel-prize-winning invention that power everything from phones to computers to electric vehicles. We're told they are safe ... unless they’re faulty or damaged. Electric [e-bikes] bikes and e-scooters are subject to a lot of hard use hauling commuters and delivery workers up and over NYC’s bridges... |
Estimates suggest that about 43 species of shark can be found in the Atlantic Ocean. These range from the ferocious bull shark to the rather calm lemon shark. What’s important about such a large body of water, however, are the large species that dominate it. | Sharks generally prefer cooler water and, as the ocean warms, it is likely new species will enter our waters as they move toward the cooler poles. Great White shark sightings expected to surge as Sharks are out in full force off the East Coast. More here from Guardian |
May 2023, CNN —Air traffic control in the United States is understaffed by about 3,000 positions, Buttigieg is hiring!
5-14-23, TheHill -- Pres Trump said: “I will say, General Flynn, he’s some general. He’s some man. He took abuse like nobody could have handled, and he came out bigger, better, stronger than ever before. He’s a leader I want you to have great lives and, General, you just have to stay healthy because we’re bringing you back!”
7-17-23, In a recent article in The Atlantic, the journalist Barton Gellman makes a compelling argument ... the GOP will impeach Joe Biden. A University of Massachusetts Amherst poll in May found that 68 percent of GOP voters want Biden to be impeached.
CNN, [here] 7-25-23, Speaker of the House McCarthy has also been consulting with former House GOP Speaker Newt Gingrich on the issue – and has warmed up to the idea. This week, he delivered his most explicit threat yet to Biden, saying their investigations into the Biden family’s business deals are rising to the level of an impeachment inquiry.
Wine = the Church and Oil = Israel.
Luke 5:36-37; Romans 11:17:24; Revelation 6:6-8; Isaiah 65:8; John 6:35
-- Marianne Commentary:
United Nation: “ZERO HUNGER” Sustainable Development Goal #2
Does this actually mean starvation?!
[#1 is end poverty! = poverty for all?]
7-28-23, * -- The USA Federal Government now says it defines OUR hunger. It’s mandated ‘outcomes’ for our families that are NOT their jurisdiction! United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals [SDG] [1] is a system being used to force all nations into compliance; the United States is NO exception. SDG #2 is known as ‘Zero Hunger’. [1] Its wording suggests that everyone will be fed by the government and the United Nations because they care so much for our well being. [choke] However, the ‘zero hunger’ is NOT about caring for us, it’s about controlling us. The wicked government agencies are working to control our food supplies. Including water and the land growing our crops, feed and livestock. It will overtake agriculture, food sales, food deliveries and quite possibly our own backyard gardens. It’s about spiking our foods with chemicals to keep us sick and managed. The most sinister part of the Goals is that in the case of hunger, the mass populations will starve while the ones in power will feast. Let’s imagine, for a moment, that starving us is not the UN’s ultimate aim. What about the concerted efforts to reshape what we eat from natural and life building to that of a diet as unnatural to our bodies as possible. Research suggests we will be more compliant if that’s the plan. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine [NASEM] is deeply embedded in the American fabric of our nation. According to the NASEM Strategy Plan, in 1918 President Woodrow Wilson chartered the National Science portion; then, in 1933, Executive Order 12832 embedded the National Academy into our lives. While the current website’s information reveals that 70 percent of its funding comes from Congress and federal agencies, it’s the 30 percent of private funding where we see the same ‘players’ which overtook education via Common Core and alignment to the United Nations is SDG 4 (Quality Education for All). | NASEM’s Funders and Donors as follows: [2]
- Spread the word about the blatant misuse of taxpayer dollars which are being used to support globalism not Americanism.
- Read the Congressional bills for food security or insecurity.
- Farm lands, even our personal backyard gardens, are at stake.
- Plan ahead and store your own foods; plant a garden.
- Create a co-op with family and friends, work with neighbors.
[1] UN [This is goal #2 - the full scope of the plan #1 Poverty is password protected.]
*Excerpted and adapted full original report from Lynne M. Taylor, Canada Free Press here
7-20-23, -- It appears that both Netflix and Amazon refused to stream the hit movie Sound of Freedom after it was also shelved by Disney.
Numbers 28:16; Isaiah 52:13, 53:7; Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:7; Revelation 5:9
-- Matthew Henry Commentary:
Climate hysteria, "wet bulb temperature," and the rise of the idiot intellectual
7-26-23, NotTheBee [here] -- As far as I can recall, I had never heard of a "wet bulb temperature" prior to maybe 72 hours ago and yet suddenly it's become the phrase du jour among our self-appointed betters. Permit me to introduce you to Brynn Tannehill, author, think-tank analyst, trans "woman," former aviator in the Navy and full-on hysterical unhinged lefty nutcase. He/she says we cannot go outside at 90 degrees or we'll die! The map shown displays wet bulb temperatures in the 90s, equivalent of 131 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit! | Explanation [1]: The wet-bulb temperature is the lowest temperature that can be reached under current ambient conditions by the evaporation of water only. Even heat-adapted people cannot carry out normal outdoor activities past a wet-bulb temperature of 90 °F, equivalent to a heat index of 131 °F. A reading of 95 °F that's equivalent to a heat index of 160 °F is considered the theoretical human survivability limit for up to six hours of exposure. I now see why Ms Tannehill was/is so excited... [1] Wet Bulb Globe Temperature: ( |
We in the USA are seeing unusual hot weather - but so far ... it's not gonna kill us!
what's the current temp in saudi arabia? - Search (
Study: Cold Weather Kills 20 times more people than Hot Weather
USA Today - › story › cold-weather-deaths
Weather in Saudi Arabia today, 7-27-23: 114 degrees F -- more here
South Florida Ocean 101 degree temperature all-time high [here] 7-26-23, -- Recently the ocean water temperatures at the southern end of Florida clipped past 100 degrees. Natl Weather meteorologist Rizzuto told Associated Press the water was 101 degrees on Monday, 7-24-23. | The pattern has also led to weaker than average trade winds – southeast winds that usually produce a sea breeze for south Florida. The trade winds help keep sea surface temperatures in check. Instead, winds have been out of the west and weak, allowing sea surface temperatures to heat up. | In some spots near Newfoundland, meteorologist Brian McNoldy said temperatures in the north Atlantic Ocean are off the charts — as much as 9 to 11 degrees warmer than normal. A 2020 study listed a 99.7 degree mark in Kuwait Bay in July 2020 as the world’s highest recorded sea surface temperature. |
In August 2022 high temperature 100 plus degree days at 34 days; the most ever for Salt Lake City. In 2023 on July 27 - so far - we've seen 10 days at or above 100 ... setting another record when it hit 107 on July 21, 2023. More here
-- Benson Commentary --
USA General Richard G. Moore Jr Says 'Judeo-Christian Societies are More Ethical and Moral'
Air Force general says 'Judeo-Christian' roots will help the U.S. Military [here] 7-23-23, WashExam -- Air Force general says 'Judeo-Christian' roots will help the U.S. military's ethical use of AI ... our society is a Judeo-Christian society, and we have a moral compass. Current DOD policy states services members “have the right to observe the tenets of their religion, or to observe no religion at all.” Personnel are permitted to express their sincerely held beliefs that will not impact “military readiness, unit cohesion, good order and discipline, or health and safety.” In a statement addressing his remarks, Moore said, “the foundation of my comments was to explain that the Air Force is not going to allow AI to take actions, nor are we going to take actions on information provided by AI unless we can ensure that the information is in accordance with our values." | 7-24-23, [here] -- Air Force Lt General Richard G. Moore Jr said the United States military holds higher ethical standards than those of hostile foreign nations due to its “Judeo-Christian” values. He recently made the remarks at a panel discussion hosted by the Hudson Institute. When the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) in the military came up, the general invoked America’s founding principles to justify its use. He said: “Regardless of what your beliefs are, our society is a Judeo-Christian society, and we have a moral compass. Not everybody does, and there are those that are willing to go for the ends — regardless of what means have to be employed, and we’ll have to be ready for that.” Without naming specific nations, Moore said that what our “adversaries” do “depends who plays by the rules of warfare and who doesn’t. There are societies that have a very different foundation than ours.” |
From SpaceX to Twitter: Some of the occult symbolism behind Elon Musk New Twitter Logo... 7-25-23, DavidIcke -- In Plato’s Timaeus, it is explained that two bands form the soul of the world, which form a cross like the letter X. Plato’s analogy, along with several other examples of X shapes and the ’ChI’ (X) symbol relate to interconnectedness of all things | For Elon, ‘X’ is considered the ‘unknown variable’. Yet, the X symbolism and its occult meaning is clearly known by those in the mystery schools. Rare family photo of Elon, girlfriend 'Grimes' and son "X AE A-12 Musk" | According to an article in, in 2020, Musk and Grimes (singer Claire Elise Boucher) named their son, ‘X Æ A-12 Musk’. Most wouldn’t know or care too much about the symbolism, but the couple clarified the meaning of their child’s name back then (According to the couple’s tweets) as, ‘X Ash Archangel’. And on Halloween 10-31-2022 he decked himself out in a horrible satanic costume.=> |
Numbers 14:23, 24:1, 25:1, 26:63-65
-- Benson Commentary:
BREAKING NEWS: Cuba Announces It Is Ready to Accept Russian Missiles (AGAIN - first time 1962 under Democrat Kennedy
now under Democrat ole Joe Biden)
As Russian Navy Arrived 90 Miles from U.S. Coast 7-25-23, AMGNews [here] -- The “Vice-Admiral Kulakov,” an Udalay-class Destroyer of the Russian Navy has arrived in Cuba for an official visit for the first time in a long time, and there is dangerous news for the United States . . . | According to American military experts, this could mean the return of Russia to Cuba with all the resulting consequences: the deployment of Russian troops and long-range missiles. ==== JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis was the signature moment of John F. Kennedy's USA presidency. It began October 16, 1962 when Kennedy learned that the Soviet Union [today's Russian Federation] was constructing missile launch sites in Cuba. It lasted 13 days ending October 28, when Soviet Nikita Khrushchev missiles being removed. | This will be a decisive Russian response to the threats posed by the expansion of NATO’s presence in Northern Europe and Japan. Cuban leader Miguel Díaz-Canel strongly condemned the entry into NATO of new members bordering Russia. In light of hostile actions by the alliance, Cuba is ready to place Russian missiles on its territory, again. |
TRUST THE $CIENCE..THEY SCREAMED 7-25-23, * -- Anthony Fauci, US physician-scientist & immunologist served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) from 1984 to 2022 the highest paid person in the federal USA govt [in 2021 he was paid $417,608 [1]. After two years of silencing and demonization apparently now all conversations around COVID are essentially on the table; as the pall of censo rship around has been lifted. That’s because Fauci and the COVID regime lied so many times and got so many things wrong, Americans no longer have any confidence in them. Democrats and their media allies saw those opposed to masks, et al including the vax were labeled “conspiracy theorists” - they've been proven correct. | Fauci has retired receiving $350,000 annually, the highest government pension in US history. Barack Obama's pension is: $207,800 [2] [1] Fauci Salary [2] Obama More here: and here and here |
4-6-23, Breitbart -- If you love Barbie, the Barbie movie is mocking you and sure has the woke left excited over how “gloriously gay” the movie is. On top of featuring a cross-dressing transsexual character (is this not supposed to be a children’s movie?)
7-20-23, Barbie's male homosexual Ken doll is a wholly unnecessary arm candy for Barbie, a woman who can do it all on her own. For the last sixty-four years, she has been doing just that: holding down more than two hundred jobs, including air force pilot, robotics engineer, baby doctor & Mars explorer more. All Barbie’s boyfriend does, according to Gerwig’s new film "Barbie", is “beach.” The Gay Ken doll came out from Mattel toys in 1993 ... the Gay Bob doll came out in 1977 by Gizmo Development with little success; not just because Bob was a homosexual, but also because he came with male genitalia.
Luke 13:3; John 3:16, 18; Romans 5:8
-- Matthew Poole's Commentary:
She's Always a Woman, By Billy Joel [lyrics] She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes And she can ruin your faith with her casual lies And she only reveals what she wants you to see She hides like a child But she's always a woman to me She can lead you to love She can take you or leave you She can ask for the truth But she'll never believe And she'll take what you give her as long as it's free Yeah, she steals like a thief But she's always a woman to me Chorus: Oh, she takes care of herself She can wait if she wants She's ahead of her time Oh, and she never gives out And she never gives in She just changes her mind | And she'll promise you more Than the Garden of Eden Then she'll carelessly cut you And laugh while you're bleedin' But she'll bring out the best And the worst you can be Blame it all on yourself 'Cause she's always a woman to me Chorus She is frequently kind And she's suddenly cruel She can do as she pleases She's nobody's fool And she can't be convicted She's earned her degree And the most she will do Is throw shadows at you But she's always a woman to me. Song 3 min video here on YouTube: |
International Statistical Classification of Diseases *
It's Evil to Fake Deaths to Panic People...
Robert W Malone MD, MS [1]
W.H.O. told governments to code deaths as Covid ones, even without the virus present
Part 1: Frame A: Medical data: Part 1 and 2 Report disease or condition directly leading to death on line a Report chain of events in due to order (if applicable) State the underlying cause on the lowest used line Cause of death Time interval from onset to death
a Acute respiratory distress syndrome 2 days
b Due to: Pneumonia 10 days
c Due to: COVID-19 (test positive) 14 days
d Due to: 2 Other significant conditions contributing to death (time intervals can be included in brackets after the condition)
There is increasing evidence that people with existing chronic conditions or compromised immune systems due to disability are at higher risk of death due to COVID-19. Chronic conditions may be non-communicable diseases such as coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and diabetes or disabilities. If the decedent had Existing chronic conditions, such as these, they should be reported in Part 2 of the medical certificate of cause of death.
Underlying cause of death COVID-19 - GUIDELINES FOR DEATH CERTIFICATION AND CODING Here, on the International Form of Medical Certificate of Cause of Death, are examples of how to certify this chain of events for deaths due to COVID-19 in Part 1, with comorbidities reported in Part 2:
Frame A: Medical data: Part 1 and 2 Report disease or condition directly leading to death on line a Report chain of events in due to order (if applicable) State the underlying cause on the lowest used line Cause of death Time interval from onset to death
a Acute respiratory distress syndrome 2 days
b Due to: Pneumonia 10 days
c Due to: Suspected COVID-19 12 days
d Due to: Other significant conditions contributing to death (time intervals can be included in brackets after the condition) Coronary artery disease [5 years], Type 2 diabetes [14 Years], Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [8 years]
b Due to: COVID-19 One week
2 Other significant conditions contributing to death (time intervals can be included in brackets after the condition)
HIV disease [5 years]
Manner of death:
Disease Assault Could not be determined
Accident Legal intervention Pending investigation
Intentional self harm War Unknown
Note: This is a typical course with a certificate that is filled in correctly. The certifier has identified
HIV disease as contributing to the death and recorded it in Part 2.
Underlying cause of death
7 The examples below show recording of cases where death may have been influenced by COVID-19, but death was caused by another disease or an accident.
Frame A: Medical data: Part 1 and 2 - Report disease or condition directly leading to death on line
- a Report chain of events in due to order (if applicable) State the underlying cause on the lowest used line Cause of death Time interval from onset to death a Hypovolaemic shock 1 day
- b Due to: Aortic dissection 1 day
- c Due to: Motor vehicle accident 2 days
- d Due to: Other significant conditions contributing to death (time intervals can be included in brackets after the condition) COVID-19
Accident Legal intervention Pending investigation
Intentional self harm War Unknown
Note: Persons with COVID-19 may die of other diseases or accidents, such cases are not deaths due to COVID-19 and should not be certified as such. In case you think that COVID-19 aggravated the consequences of the accident, you may report COVID-19 in Part 2. Please remember to indicate the manner of death and record in part 1 the exact kind of an incident or other external cause.
Frame A: Medical data: Part 1 and 2
1 Report disease or condition directly leading to death on line
a Report chain of events in due to order (if applicable)
State the underlying cause on the lowest used line
Cause of death Time interval from onset to death
- a Heart failure 1 day
- b Due to: Myocardial infarction 5 days
- c Due to:
- d Due to:
- 2 Other significant conditions contributing to death (time intervals can be included in brackets after the condition) COVID-19
- Manner of death: Disease Assault Could not be determined
- Accident Legal intervention Pending investigation
- Intentional self harm War Unknown
cases are not deaths due to COVID-19 and should not be certified as such. [..]
Use additional code to retain COVID-19. [See ICD-10 2016 and later, Volume 2, Section 4.2.8
12 Frame A: Medical data: Part 1 and 2
1 Report disease or condition directly leading to death on line a Report chain of events in due to order (if applicable) State the underlying cause on the lowest used line Cause of death Time interval from onset to death a Acute respiratory distress syndrome J80 3 days
b Due to: COVID-19 U07.1 One week
c Due to: HIV disease B24 5 years
d Due to: 2 Other significant conditions contributing to death (time intervals can be included in brackets after the condition)
Manner of death:
Disease Assault Could not be determined
Accident Legal intervention Pending investigation
Intentional self harm War Unknown
Note: The certifier should have added the HIV disease as a comorbidity in Part 2 of the certificate,
however the selection rules of ICD allow to identify COVID-19 as underlying cause of death. [..]
Report disease or condition directly leading to death on line a Report chain of events in due to order (if applicable) State the underlying cause on the lowest used line
Cause of death Time interval from onset to death a Hypovolaemic shock T79.4 1 day
b Due to: Aortic dissection S25.0 1 day
c Due to: Motor vehicle accident V89.2 2 days
d Due to: 2 Other significant conditions contributing to death (time intervals can be included in brackets after the condition) COVID-19 U07.1 [..]
Frame A: Medical data: Part 1 and 2
Report disease or condition directly leading to death on line a Report chain of events in due to order (if applicable) State the underlying cause on the lowest used line
Cause of death Time interval from onset to death a Heart failure I50.9 1 day
b Due to:
Myocardial infarction I21.9 5 days
c Due to:
d Due to:
2 Other significant conditions contributing to death (time intervals can be included in brackets after the condition) COVID-19 U07.1
5. ANNEX Examples of terms used by certifiers to describe COVID-19 and that can be coded as synonyms of COVID-19:
- COVID Positive
- Coronavirus Pneumonia
- COVID-19 Infection
- Sars-Cov-2 Infection (Coronavirus Two Infection)
- COVID-19 Coronavirus
- Infection – COVID-19 (Coroner Informed)
- Hospital Acquired Pneumonia - COVID-Positive
- Corona Virus two infection (SARS-Cov-2)
- Corona Virus Pneumonia (COVID-19)
- Coronavirus-Two Infection
- Novel coronavirus
WHO cause of death certification links:
• How to fill in a death certificate: Interactive Self Learning Tool (WHO)
• Cause of Death on the Death Certificate: Quick Reference Guide (Section 7.1.2)
• International form of medical certificate of cause of death (Section 7.1.1)
Numbers 20:8-12, Exodus 17:5-6; Deuteronomy 1:2
-- Barnes Commentary:
Israel's Longest Serving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Hospitalized - Receives Pacemaker
While Israel Reaches New Levels of Unrest
7-23-23, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [74] underwent a successful pacemaker implantation procedure at Sheba Medical Center early in July 2023. He was re-hospitalized on Saturday, 7-22 with an irregular heartbeat and dehydration, however he is expected to be released from the hospital on Monday, 7-24-23. His doctors report that he will be able to go to the Knesset to vote for a judicial reform that has brought nationwide protests to a boil and stirred calls for compromise. | Netanyahu says he's keeping Gallant [here] 4-10-23, Axios -- Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has reversed his decision to fire Defense Minister Yoav Galant. === While in July mass protests continue. People took to the streets across Israel while thousands marched into Jerusalem and camped out near the Knesset, or parliament, ahead of Monday's 7-24-23 vote. PM Netanyahu claims the new plan is needed to curb excessive powers of unelected judges. Critics say the plan will destroy the country's system of checks and balances and put it on the path toward authoritarian rule. More from CBS News here |
America Babylon
Apostles Martyrdom
English Bible
Islam Terror
Lord's Supper
New Jerusalem
USA Presidents
US Politics
Jeremiah 6:11
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
Matthew 15:13; Mark 13:20; Luke 20:35
John 6:37, 39, 44, 65
Hebrews 9:15
Revelation 17:14
Jeremiah 4
Annette Greco-Meisner
[email protected]
January 2025
December 2024
November 2024
October 2024
September 2024
August 2024
July 2024
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
December 2023
November 2023
October 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
June 2023
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
February 2023
January 2023
December 2022
November 2022
October 2022
September 2022
August 2022
July 2022
June 2022
May 2022
April 2022
March 2022
February 2022
January 2022
December 2021
November 2021
October 2021
September 2021
August 2021
July 2021
June 2021
May 2021
April 2021
March 2021
February 2021
January 2021
December 2020
November 2020
October 2020
September 2020
August 2020
July 2020
June 2020
May 2020
April 2020
March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
December 2019
November 2019
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019
July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
March 2019
February 2019
January 2019
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
September 2018
August 2018
July 2018
June 2018
May 2018
April 2018
March 2018
February 2018
January 2018
December 2017
November 2017
October 2017
September 2017
August 2017
July 2017
June 2017
May 2017
April 2017
March 2017
February 2017
January 2017
December 2016
November 2016
October 2016
September 2016
August 2016
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U.S. Title 17 Code § 107
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