the very thing I was eager to do.”
Proverbs 19:17 "Whoever is generous to the poor lends
to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed."
Hebrews 13:16 "Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have,
for such sacrifices are pleasing to God."
Acts 20:35 "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said,
‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
Clayton says when he was finally able to stop trying to control his own destiny, that's when he was drafted into the Major Leagues:
“God was there the whole time. I just didn’t bother to look.”
Even though Clayton has gone on to be have such a successful career in baseball, he says it is really all about:
“the legacy you leave off the field. It’s about how many people I can affect through the platform God gave me.”
The Kershaws are living out their faith by being involved in mission work in Africa; building an orphanage for homeless children ... and whether it’s in Africa or on the pitching mound, Kershaw keeps things in focus:
“The prayer I say before I go out there and pitch is not
God let me go out there and win today’ or
‘God help me pitch good,’
but ‘God just be with me.’” More here
New Russia Findings Reveal Widespread Corruption ... Not with President Trump BUT
With the Democrats!
After the false story was leaked to the news media [about Trump and prostitutes] ... it was used by the ex-"president" [Obama] to justify spying on him during the 2016 presidential campaign. Also reports of the Clinton Foundation, the ex-"president," and Russian uranium interests participating in an influence peddling scheme that resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars lining the pockets of the Clintons and their minions. Clearly an indicator of a widespread web of corruption among Democrats.
These Democrats paid somebody to fabricate that story then used it in their attempt to publicly discredit the GOP Presidential candidate, Donald Trump as a lever to spy on him. [1972 Watergate anyone?]
write grievousness which they have prescribed." Isaiah 10:1
As recently as October 17, 2017 the FBI has released information indicating both the Clinton's and Obama were involved in what appears to be a bribery/kickback scheme with Russian officials in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. In conjunction with the "influence for hire" money trail on Russian uranium when Mrs Clinton was Sec of State. This suggests that the Russians were busy influencing powerful Democrats who were using their positions to enrich themselves at the expense of US national security. She sent nuclear grade uranium to Russia [snopes.com claims she had no control over this] with the following aftermath:
1 - Hillary scored $145 million from Russia for the Clinton Foundation
2 - Bill Clinton received$500,000 for a speech in Moscow
3 - Clinton's campaign Chairman John Podesta did a $35 million Russia energy deal
4 - Clinton Foundation received $2.35 million in donations from Ian Telfer, head of Russia's uranium company
Conclusion: Apparently the Clintons and Obama heavily pushed the Russia-Trump narrative to the more than eager news media using federal government actors in their control to influence the news media spying on Trump's campaign. Simultaneously they were covering up their own dealings with the Russians.
In John 3:20, Jesus said, "For everyone that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed."
More and more corruption is being exposed that has been perpetuated by the Democrats, Clintons & Obama as more light is shined on their nefarious schemes.
[1] Fusion GPS is based in Washington, DC provides premium research, strategic intelligence, and due diligence services to corporations, law firms, and investors worldwide. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/10/25/fusion-gps-fallout-dnc-clinton-fbi-take-heat-after-bombshell-that-dems-funded-trump-dossier.html
[2]Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/clinton-campaign-dnc-paid-for-research-that-led-to-russia-dossier/2017/10/24/226fabf0-b8e4-11e7-a908-a3470754bbb9_story.html?utm_term=.4d8d60dcb370
[3] Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/10/18/grassley-probes-clinton-conflicts-interest-amid-new-questions-in-russia-uranium-deal.html
Oct 23, 2017 · Explosive report Hillary Clinton ... it's clear what the real Russia collusion story is Democrat based ...
Sep 25, 2017 - Experts agree it’s the worst drug epidemic we’ve seen for 40 to 50 years — it may be the worst drug epidemic ever in the USA ...
President Trump a Cyrus?
Well, in 2007 Evangelist Kim Clement said he'd be president - but all this about Israel giving up more land for peace is contrary to the Cyrus prophecy ...
Cyrus was the king of Persia who allowed Nehemiah to come back to Israel and rebuild Jerusalem and her wall. Isaiah amazingly prophesied about this long before he was alive. His prophesy came 150 years before Cyrus was even king! Isaiah 44:28
Although Cyrus wasn't a believer, he was a powerful leader of the Persian empire, but apparently God raised him up to stand with Israel helping to restore the Jewish nation. Isaiah 45:4, 13
King Cyrus attacked Babylon. Babylon was God’s instrument of judgement against sinful Israel. But it was time for the Jews to return to Israel. Therefore, the Jews were liberated and allowed to return and rebuild their country and of course the Temple.
Reasons Why Trump Might Be a Cyrus
- he has the authority to recognize Jerusalem (rebuild the city) and move the embassy (rebuild the temple).
- taking that action could be seen as foundational; at the very least, a Cyrus would be extremely favorable towards Israel.
- he may come to know the Lord. Cyrus doesn’t initially “acknowledge” the Lord. We see that twice (Is. 45), but we also see that God does all these things through him, partly “so that you may know that I am the Lord.” (Is. 45:3)
“Listen to the word of the Lord, God says, ‘I will put at your helm for two terms a president who will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts. I will put him in office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and my power, says the Lord of Hosts. There will be a praying president, not a religious one. For I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people, yes I will.’” -- Kim Clement
Well, based on President Trump’s behavior, it is safe to say that the first part is true. Some people have said, hey, he is a baby believer. He's an unlikely choice for president. Nobody gave Trump a chance. Cyrus’ grandfather tried to kill him twice because he was afraid he would replace him. The Lord foresees confusion amongst those who serve him regarding His choice. Isaiah 45:9-10
Surely the Israelites desired a Jewish savior—maybe someone from the line of David? God anticipated the reaction and basically said that He is God and will do His will as He pleases. And likewise, Trump—not a lifelong conservative, with a checkered past.
The stage was set for President Trump to favor Jerusalem. He was in Israel in the hours leading up to her 50-year anniversary of reunification. It seemed like a no-brainer that a Cyrus, raised up to favor and restore Israel, would recognize Jerusalem. But instead of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moving the U.S. Embassy, he focused on the decades old, failed peace process between Israelis and Palestinians and struck a $350 billion deal with the radical Islamist Saudis. His Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner —a man with zero experience in such matters—was put in charge of the peace process and quickly realized that there is most likely no solution. There is no doubt that President Trump had planned to recognize Jerusalem and move the embassy, as the recently ousted, Steve Bannon, just confirmed that he was urging the president to do is, but people, such as Kushner, got in his head and convinced him not to fulfill the promise.
speaking of future of Trump here: [Clement passed onto Jesus in 2016]
Cyrus was raised up for one reason ...
For the restoration of Israel Isaiah 44:28; 45:1-13
Clearly there's nothing in the Cyrus prophecy about him brokering peace between the Israelites and her enemies—just about Cyrus favoring Israel. So while many have blindly said, “Trump knows what he is doing,” or “he will fulfill his promise to move the embassy in the future.” We cannot call Pres Trump a Cyrus while he pressures Israel to give up land. Joel speaks judgment over such leaders who divide up Israel’s land - Joel 3:2.
Conclusion: Since his late May Israel trip, the Trump administration and the USA has been in constant turmoil: hurricanes, wildfires, WH resignations, firings, Scaramucci, Charlottesville comments, Donald Trump Jr. Russia meeting, Bannon, strange comments to widow, etc.
If in May 2017, Pres Trump had fulfilled his promise to move the embassy fully supporting Israel ... would things now be different; blessings instead of turmoil?
There is still time. We must pray for Donald John Trump to fulfill his calling.
*Excerpted and adapted full original message here
Judge Gives Convicted Rapist Custody of Woman’s Son After Twelve Year Old Girl Refused Abortion
To begin with these chain of events should never have been a problem, because in Michigan there's a law on the books called the Rape Survivor Child Custody Act. This 2016 law allows rape survivors to terminate the parental rights of their attacker, even if the rapist was not convicted. A mother can go to court and terminate the rapists parental rights using a “clear and convincing evidence” standard, the same used for child abuse or neglect in custody hearings. And there was clear convincing evidence in this case as Mirasio confessed and was convicted as well as his DNA test proved his parentage.
In this case, the rapist was released from prison in 2016 and Mirasio has agreed to pay child support and waiving all other rights to the boy.
Government Waste - spending was rejected by the House of ... Financial Report of ...
also money foolishly gifted to nations that hate us and Israel like the Palestinians!
Illicit Drug Use and Additions Primarily by People With No Religious Affiliation
"O Lord my God save me: for Thou hast smitten all mine enemies and the ungodly. Salvation belongs to the Lord: Thy blessing is upon Thy people." Psalms 3:7-8
A large and growing body of evidence shows that not only can faith and religion help prevent people from using illicit drugs, it also plays a strong role in effective treatment programs.
New Hampshire has a serious problem, not only with opioid drug addiction, but also the related problem of high number of suicides. One in 10 young adults say they have had suicidal thoughts.
Why is that? Affluent NH economy is booming and almost at full employment. Anybody who wants a job can find a job, Social issues were examined: New Hampshire is one of the least religious states in the country. Concluding that the correlation of high drug use and depression has much to do with a person's faith in God or lack thereof.
- twice as likely to drink
- three times likelier to smoke
- more than five times likelier to have used an illicit drug other than marijuana
- appx seven times likelier to binge drink
- and Teens who never attend religious services are twice as likely to drink, more than twice as likely to smoke, more than three times likelier to use marijuana and binge drink and almost four times likelier to use illicit drugs and commit suicide than teens who attend religious services at least weekly.
- The Lord said: "I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. " Joshua 1:5
- "The Lord bless and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26
- "... and the Lord will take away from thee all sickness..." Deuteronomy 7:15
I know!
I am not good at a topic or subject
so let's declare it - RACIST!
Feb 2017, An “antiracist” poster in a college writing center insists American grammar is “racist” and an “unjust language structure,” promising to prioritize rhetoric over 'grammatical ‘correctness.'
U of Illinois Prof: Math is Racist | Frontpage Mag
Oct 23, 2017, “If one is not viewed as mathematical, there will always be a sense of inferiority that can be summoned,” therefore, U of Illinois Prof: Math is Racist.
Israel Retaliates - Rockets Fired into Gaza
The apparent de-facto ceasefire with Israel began in 2014, but armed cells of extremist Salafis have continued to occasionally launch rockets at Israel. When those attacks occur, Israel retaliates. More here: http://www.riyadhvision.com.sa/2017/10/09/israel-strikes-hamas-post-after-gaza-rocket-fire/#ixzz4wS9zJpFp
Israeli warplanes continue air strikes over Gaza, killing five Palestinians on Saturday as militants fired six rockets into Israel and ceasefire talks in Cairo delayed. The Palestinian interior ministry said Israeli jets launched 21 strikes after midnight, destroying three mosques, one in the Zeitoun area, one in Jabaliya in the north and Nuseirat in the middle of the enclave. More here: www.christiansinpakistan.com/israel-continues-air-strikes-over-gaza-as-militants-fire-rockets-into-israel/
"Politically motivated baloney!"
House Republicans launch new probes into Obama-era
Uranium One deal, FBI handling of Clinton case
10-24-17, Fox News -- House Intelligence & House Oversight Committee will investigate the so-called Uranium One deal.
8-17-2008, WND.com -- In Indonesia, which was under tight rule in 1967, little Barry Obama clearly took on the last name of his stepfather in school registration documents - SOETORO. All Indonesian students were required to carry government identity cards, or Karty Tanda Pendudaks, which needed to bear the student’s legal name, which should be matched in public school registration filings. Following his enrollment at the private Assisi school, BARRY attended public schooling in Indonesia until he returned to Hawaii at age 10. According to Indonesian legal experts, it was difficult to enroll non-Indonesian citizens in public schooling. These fact have been hidden by Barry Obama Soetoro. More here: http://www.wnd.com/2008/08/72656/
Some events in scripture may seem fantastical, drawing scorn and scoffing toward those who hold them as literal - like the 'rapture of the Church'
Why Rapture?
- a seven-day Creation
- a world-wide Flood
- the Tower of Babel
- the Red Sea crossing
- David and Goliath
- Samson killing a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass?
- resurrection from the dead
- AND the Rapture of Enoch, Elijah (1) [future: the Church]
Today there is a growing group of “clergy” who simply dismiss more and more of Scripture. Some claim to only follow what we would identify as the “red letters,” (or Jesus’s actual words) to build their theology around. These “red-letter” Christians, spend much of their time dismissing the rest of the Bible. They even dismiss the “red letters” if they don’t mesh with their culturally-declining consensus. These are they who routinely trade objective truth for subjective reasoning.
I’ve often wondered why God would choose being caught up in the blink of an eye as the mechanism of our delivery at that appointed time:
1. Why aren’t we transformed in full view of a Christ-rejecting world like something out of a Disney princess movie?
2. Why couldn’t God turn us all into super-human immortals and allow us to breeze through the Tribulation (Daniel’s 70th Week) unscathed?
3. Clearly He could've, if He wanted to
In piecing together the metaphors and symbolizing we see spelled out in various passages brings us back to the institution of marriage. The Church is the bride of Christ and the body of Christ, of whom Jesus said He would build (Matt. 16:18). Jesus is also the head of the body who is the Church. In marriage, the husband and wife become one flesh which is what our marriage (hence our combining) then symbolizes. See Ephesians 5:30-32 and Hebrews 9:16-17
In God’s providential wisdom, He chose the Rapture as the manner of delivery because it both serves the purpose of removing His body from the earth prior to His judgment and because of the necessary timing required for the bema and marriage to occur. It also reinforces the strong delusion that will come upon the earth after the Rapture occurs (2 Thess. 2:9-11).
Lastly, because most in the world, mock the very notion of a
Rapture, God will use it to destroy the “wise.” See 1 Cor. 1:18-20
If the Rapture seems too fantastical to believe, then what do the “wise” pastors do with all the phenomenal occurrences recorded in scriptures? Is there doubt that God loves to specialize in the fantastical? He took up:
- Enoch Herews 11:5
- Elijah 2 Kings 2:11
- Paul 2 Cor. 12:2-5
- John Rev. 4:1-2
- Philip Acts 8:39
- The Lord Jesus Acts 1:8-9
I believe that the Rapture has returned to our biblical understanding, because of the nearness of its proximity. It wasn’t relative to know this back in the 15th century from God’s perspective. It is relative now. If we believe that God reveals things progressively to man, then He does so when it is pertinent for that particular generation.
Currently we don’t hear cautionary sermons warning people about a world-wide flood or sermons warning about an imminent Assyrian invasion. It was relative to Noah, Isaiah and Jeremiah’s audience, but not to us today.
Today we warn of the coming Rapture of the Church, and the subsequent hellish vacuum that will fill the earth in our absence.
(1) Seven raptures: http://www.akjbible.com/7%20Raptures%20in%20the%20Bible.html
The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in Russia in October 2017
Israel's Parliament Member Ms Sharren Haskel Against World Community Defends ONLY Democratic Nation in Middle East
Israeli lawmakers walk out of summit
amid anti-Israel onslaught
10-18-17, Muslims shout 'child killers' and 'get out' at Knesset members who are heckled when they attempted to address forum in Russia... While the lawmakers said they left to protest the body passing a series of resolutions that included calls for Israel to release two Palestinians convicted of participating in deadly terror attacks, the walkout occurred shortly after they were yelled at by a Muslim lawmaker. A video circulated on social media showed the speaker of the Kuwaiti National Assembly, Marzouq Al-Ghanim, shouting at the Israeli MKs that they were “child killers” and to “get out of the hall” after one of them addressed the summit. The delegation was then seen leaving the room. More here:
More here: https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-lawmakers-walk-out-of-summit-over-anti-israel-onslaught/
"In The Sweet By and By!"
America Babylon
Apostles Martyrdom
English Bible
Islam Terror
Lord's Supper
New Jerusalem
US Politics
Jeremiah 6:11
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
Matthew 15:13; Mark 13:20; Luke 20:35
John 6:37, 39, 44, 65
Hebrews 9:15
Revelation 17:14
Jeremiah 4
Annette Greco-Meisner
[email protected]
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