Acts 7:59 American Pastor Andrew Brunson Has Been a Christian Missionary to Turkey for Twenty-Three Years - New Trial He Will Remain in Prison*** Update *** Senators warn of 'measures' against Turkey over Andrew Brunson 4-20-18, NBC -- In a letter to President Erdogan the senators describe the indictment detailing the allegations against Christian evangelical pastor Andrew Brunson as "an absurd collection of anonymous accusations, flights of fantasy, and random character assassination. In September 2017, Erdogan hinted that Brunson would be returned to the U.S. if Washington extradited Pennsylvania-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen... *** Turkey Leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan Admits IT! Brunson is a political pawn ... On April 21, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a live interview that if the United States government wants Brunson to be released, they must extradite Fethullah Gulen and hand him over to Turkey. Gulen is a Muslim cleric residing in the United States whom the Turkish government believes orchestrated the failed 2016 coup. Erdogan declared, “The US is behind [Gulen]…. If you want Brunson, look at the steps you have taken in the past. Why don’t you deport this man in accordance with the extradition treaty?” Turkey rules to keep US Pastor Andrew Brunson in Prison One More Month
ALIAGA (Turkey) (AFP) - Monday, 4/16/18 a Turkish court ruled that American Pastor Andrew Brunson will remain in prison one more month. He has been officially accused of “dividing and separating the country by means of Christianization” of the population. Prior to his imprisonment, for 23 years Brother Andrew lived peacefully in the city of Izmir. He stands accused of aiding the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), considered a terrorist group by the Turkish government for its separatist insurgency. He is also accused of having links to followers of Fethullah Gulen, a Muslim imam who lives in Pennsylvania USA and who the government blames for the coup against President Erdogan. His heartbreaking appeal to the court was denied although Pastor Brunson revealed that he had suffered a breakdown in jail and stopped eating. Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina USA, Brunson’s home state, was present for the trial; also Sam Brownback, a former senator and governor from Kansas whom President Trump recently appointed as ambassador at large for international religious freedom. More here Comments are closed.
❤️ Titus 2:13; Matthew 11:28; Psalm 33:12 🙏✝️
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Exodus 20:2-17 God's Ten Commands
Jesus said: "Marvel not that I said you must be born again!' John 3:3, 7
Jeremiah 6:11 _____________
GOD'S STRONG DELUSION 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 __________ Called, Chosen:
Matthew 15:13; Mark 13:20; Luke 20:35 John 6:37, 39, 44, 65 Hebrews 9:15 Revelation 17:14 We must obey God. Luke 11:28
FLY ME TO THE MOON SONG: Isaiah 26:3; Philippines 4:6
![]() 7-8-21-21, Israel has only 8000 square miles of land - the Muslims have 5 million. Yet, they also want the Jews land. Of all the nations of the world, the Lord chose the descendants of Jacob [Jews], not Ishmael [Muslims], to be His covenant people - the descendants of Abraham and wife Sarah. (Genesis 17:19-21; Malachi 1:1–5).
![]() ✝️ 6-8-20, Jesus is God; He came to save sinners. “For He [Jesus] Whom God sent speaks the words of God: The Father loves the Son & has given all things into His hand. He that believs on the Son hath everlasting life & they that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on them.” John 3:34-36
![]() ✝️ 6-7-20, The Lord □ Jesus spoke from the cross first of forgiveness, salvation then of His Mother's care into John's hands. He spoke of being forsaken & then triumph as His task as human was complete shedding His perfect blood for the forgiveness of sins to all who repent believing in Him. His body was thirsty. And last of His reunion with the Father. Matthew 27:46; Luke 23:34, 43, 46; John 19:26-28, 30; Mark 15:34
![]() ✝️ 5-7-20, Sins □ Jesus Harshly Condemns; He said, “God knows our hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. V9 For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” [Pride] Luke 16:15, 18:9-14; Hebrews 1:8-9
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![]() Psalm 91:3
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Jeremiah 4 Read the Bible
AuthorAnnette Greco-Meisner Archives
February 2025
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