In 1994 Rabbi Predicted North Korea Would Threaten Israel - He also correctly predicted the two wars: 1967 & Yom Kippur![]() 4-26-17, — Communist North Korea's [NK] threats to harm the world's nations have surged in recent months. Dictator Kim Jong-un has warned he will rain “nuclear thunder” down on the US. This followed Trump’s decision to allow the military to launch missiles against a Syrian airfield and dropping an 11-ton bomb on an Islamic terrorist ISIS operation in Afghanistan. The London Sun reported NK’s foreign minister Han Song-Ryol said: “NK threatened the U.S. with an ‘all out war’ if Trump is ‘reckless enough to use military means. We’ll be conducting more missile tests on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis. It is “crystal clear” that President Trump is “hell bent” on prompting a war with NK. A nuclear war could break out at any moment on the Korean peninsula.” And Israel According to a Breaking Israel News report from 1994, Israel's highly respected Rabbi Levi Saadia Nachamani predicted that the biggest threat to the tiny Jewish Nation would come not from the Muslim-dominated nations of Syria, Iran or Iraq. It would come from NK. He accurately forecasted both Israel's Six Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973. He issued this warning: “Not Syria, not Persia (Iran), and not Babylon (Iraq), and not Gadhafi (Libya); Korea will arrive here.” NK has been close to Iran and although that alliance may seem unlikely, they are united in their hatred for the Western World. The clash between the repressive NK and the U.S. has escalated under President Trump. For eight years under Obama, NK’s threats were virtually ignored. [Thanks to Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton NK received the go ahead for nuclear research. [1] ![]() However, Pres Trump has made it clear NK is a problem needing solving. He's pressuring China to force Kim to back down. Regardless, on Tuesday, 4-25-17 NK conducted a huge live-fire drill using hundreds of pieces of artillery [2]. Meanwhile, the USA dispatched a nuclear-powered submarine to join her fleet of ships in or near the region. The USS Vinson aircraft carrier strike group was in the Philippine Sea near Japan. ![]() South Korea’s [SK] Defense Ministry said, "At anytime, NK appears ready to conduct such “strategic provocations.” Reportedly in case NK does something significant on its 105th birthday, the South Korean Acting Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn said: “SK has instructed his military to strengthen its immediate response posture." Nachmani’s prediction included a biblical reference, to She’ol [ Hebrew for hell], “but it is spelled the same way in Hebrew as Seoul, the capital of SK.” Apparently he was hinting that God’s fire cited in the verse is a nuclear war that would begin between North and SK. NK will attack the capital of SK = Seoul. It will be conquered making Korea one nation; then they'll come to threaten Israel. VosizNeias, a site for Orthodox Jews, reported back in 2009 of the growing threat from NK ... "there’s not going to be sudden peace, as some hope. We are in a very difficult situation. Do you think there will be peace? … Total fools.” There is a significant threat to America from an electromagnetic pulse [EMP] from a nuclear explosion high in the sky. The concern is that NK has two satellites orbiting in paths that cross above America [3] could have nuclear warheads aboard. The problem is that a significant EMP attack properly carried out in the skies over the US could take down the nation’s entire electronic infrastructure, including computers, networks, communications and systems that provide fuel, electricity, food, banking and health care. Former Congressional EMP Commission member, executive director of the Task Force on Natl and Homeland Sec, director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, Peter Vincent Pry and others have been sounding the alarm he said: "We think the threat, the possibility of a super-EMP warhead is so great, the US should take them [NK’s satellites] down. We ought not tolerate them orbiting, because nobody knows for sure what’s on the satellites. The dark ages can come back … literally. … It’s that stark: A cliff waiting for us to fall over. The EMP threat is the one way in which a rogue nation like NK could inflict horrible damage on the U.S., possibly even neutralize it. After all, if the electronic controls were gone, would it even be possible for the nation to respond to an attack militarily? The US would be “blind and defenseless.” Excerpted and adapted full original report here [1] Thanks to Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton North Korea has nukes Jan 6, 2016 - For all this, thank Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton in 1994 North Korea couldn't have done it without their gullibility. [Just like Obama and Iran 2015] [2] NK Stages Long-Range Artillery Drills - The New York Times 4-25-17, NYTimes -- NK's long-range artillery drills were conducted near Wonsan, ... the anniversary witha large demonstration of conventional weapons. ... said the exercise involved 300 to 400 pieces of long-range artillery, of the ... Yonhap called the drill one of the largest live-fire exercises conducted by the North. [3] EMP alert: 2 N. Korean satellites now orbit over U.S. - Apr 24, 2016, -- WASHINGTON – NK now has two satellites orbiting over the United Statescapable of performing a surprise electromagnetic pulse ... Comments are closed.
❤️ Titus 2:13; Matthew 11:28; Psalm 33:12 🙏✝️
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Exodus 20:2-17 God's Ten Commands
Jesus said: "Marvel not that I said you must be born again!' John 3:3, 7
Jeremiah 6:11 _____________
GOD'S STRONG DELUSION 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 __________ Called, Chosen:
Matthew 15:13; Mark 13:20; Luke 20:35 John 6:37, 39, 44, 65 Hebrews 9:15 Revelation 17:14 We must obey God. Luke 11:28
FLY ME TO THE MOON SONG: Isaiah 26:3; Philippines 4:6
![]() 7-8-21-21, Israel has only 8000 square miles of land - the Muslims have 5 million. Yet, they also want the Jews land. Of all the nations of the world, the Lord chose the descendants of Jacob [Jews], not Ishmael [Muslims], to be His covenant people - the descendants of Abraham and wife Sarah. (Genesis 17:19-21; Malachi 1:1–5).
![]() ✝️ 6-8-20, Jesus is God; He came to save sinners. “For He [Jesus] Whom God sent speaks the words of God: The Father loves the Son & has given all things into His hand. He that believs on the Son hath everlasting life & they that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on them.” John 3:34-36
![]() ✝️ 6-7-20, The Lord □ Jesus spoke from the cross first of forgiveness, salvation then of His Mother's care into John's hands. He spoke of being forsaken & then triumph as His task as human was complete shedding His perfect blood for the forgiveness of sins to all who repent believing in Him. His body was thirsty. And last of His reunion with the Father. Matthew 27:46; Luke 23:34, 43, 46; John 19:26-28, 30; Mark 15:34
![]() ✝️ 5-7-20, Sins □ Jesus Harshly Condemns; He said, “God knows our hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. V9 For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” [Pride] Luke 16:15, 18:9-14; Hebrews 1:8-9
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![]() Psalm 91:3
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AuthorAnnette Greco-Meisner Archives
February 2025
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