![]() UPDATES: 7-14-17, Fox News -- Dr. Michio Hirano of Columbia University will travel to the UK to access Charlie's condition. Hirano's research focuses on mitochondrial diseases and genetic myopathies and he has treated others with conditions similar to Charlies. He testified on Thursday that Charlie has a 10 percent chance of improving with experimental treatment available in the U.S. The judge ruled he could meet with Charlie's doctor's to discuss his case. 7-13-17, London court heard evidence about the possible treatment to save Baby Charlie Gard today, 7/13/17. [Parents have the financial wherewithal and means to take Charlie to the US] The court claims their only concern is the rights of the child preventing his suffering and to die in dignity. No decision was made today. More here: www.wdsu.com/article/tornado-caught-on-camera-touching-down-rolling-through-fields/10297657 === 7-3-17 President Trump Offered Aid To Charlie Gard’s Parents ... Charlie Gard was born healthy 10 months ago, but now ... USA President offered to help ... UPDATE: VATICAN IN ROME OFFERS TO CARE FOR BABY CHARLIE - UK SAYS, 'NO' 7-6-17, Rome's Bambino Gesu hospital, a Vatican-run children's hospital, offered to treat ten-month-old Charlie Gard after Pope Francis said on Sunday that his parents should be allowed to "care for their child until the end". However, UK Minister Boris Johnson expressed gratitude and appreciation for the Italian offer but explained that legal reasons prevent Britain from accepting it." More here ![]() 7-2-17 UPDATE: Baby Charlie Gard - Life support respirator remains now until July 10, 2017. Two courts have become involved the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the UK Supreme Court. At stake is whether the UK parents will be able to take their 10 month old son, Charlie to the US for experimental therapy. Currently, London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) has insisted they have deduced Charlie’s “best interests” to be staying on the premises, removing his respirator and being allowed to “die with dignity.” Strasbourg, France judges have ordered that Charlie’s life “must be maintained until such time as the Court makes its decision.” More here Justice Nicholas Francis said, "It's in Charlie's best interest to die sooner than later." Any day now, they'll kill baby Charlie Gard![]() 6-29-17, Natl Review -- Charlie Gard, born in August 2016, suffers from a disease called infantile onset encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome. It's extraordinarily rare; currently worldwide there are only 16 known cases. Most babies die in early infancy; Charlie is ten months old and unable to breathe unaided, suffers from seizures and has severe brain damage. Charlie has been living in London at the intensive-care unit at Great Ormond Street Hospital. In March 2017, his doctors decided that there was nothing more they could do for him, and they recommended that his parents, Chris Gard & Connie Yates withdraw his ventilator. They refused, on the grounds that an untried experimental treatment was available in the United States. They raised the money to take him to the states. However, in accordance with British law the hospital applied to the courts to forestall further treatment - the High Court found for the doctors and against the parents. Chris and Connie are not even allowed to take their baby, Charlie home to die ... more here UK hospital refuses to let Charlie Gard die at home - In a heartbreaking Youtube posting today, Charlie Gard’s parents said life-support for him ends tomorrow and that the Great Ormond Street Hospital Chris and Connie sleep with him before hospital removes his breathing tube. Comments are closed.
❤️ Titus 2:13; Matthew 11:28; Psalm 33:12 🙏✝️
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Exodus 20:2-17 God's Ten Commands
Jesus said: "Marvel not that I said you must be born again!' John 3:3, 7
Jeremiah 6:11 _____________
GOD'S STRONG DELUSION 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 __________ Called, Chosen:
Matthew 15:13; Mark 13:20; Luke 20:35 John 6:37, 39, 44, 65 Hebrews 9:15 Revelation 17:14 We must obey God. Luke 11:28
https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=pdJ0zMv4N4o Isaiah 26:3; Philippines 4:6
![]() 7-8-21-21, Israel has only 8000 square miles of land - the Muslims have 5 million. Yet, they also want the Jews land. Of all the nations of the world, the Lord chose the descendants of Jacob [Jews], not Ishmael [Muslims], to be His covenant people - the descendants of Abraham and wife Sarah. (Genesis 17:19-21; Malachi 1:1–5).
![]() ✝️ 6-8-20, Jesus is God; He came to save sinners. “For He [Jesus] Whom God sent speaks the words of God: The Father loves the Son & has given all things into His hand. He that believs on the Son hath everlasting life & they that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on them.” John 3:34-36
![]() ✝️ 6-7-20, The Lord □ Jesus spoke from the cross first of forgiveness, salvation then of His Mother's care into John's hands. He spoke of being forsaken & then triumph as His task as human was complete shedding His perfect blood for the forgiveness of sins to all who repent believing in Him. His body was thirsty. And last of His reunion with the Father. Matthew 27:46; Luke 23:34, 43, 46; John 19:26-28, 30; Mark 15:34
![]() ✝️ 5-7-20, Sins □ Jesus Harshly Condemns; He said, “God knows our hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. V9 For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” [Pride] Luke 16:15, 18:9-14; Hebrews 1:8-9
Terrific Free Bible App for Cell Phone here
![]() Psalm 91:3
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Jeremiah 4 Read the Bible
AuthorAnnette Greco-Meisner Archives
February 2025
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