Biden blames Russia, Saudi Arabia for rising gas prices... 10-7-22, FoxBusiness -- Recently ole Joe Biden spoke at a Volvo manufacturing plant, where he blamed the fresh rise in gas prices in the U.S. on Russia and Saudi Arabia. [California regular $6.89]
Many Democrat candidates avoid asking Biden or Harris to campaign with them [here] 8-21-22, WashPost -- Joe Biden has been being attacked more often in televised ads than Obama was at this point in 2010, or President Trump was in 2018. He goes largely unnamed on Democrat campaign websites and Twitter accounts. And candidates in key races in battleground states are either not asking him to come — or actively avoiding him when he does. Few candidates said they wanted Biden or Kamala Harris to campaign for them in their state or district, with many not responding to the question at all. Merrick Garland's kid gloves vs. Hunter Biden [here]
7-23-22, NYPost -- In Washington DC the USA Attorney General Merrick Garland doesn't have the stomach to approve an indictment of the son [Hunter Biden] of the man who appointed him {Joe Biden}, especially when ole Joe Biden's administration is already drowning and Democrats face a midterm shellacking. We must not forget that Garland proved he is the consummate team player by sending out the FBI to harrass parents who complained at school-board meetings. If he was willing to weaponize the feds to please teachers unions, he’s not likely to treat the president’s son as if he were an ordinary suspect or — gasp — a Republican. 10-20-22, Learning that God does His own pleasure may be new to some of us. It's recorded many times in Scripture:
Isaiah 46:10 God will do His pleasure. Psalm 115:3, 136:6; Daniel 4:35 Our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases. Ephesians 1:9 Having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, Jonah 1:14 "... for Thou, O LORD, hast done as it pleased Thee." 10-19-22, Jamieson Fausett commentary on Isaiah 53:12 where the prophet Isaiah expounds on the coming Messiah Who 'made intercession for transgressors.' This office He began on the cross (Luke 23:34) and now continues in heaven (Isaiah 59:16; Hebrews 9:24; 1John 2:1). His meritorious death and intercession are the cause of His ultimate triumph at His resurrection (Matthew 28:6; Mark 16:6; John 11:25; Acts 1:3). 'He will bare the sins of many.' Apparently it doesn't say 'ALL' because the lost sinner must repent and come to Jesus for salvation. [Luke 13:3] --
John Fetterman is a Democrat running for Senate in Pennsylvania ...
See his website here: Much Ado About Christian Nationalism |
10-18-22, * -- Editorial writers across the USA are frantically warning us about the dangers of Christian nationalism [CN]– yes, newspapers [2] are sounding the alarm! However, like so many other manufactured frights, the term ‘Christian nationalism’ is specifically vague; although they make it sound like an actual thing - it has no clear definition. Therefore, specific threats from CN are rarely cited. Invectives against Christians by most critics promote falsehoods about America’s founding while issuing fuzzy warnings about the future of democracy. Occasionally the rhetoric is startling; more than one writer went so far as to compare Christians to the Islamic terror group the Taliban like Joy Reid of MSNBC [here]. Most importantly, purveyors of misinformation about CN appear to have little understanding of the Christian Reformation. It’s the bedrock of biblical Christianity and greatly influenced the American founding and modern law. Consider the writings of the Priest Martin Luther [whose articles of protest in Germany were tacked to the church door - the anniversary will be celebrated this October 31*]. He exhorted Christians to recognize two separate and distinctive governing entities; one spiritual and one secular. It is ironic that critics of CN often quote Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address when articulating the democracy they claim they want to preserve. However, Lincoln’s 1863 speech borrowed one of its most famous lines, word for word, from Wycliffe, who wrote in the introduction of his 1384 English translation of the Latin scripture: => | <= “This Bible is for the Government of the People, by the People, for the People.” The Biblical preaching of Christian leaders of the past: Calvin, Luther, Wycliffe and others of the Reformation are woven throughout Biblical Christianity. They were the driving force behind the First Amendment to America’s Constitution [here]. To claim that evangelical Christians are now prepared to recant more than 500 years of doctrine regarding the church and state is beyond laughable. [..] Wycliffe knew the Bible provided a principled basis for civil society; as did President Lincoln. The vigor with which CN is opposed is not about preventing an American theocracy. It’s a reflection of the fear it instills among those who prefer greater or lesser degrees of totalitarianism [as their lustful wicked behaviors may be halted as decreed by God’s holy Word - the Bible – Ed.]. *Martin Luther [1] [2] *Excerpted and adapted full original report from Frontpage Mag, Scott Hogenson here |
10-18-22, Matthew Henry Comments: Let there be universal joy, for God will have mercy upon His people and afflicted. We have no reason to question His promise and grace as we trust His providence and justice. We are assured that God has a tender affection for His church. He would not have us be discouraged. God's compassion to His people infinitely exceed those of the tenderest parents toward their children. We have scriptural evidence that we belong to His ransomed flock and we may be sure that He will never forsake us.
Let us then give diligence to make our calling and election sure rejoicing in the hope and glory of The Lord and King JESUS. Hallelujah!
Psalm 27:10; 1 Chronicles 16:31
Olive Trees and Candlesticks =
God's Two Witnesses
What about the 1,260 days?
10-17-22, Looking at the 'Two Witnesses' in Revelation 11:1-4 we must realize much of the Book of Revelation is figurative language [1] and the time may be factoring actions of the past not all future. Inside the Old Testament the temple was a candlestick with seven lamps that were to be always kept burning. In Zechariah 4:2-11 vision he saw one candlestick with two olive trees by it and in Revelation 11:4 the Apostle John saw two candlesticks. [Note: Olive trees produce the olives that provide the oil [Lev 24:2] for the continual lighting of the lamps in the temple figurative language?] There are many witnesses explained in scripture:
| Regarding the 1,260 Days [Revelation 11:2-3, 12:6]: The prophecy of time in Daniel equaling 1,260 days (a time and times and the dividing of time or 3-1/2 years) a time of sackcloth because a power makes war on the saints speaking against the Most High God. (Dan. 7:21, 25) Many conclude this is future time; but what if it's the past 'Dark Ages?' [2] The 1,260 days … my understanding:
[2] [3] Pope: [4] “It is Written Revelation Seminar” -- Lydia Haga ; More here: And here |
The two witnesses are Israel as organized and constituted in the Mosaic and the Messianic ages. As we have seen (aa), the “nation” of Israel is God’s church kingdom in both ages. The Old and New Testaments both refer to this nation thus constituted as an individual man, as God’s witness, as an olive tree and as a [one] candlestick. Scripture applies this combination of symbols to no other entity.
To illustrate this is within the mainstream of conservative Christian interpretation, we offer the following quotes.
- R. Fausset says, “As two candlesticks are mentioned in Rev 11:4, but only one in Zec 4:2, I think the twofold Church, Jewish and Gentile, may be meant by the two candlesticks represented by the two witnesses.” (bb)
- Christopher Wordsworth suggests the two candlesticks represent the church “under the Two dispensations, the Law and the Gospel, as being therein the divinely-constituted Guardian, Keeper, and Interpreter of the Word of God.”
- Simon J. Kistemaker proposes a similar “symbolic interpretation.” [bb]
- In the Old Testament God says, “When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt” (Hosea 11:1). He addreses the multitude as a single person.
- The same is true in the New Testament: the Apostle Paul says God has created “one new man” (Eph. 2:15) made up of many persons.
- The Apostle John refers to the “two witnesses” as individuals (Rev. 11:2).
- Scripture refers to Israel in both ages—our proposed “two witnesses”—in just this way. A “witness” like this can be an entire nation. Scripture also represents these “individuals” as God’s witnesses. God says to Mosaic-Age Israel: “Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen.” (Isa. 43:10)
- In the New Testament, Jesus told the apostles that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And ye are witnesses of these things. And, behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. (Luke 24:47–49) This “witness” in the “city of Jerusalem” affects our interpretation of Revelation 11:4. This was the city of the Temple John measured for destruction (Rev. 11:1–3), the city “where also the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified” (Rev. 11:8), the city in whose streets the “two witnesses” died (Rev. 11:8), and the city shaken by “a great earthquake” (Rev. 11:13).
- Jeremiah told Israel: “The LORD called thy name, A green olive tree, fair, and of goodly fruit.” (Jer. 11:16)
- The New Testament applies this imagery to Messianic-Age Israel. Paul says, “And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree.” (Rom. 11:17)
Earl Palmer integrates the candlestick and olive tree images with the two witnesses in a manner similar to ours he says (dd): “The witnesses are described as “two olive trees” and “the two lampstands.” We know from earlier references in this book that the lampstand image has referred to the Christian churches. Now what is added to that lampstand symbol for the church is the olive tree symbol, placed in poetic parallelism to it.”
The Lord Jesus prohibited Israel’s new age prophets—the apostles—from calling down literal fire on the apostate Jews (Luke 9:54–56). We understand this defense imagery applied to them as a metaphor, as when “God told Jeremiah that his words would be a fire in the prophet’s mouth.” (Jer. 5:14; 23:29)
Therefore, the “two witnesses” had sufficient defenses to “finish their testimony” (Rev. 11:7) to the apostate Jews. [These apostates were not “of Israel” (Rom. 9:6) and not God’s witnesses; they were internal enemies.] The apostles “tormented” them, cutting them to the heart (Acts 2:37; 5:22, 28; 7:54; 22:22). They did so until just before the end of the Mosaic Age. James (ee) the Lord’s brother, witnessed in Jerusalem until the apostates murdered him in AD 69.
Under Nero the Roman Empire or its representative(s) persecuted the church in the Messianic Age Israel for about 42 months then destroyed Mosaic Age Israel during the 42 months of the Jewish wars. By the fall of AD 70, both witnesses had “died” in the streets of Jerusalem. Death and contempt for the bodies of the slain are fitting images for how “the children of the flesh . . . [who were] not the children of God” (Rom. 9:8) treated God’s “two witnesses”— faithful Israel of both ages.
The resurrection John sees is figurative. Beasely-Murray (ff) says: “The church is crushed by its enemies for three and a half days, a deliberate play on the three and a half years of the tribulation, which, however, is also the period of the powerful ministry of the witnesses. . . . The statement that a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, cites Ezk. 37:10, which refers to the spiritual quickening of the nation Israel.” The Apostle John also sees two olive trees in the “Jerusalem which now is” (Gal. 4:25). These olive trees are “two prophets” (Rev. 11:10) who have power with which to defend themselves (Rev. 11:5–6). They have bodies capable of death and desecration (Rev. 11:7–9).
Again, Zechariah saw one candlestick, but John saw two. John’s theme in Revelation includes events that move God’s people from the Mosaic Age into the Messianic age = The Two Witnesses.
(cc) Simon J. Kistemaker, Exposition of the Book of Revelation, New Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2004), 329
(dd) Earl F. Palmer and Lloyd J. Ogilvie, 1, 2 & 3 John / Revelation, Vol. 35, The Preacher’s Commentary Series (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1982), 185.
(ee) He is mentioned in Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3; Acts 12:17; 15:13; Gal. 1:19; 2:9, 12; James 1:1; and Jude 1. A few of these may refer to another James.
(ff) George R. Beasley-Murray, “Revelation,” in New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition (Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1994), 440.
-- Ellicott's Commentary,
8-22-22, DailyMail -- In a NBC News poll a whopping 74% of Americans say the USA is on the wrong track and that more than half of Americans disapprove of ole Joe Biden's job performance ... Americans have been disenchanted with Biden for months. [Even before he stepped into the White House !]
FBI sends Hunter Biden tax evasion and gun purchase evidence to U.S. Attorney [here] 10-6-22, Evidence gathered by FBI and IRS investigators was sent to the U.S. Attorney's office in Delaware. CBS News here: Brett Tolman, District of Utah told Fox News's Martha MacCallum: "So much of it doesn’t make sense, Martha. It is a very awkward, clumsy story that seems to be identifying what is happening. ... Some of this doesn’t add up. It does add up if, in fact, the whistleblowers are correct and they are trying to bury the story." | The Washington Post reported: Federal investigators believe they have sufficient evidence to charge ole Joe Biden's son, Hunter with tax crimes and a false statement pertaining to a gun purchase. The next step is for the U.S. attorney in Delaware to decide which charges to file. More here from Washington Examiner: |
Tulsi Gabbard quits Democrat Party [more here] 10-11-22, NYPost -- Ms Tulsi Gabbard accused Democrats of hurting "law-abiding Americans." She sought the Democrat presidential nomination in 2020 now blasts Democrats as war mongering and opposes regime change wars! | Gabbard, who retired from the House of Representatives in 2021, attacked the Democrat's institution in a nearly 30-minute video posted to her YouTube account. Tulsi announed that she'll be campaigning for Trump candidate in New Hampshire Don Buldac. More here | Gabbard said in an excerpt posted to Twitter: "I can no longer remain in today’s Democrat Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism." More here on Fox News |
-- Barnes Commentary,
Ford F-150 Lightning EV Truck Issues Frustrate Owner 10-7-22, Mr Klafehn's Ford F-150 Lightning truck at first was nice; but now he's got some problems. The frunk won't close, the massaging seats haven't worked since he took delivery, but he doesn't have time to deal with dealership service, so he's just going without. Now, he's in the midst of a move and the truck is holding him up. but he simply can't be without a truck to service it, so temporarily he rigged a bungee cord to shut the frunk. | The truck is drivable, but it makes a constant sound to warn him the frunk is open! [..] He claims the dealer's diagnostics reveal that the truck has all sorts of error codes, which he finds weird since he hasn't had any other issues. The dealer was able to get the frunk closed, but the dashboard warning and constant beeping won't go away... More here | THE FORD EDSEL: Ford in the 1950s was nothing if not ambitious. Unfortunately, this ambition gave birth to the Edsel, whose name became synonymous with abject corporate failure after the nascent brand was killed in 1959. The Edsel's short history makes a fascinating cautionary tale for anyone in business–not just the car industry… More here: |
USA Public Low Confidence In 'Woke' Military [here] 12-10-21, Zero Hedge -- Increasing numbers of Americans say they have little confidence in the US military. Ted Cruz called out the dangers of a 'woke and emasculated' [sissified womanized] new military. should come as no surprise - given that especially over the past year the Pentagon has devoted itself to the woke agenda - putting out => | <= recruitment videos that: DO NOT FOCUS ON: forging leaders, strength, conditioning, preparation for war, fighting & overcoming obstacles -- but instead focus on "diversity", "acceptance" and LGBTQ++ campaigns. GOP Senators have begun to take aim at a clear erosion of the military's old school values of toughness and unit cohesion. |
The U.S. Dept of Defense Issued a Contract to a Company in Ukraine for ‘Covid-19’ Research THREE MONTHS ‘before’ Covid Was Even Known to Exist
4-16-22, * -- The world first began to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020 when the World Health Organization [WHO] officially named the disease "Covid-19." However, the USA Dept of Defense [DOD] issued a contract to a company in Ukraine for ‘Covid-19’ Research in November 2019 - three months before the virus was officially dubbed “Covid-19” - and the Covid research contract was part of a much larger contract for a ‘Biological threat reduction program." So with this being the official truth, why does US Govt data show that the DOD awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health Inc. for ‘COVID-19 Research?’ The shocking findings however, do not end there; the US govt has a website called ‘USA Spending‘ [1] and according to the site, as of April 12, 2021 the US govt spent $3.63 trillion “in response to COVID-19”. Hidden within the ‘Award Search’ are details on a contract awarded by the DOD to a company named => | <= ‘Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp‘ [2] that allegedly is “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specializing in infrastructure development”. [..] The details discovered actually reveal that the specific DOD department that awarded the contact was the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). The contract was awarded September 20, 2012 [OBAMA & BIDEN WERE IN WHITE HOUSE] concluding October 13, 2020 [when Trump was President]. Whilst the details are vague, the govt site also reveals that $21.7 million of the $116.6 million contract was spent on a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’. Many questions exist and one answer maybe this is why ole Joe Biden is so hysterical on protecting Zelensky. *Excerpted and adapted full report with images of documents here from The EXPOSE About The Exposé: It was set up due to a lack of alternatives to the lying mainstream media, and a lack of alternatives which report only the facts. [1] USA Spending [2] Black Veatch |
-- Matthew Henry,
Chicago Federal Reserve Bank President Charles Evans Says Rate Hikes Will Continue Regardless of Job Losses
10-12-22, * -- In recent months the tone of the Federal Reserve banks [1] has changed from one of “soft landings” [2] and protecting stock markets to one of sacrifice in the name of bringing inflation down to two percent. Of course, it will be the general public making the sacrifices. It's a Catch-22 that the central bankers created through years of stimulus measures and artificially propping up “too big to fail” corporations:
| Joe Biden's Administration is far more concerned with “climate change” and less than 1 degree Celsius of warming in the past century than he is interested in protecting US jobs or preventing energy inflation. And, his “Build Back Better” scheme only exacerbates the inflation problem with more government spending, which would require more central bank money printing. Apparently central banks and western governments are intent on crashing the system offering no practical solutions to the resulting consequences. This language suggests that a long awaited central bank pivot away from tightening and back to QE is not coming anytime soon. And, with inflation rates still holding (or in some cases still climbing), bringing inflation back down to a two percent target will take much longer than bank officials initially suggest. [1] Twelve Branches Wiki here [2] Soft landings NPR here *Excerpted and adapted full original report from Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge here Speech here: |
-- Ellicott's Commentary,
Isaiah 33:22, 34:1-16, 35:1-10
-- Matthew Henry,
Do Not Help the Corrupt US Federal Government Steal From You!
Preppers, Remember The U.S. Government, Under Martial Law, Can Come Take Your Food, Water, Weapons & Anything They Want
10-10-22, * -- Over the decades under US Federal Government Martial Law, by executive orders signed by multiple presidents, when they declared a national emergency it’s lawful for the government to come into your home, overriding Americans' Fourth Amendment rights guaranteed by the Constitution, and take whatever is yours; including your food, water, weapons … anything. In 2012 Barry Obama declared such an order [1]; there have been others. Obama’s was called the "National Defense Resources Preparedness" - it describes food resources. [..] "Food resources" also means potable water packaged in commercially marketable containers, all starches, sugars, vegetable and animal or marine fats and oils, seed, cotton, hemp, and flax fiber, but does not mean any such material after it loses its identity as an agricultural commodity or agricultural product; as follows: Sec. 201. Priorities and Allocations Authorities. (a) The authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2071, to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders [..] as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense, is delegated to the following agency heads:
| Very broad definition of food resources.... everything that can be ingested, or used to make anything that can be ingested. DO NOT REGISTER YOUR FOOD GARDENS WITH THE GOVERNMENT! Now keeping that in mind, one must wonder why anyone in their right mind would agree to "register" their community gardens with the U.S. government under their "The People's Garden" program. [2] To be clear, these gardens they are asking Americans to register include: School gardens, community gardens, urban farms, and small-scale agriculture projects in rural and urban areas can be recognized as a “People’s Garden.” [1] Obama Martial Law [2] People’s Garden *Excerpted and adapted, full original report from Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline here |
PayPal has reversed a policy to fine users who "promote misinformation" or publish content the payment platform deems "unfit," following widespread criticism of its plan.. PayPal's ...
New PayPal Policy Lets Company Pull $2,500 From Users’ Accounts If They Promote ‘Misinformation’ [here] 10-7-22, DailyWire -- A new policy update from PayPal will permit the firm to sanction users who advance purported “misinformation” or present risks to user “wellbeing” with fines of up to $2,500 per offense. The financial services company, which has repeatedly deplatformed organizations and individual commentators => | <= for their political views, will expand its “existing list of prohibited activities” on November 3., 2022. Among the changes are prohibitions on “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that “promote misinformation” or “present a risk to user safety or wellbeing.” Users are also barred from “the promotion of hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory.” |
White House spending $265K to deflect Hunter Biden probe 10-8-22, NYPost -- The White House is gearing up for a growing army of staff to fend off potential Republican-led probes on everything from Hunter Biden to the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan ...In May, 2022 the White House poached Richard A. Sauber, the top => | <= attorney for the Dept of Veterans Affairs, to serve as a “deputy counsel to the president” tasked with handling House oversight probes. Mr. Ian Sams, a veteran of VP Harris’ failed 2020 presidential campaign, was hired to run official comms for the team. White House records show the two men will take home $155,000 and $110,000 respectively. |
Truth About Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus is treated as a scapegoat. The real target is Christianity, which formed Western civilization. Christians and all men of good will should have no qualms about celebrating Columbus Day. We need to fight back, giving due honor to this great man who spread the Gospel and civilized a hemisphere. In a letter after Columbus’ first voyage, he gives us the best reason to continue celebrating:
“Let Christ rejoice upon earth as he does in heaven, to witness the coming salvation of so many people, heretofore given over to perdition. Let us rejoice for the exaltation of our faith, as well as for the augmentation of our temporal prosperity, in which not only Spain but all Christendom shall participate.”
– Christopher Columbus
10-2-19, Ben Broussard* -- Should Christopher Columbus be vilified instead of honored? Was he really a villain? Every Columbus Day is the same: Christopher Columbus is attacked. His statues are desecrated. Public monuments in his honor are threatened or removed. Every year, more states and cities change Columbus Day to “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” or “Native Americans’ Day.” And left-wing professors smear the once-revered hero who discovered America in 1492. Following are truths that debunk myths:
| 4. Columbus was a philanderer? No. In 1477 his first wife died shortly after the birth of his first son, Diego. In 1487 he married Beatriz de Arana in 1487 in Spain; Fernando was born in 1488. He lived out the Catholic Church’s teaching on chastity; believing that sins of impurity would consign souls to eternal punishment. 5. Columbus only sailed to become wealthy seeking gold? No. Although he did seek gold and other valuables, his intent wasn’t for personal gain. His greatest unfulfilled desire was to reclaim Jerusalem and the Holy Land where Christ shed His most precious blood. After he founded La Navidad on the island of Hispaniola on December 25, 1492, he wrote: “I hope to God that when I come back here from Castile, I will find a barrel of gold, for which these people have traded, and that they will have found the gold mine, and the spices, and in such quantities that within three years the Sovereigns will prepare for and undertake the reconquest of the Holy Land. I have already petitioned Your Highnesses to see that all the profits of my enterprise should be spent on the conquest of Jerusalem, and Your Highnesses smiled and said that even without the expedition they had the inclination to do it.” 6. Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1451 - Phyllis Schlafly writes: “Christopher Columbus had a belief that God intended him to sail the Atlantic Ocean in order to spread Christianity." *Excerpted and adapted full original ten point report here |
"Happy Columbus Day, America!"
10-10-22, Christopher Columbus is treated as a scapegoat. The real target is Christianity, which formed Western civilization. Christians and all men of good will should have no qualms about celebrating Columbus Day. We need to fight back, giving due honor to this great man who spread the Gospel and civilized a hemisphere. In a letter after Columbus’ first voyage, he gives us the best reason to continue celebrating:
“Let Christ rejoice upon earth as he does in heaven, to witness the coming salvation of so many people, heretofore given over to perdition. Let us rejoice for the exaltation of our faith, as well as for the augmentation of our temporal prosperity, in which not only Spain but all Christendom shall participate.” – Christopher Columbus
-- Matthew Henry Commentary,
America Babylon
Apostles Martyrdom
English Bible
Islam Terror
Lord's Supper
New Jerusalem
USA Presidents
US Politics
Jeremiah 6:11
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
Matthew 15:13; Mark 13:20; Luke 20:35
John 6:37, 39, 44, 65
Hebrews 9:15
Revelation 17:14
Jeremiah 4
Annette Greco-Meisner
[email protected]
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